[3.0] Poison/Bleed Tornado Shot Assassin (budget friendly)

Anyone clearing deep end game yet? I'm handling yellow maps ok but I feel like 5.5k life isn't cutting it for going deeper into HC.

I would love to see some profile setups.
hey sorry can't answer your question about HC, im just a dirty SCnoob, and take the occasional death on any evasion/dodge build ever - i dont even have 5k hp now XD

Got one other question on my mind though,
I got rly lucky while playing this build and got a 2nd 6link (in 50fuse O_O) on my bow but i guess this build don't rly need a 2nd or am i wrong here?! (CoH already through Corruption on gloves) i think i just sell that one prolly
Anyone clearing deep end game yet? I'm handling yellow maps ok but I feel like 5.5k life isn't cutting it for going deeper into HC.

I have shaped up to tier 14, but I die all the time for the simplest mistakes. IMO you are a god among men for making it this far even.

Got one other question on my mind though,
I got rly lucky while playing this build and got a 2nd 6link (in 50fuse O_O) on my bow but i guess this build don't rly need a 2nd or am i wrong here?! (CoH already through Corruption on gloves) i think i just sell that one prolly

sell it and get something juicy like a +1 arrow arborix lol

I'm curious when im checking your tree, how much %chance do you have to bleed & poison ?

I have 55% chance to bleed, 70% to poison. The first shot never fails to get the whole pack bleeding, and then that raises my chance to poison over 100%. I think the most important threshold is 60% chance to poison with out bleed, anything more would get you a few more poison stacks on the first hit but thats it.
On another note, what are the best maps for this build you have found? I think it is wide open maps like shaped arid lake or dunes. linear maps like shaped gorge or hallway maps like shaped armoury are doable but dont abuse tornado shot+chain quite as well.
Well, i'm still grinding every map on the Atlas, so far im on tier 10.
Wide and linear maps are both fine with my Voidwalker setup.
Im playing this build since start of the league and i like it alot so far.

However i think i misunderstood something regarding the auras,maybe you guys can help.

Purity of Elements = 35% Mana reservered +
Arctic Armor = 25% Mana reserverd +
Grace = 50% Mana reserved

wich is a total of 110% Mana reservation.Ofc thats not possible so right now im playing with Purity of Elements + Arctic Armor.

What am i doing wrong here?

What am i doing wrong here?

Do you have max resists without purity of elements? Once you do, you would only need it for maps that curse you with elemental weakness. Enlighten support also helps.
got a bow upgrade:

now clearing up to tier 15 quickly and safely.
lildudespider3 님이 작성:
got a bow upgrade:

now clearing up to tier 15 quickly and safely.

Is Lioneye's Glare without additional Arrow corruption worth it? Just getting into the league. Did this build in Harbinger but didn't finish it, felt too frustrating so I'm giving it another shot. Also, what about Slivertongue? On paper it seems good for this build. I'm looking for means to increase my damage and survivability since both of them are severely lacking at the moment.
Is Lioneye's Glare without additional Arrow corruption worth it? Just getting into the league. Did this build in Harbinger but didn't finish it, felt too frustrating so I'm giving it another shot. Also, what about Slivertongue? On paper it seems good for this build. I'm looking for means to increase my damage and survivability since both of them are severely lacking at the moment.

For survivability, get better rare items so you can cap resists without that goldrim. replace swift afflicion with chain support so you can use rare boots instead of voidwalkers. The least effective passive points for damage you have are the 4 for heavy draw, so respec those and take bravery and other life nodes.

As for bows, I compared reach vs lioneyes glare and they are similar in total damage. reach is better if you don't have a +1 arrow quiver yet. If you do have a +1 arrow quiver, they are identical. Once you have +1 arrow quiver and bow lioneyes is better. Also lioneyes is easier to buy with +1 arrow corruption in this league in my experience. Got mine for 2 ex, then paid someone for the level 8 vorici service to get 4 sockets.

Slivertogue looks like a worse infractem imo.

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