[3.0] Spectral Throw Ele/Crit - Elementalist/Inquisitor - All Content

xWords 님이 작성:
Sorry if this is a stupid question but what level should CWDT be? I haven't played in forever and I remember there were always recommendations about leaving it at lower levels, like 9 or so, but I see that yours is level 18. Should I level it up so long as my strength allows it?

It's personal preference. You can leave it at lower levels, i used to aswell. But this time i tried as high as i could, so as your strength allows.
docketamine 님이 작성:
I'm having a lot of fun leveling this build - thank you for all of the info! I have 2 questions:

1. Have you thought about using the Faster Projectile Support gem in the 6L?

2. What passive skill socket jewels are you using? I was thinking Poacher's Aim, or maybe Hazardous Research ...

Thanks again.

1. I don't think you need the speed of faster projectiles, and it's only increased damage, which is not that much.

2. Using yellow Jewels can give you up to 4 damage mods, which none of the unique ones can give you. Or you can get 3 damage mods and increased max. life, which imo is the best.
1st i like to say that the build looks good and lvling up to try it out.

i know u been asked about claws, and i tried to theory craft to see if i could output more dps with claws but i couldnt. tho i just reminded myself that i can gain more skills cause of the claw leech node , u wont need the bottom of the three.

i like to hear what u think, maybe u can feed me with something i lack that still makes your build better, im new to the theory crafting so. :)

Best Regards Nekiq.

Path Of Building = https://pastebin.com/YWuvRWMV
Nekiq 님이 2017. 9. 13. 오전 1:01:49에 마지막으로 편집
what pantheon's should you take
1st i like to say that the build looks good and lvling up to try it out.

i know u been asked about claws, and i tried to theory craft to see if i could output more dps with claws but i couldnt. tho i just reminded myself that i can gain more skills cause of the claw leech node , u wont need the bottom of the three.

i like to hear what u think, maybe u can feed me with something i lack that still makes your build better, im new to the theory crafting so. :)

Best Regards Nekiq.

Path Of Building = https://pastebin.com/YWuvRWMV

I thought about claws myslef, the leech nodes on the right are nice, but claws are pretty expensive, it's easier to get a relatively decent sword than a claw. And you will have enough leech anyway. Dunno if Base Crit is higher on claws, but the overall DPS shouldnt be so different. So all in all i think sword is the more common approach.

Best of luck :)
Tasteey 님이 작성:
what pantheon's should you take

Well, there is no right pantheon choice, you will change it depending on the Boss you fight, if you wanna farm maps, etc. If you have problem with refelct mobs, take the node with 25% less reflect damage taken. For Bosses the i would prefer Soul of Solaris.
can u show me what's wrong with my build. 6k dps at lv 70

emolybq 님이 2017. 9. 14. 오후 4:04:21에 마지막으로 편집
emolybq 님이 작성:
can u show me what's wrong with my build. 6k dps at lv 70


1. You should complete merci lab first.

2. You only have flat ele dmg on rings and amu. The implicit on your belt doesn't benefit you at all. Try getting WED on those.

3. Get some better flasks, like Diamond and Atziri's promise. Wise Oak does help alot too. If you have problems with resis, use some jewel slots with increased max life and resis.

Flat ele damage does help alot in the early levels, but as higher you get you want to focus more on % damage.

You got 70, that's where the built starts to getting stronger with every piece, change those points and you will have a good boost of damage.
noticed you can path up from VP for an extra 10 strength if needed rather than the dex to the right. you could also rearrange gems to have ice golem in the cwdt setup or 4l your movement skills so leap slam also gets fortify + faster attacks
willypop 님이 2017. 9. 14. 오후 6:14:29에 마지막으로 편집
willypop 님이 작성:
noticed you can path up from VP for an extra 10 strength if needed rather than the dex to the right. you could also rearrange gems to have ice golem in the cwdt setup or 4l your movement skills so leap slam also gets fortify + faster attacks

the change with passive tree depends on how much strength you need mb its enough, mb you need more, depending on gear. For me its not enough so i need 20+. If you get ~155 Str, with that pathing, you should do it otherwise i think 10 dex are fine.

i rarely use leap slam, just for getting over objectives, you always move through shield charge anyway, so your fortify is most likely always up

well, you got a good eye to see those details, in theory i would say your completely right, but in practise it's like not really noticable, or even depending on gear min maxing..

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