[3.0] Spectral Throw Ele/Crit - Elementalist/Inquisitor - All Content

You don't cap for ele weakness? - Kids these days...

Tanky Flameblast Guide @ /view-thread/1682668
Life based ele Spetral Throw @ /view-thread/1714274
黒い太陽 님이 2017. 9. 23. 오전 4:11:50에 마지막으로 편집
iMnMs 님이 작성:
can this work with a ele claw instead?

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Its almost the same Build / Tree just for claws. Deathless Shaper & Guardians
You don't cap for ele weakness? - Kids these days...

Tanky Flameblast Guide @ /view-thread/1682668
Life based ele Spetral Throw @ /view-thread/1714274
TheLunchbox79 님이 작성:
Thank you for the guide and the leveling work through. Couple of things...

1. I'll be working with my wife on this build for her character. I try to keep things as simplified for her as possible so going to remove the leap slam and was thinking of adding in Molten Shell as another benefit tot he CWDT. Thoughts?

2. You have Ice Golem and Lightning Golem. Are you able to have two up at once with this build? Lightning Golem is linked with the CWDT gem. Id this just placement or does that actually work?

Thanks for your time! Wife and I are new to the game and appreciate the nice community.

1. Adding Motlen Shell is totally fine.

2. You could cast both golems with CWDT set up, but for that i would have the setup on a relativ low level. I can have 2 golems cause of the Elementalist benefit. At the momemt i'm casting both golems on my own.
TheLunchbox79 님이 작성:
Speedmonkey 님이 작성:
WheresDaddy 님이 작성:
how do you generate charges?

Power Charges with Herald of Ice + Curse on Hit + Assassin's Mark Setup

Frenzy Charges with Blood Rage

I am totally missing out on something here but how are you generating Endurance charges for the CWDT IC set up?

Thanks for your time

I'm not using endurance charges.
iMnMs 님이 작성:
can this work with a ele claw instead?

Yes, it does!
黒い太陽 님이 작성:
iMnMs 님이 작성:
can this work with a ele claw instead?

Check out my Profile

Its almost the same Build / Tree just for claws. Deathless Shaper & Guardians

You seem to have a good amount of experience with builds, can you give me a small resume? What did you like, what could be done better..

Thanks for your time!
Speedmonkey 님이 작성:

I'm not using endurance charges.

Forgive my noobness. Then why do you have the CWDT / IC in your gloves?

Thanks again for your time
TheLunchbox79 님이 작성:
Speedmonkey 님이 작성:

I'm not using endurance charges.

Forgive my noobness. Then why do you have the CWDT / IC in your gloves?

Thanks again for your time

Don't worry, it's ok to ask. I'm just proccing IC with CWDT to get some extra defense.
黒い太陽 님이 작성:
iMnMs 님이 작성:
can this work with a ele claw instead?

Check out my Profile

Its almost the same Build / Tree just for claws. Deathless Shaper & Guardians

ty for the help
TheLunchbox79 님이 작성:
Speedmonkey 님이 작성:

I'm not using endurance charges.

Forgive my noobness. Then why do you have the CWDT / IC in your gloves?

Thanks again for your time

endurance charges increase the duration of the immunity window from the immortal call proc. However, they are not required to use immortal call. Immortal call still grants immunity frames with, or without, endurance charges.

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