[3.0] Headhunter...Hunter | Currency Generator | Pathfinder | Essence Drain | 475k Boss Dps | Bisco

can u pley dis build on xbox?
dogtricks 님이 작성:
can u pley dis build on xbox?

No? Path of Exile is a PC game. Are you thinking of Diablo 3?
musclecups 님이 2017. 9. 7. 오후 8:13:32에 마지막으로 편집
no men they make for xbox now
No way. If they wanted to port this game wholesale to Xbox, they'd have to make a bunch of changes.

-They'd have to kill builds which need a bunch of processing/graphical power. Like Cast on Crit, Wormblaster, Vaal Spark/Fireball, Scold's Bridle Cast when Damage Taken, etc. You know, all the fun ones.

-They'd have to reduce the max number of animated weapons.

-They'd have to make all their new skills point-and shoot affairs, with no finesse, because you can't aim at a distance very well with a controller. Something like Blade Flurry or Sunder or Shrapnel Shot or Dark Pact or Charged Dash.

-They'd have to drastically reduce mob density throughout the game to go easy on the 7 year old hardware in the xbox, and have it be visually uncluttered from TV-couch distances.

There's no way GGG would make all those questionable design decisions for a little MTX money on the Xbox?
is there a way to integrate IIR gem into the build ?!
SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
xenochaos1 님이 작성:
is there a way to integrate IIR gem into the build ?!

Sure, if I were to play this build on standard, I'd probably drop Efficacy or Void Manipulation from the ED links.

All of the support gems are around 45% more multipliers, so do whatever colors you have. They're all just damage, nothing interesting.

You could check the PoB, but I feel the damage would still be sufficient.
musclecups 님이 2017. 9. 7. 오후 11:02:58에 마지막으로 편집
Fantastic build

Paraguz 님이 2017. 9. 8. 오전 1:55:41에 마지막으로 편집

First map with this build. Already startin' on paying off the currency I spent to respec. Really enjoying this build. :)
Nice! Beach is the best.

I swear there was this one beach - packsize, seawitches, bloodlines. I was able to cast one ED/contagion and run to the end. Of the map.
No way. If they wanted to port this game wholesale to Xbox, they'd have to make a bunch of changes.

How about you google path of exile xbox one.

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