[3.0] Headhunter...Hunter | Currency Generator | Pathfinder | Essence Drain | 475k Boss Dps | Bisco

musclecups 님이 작성:
SixBlackNinjas 님이 작성:
No way. If they wanted to port this game wholesale to Xbox, they'd have to make a bunch of changes.

How about you google path of exile xbox one.

You fell for their elaborate April Fool's joke? They have that in New Zealand, right?

Hopefully you're actually just joking or being sarcastic, I genuinely refuse to believe someone can be this stupid.

Im stucking at act 4, so hard to play at what level is good to start using ED ?

You can actually start using ED when you get contagion, even with just 2x Lifesprig, it deals enough damage to carry you, preferably with a Tabula.
I don't know why, but I'm ~level 45 and I can't kill shit with this, lol. Tabula with all ED links. Cast contagion first, then shoot my tiny ED dart once per second if I'm lucky. Even with Warlord's Mark for extra leech, I can't stay alive long enough. Just not enough damage. Maybe I should have just stuck with bow while leveling? Not sure. Advice welcome.

Following your skill tree, but still in the process of removing some of the damage skills at the start while I was bow. 2x lifesprig, random uniques and rares until I'm higher level.

EDIT: Looks like I'm in the guy's boat above me. I just can't kill anything without obnoxiously kiting for half the zone.
elninost0rm 님이 2017. 9. 8. 오후 9:16:10에 마지막으로 편집
musclecups 님이 작성:
Sorry, I thought my satire lacked a certain nuance, but I see it's right in the sweet spot where not everyone can be sure it's satire. Perfect.

Don't think you actually know what satire is, but whatever makes you sleep at night.
elninost0rm 님이 작성:
I don't know why, but I'm ~level 45 and I can't kill shit with this, lol. Tabula with all ED links. Cast contagion first, then shoot my tiny ED dart once per second if I'm lucky. Even with Warlord's Mark for extra leech, I can't stay alive long enough. Just not enough damage. Maybe I should have just stuck with bow while leveling? Not sure. Advice welcome.

Following your skill tree, but still in the process of removing some of the damage skills at the start while I was bow. 2x lifesprig, random uniques and rares until I'm higher level.

EDIT: Looks like I'm in the guy's boat above me. I just can't kill anything without obnoxiously kiting for half the zone.

Of course you can't kill anything, your essence drain is level 2 and you're lvl 40 something lol. You were supposed to use it at level 12, but since you're 40 something you need to buy higher level gems. Also there's no point in using lifesprigs if you're not gonna socket ED into it, that's the whole point if you don't have tabula. I have no idea what a good leveling weapon is for ED if using a tabula though. Another thing, wither spell totem helps vs single target
illmtk 님이 2017. 9. 8. 오후 10:26:19에 마지막으로 편집
Luminositez 님이 작성:
Hopefully you're actually just joking or being sarcastic, I genuinely refuse to believe someone can be this stupid.

Damn dude, you hella dumb.

Luminositez 님이 작성:

Im stucking at act 4, so hard to play at what level is good to start using ED ?

You can actually start using ED when you get contagion, even with just 2x Lifesprig, it deals enough damage to carry you, preferably with a Tabula.

This is also incorrect. Normally true, but this build starts at Ranger, not witch/shadow/scion. You'll want to switch over around late act 4 early act 5, once you start getting points into chaos damage. Grab yourself a Xirgil for damage and potentially links.

EDIT: Nevermind, answered my own question, didn't read your post closely enough!
dksdragon 님이 2017. 9. 9. 오전 12:31:53에 마지막으로 편집
illmtk 님이 작성:
elninost0rm 님이 작성:
I don't know why, but I'm ~level 45 and I can't kill shit with this, lol. Tabula with all ED links. Cast contagion first, then shoot my tiny ED dart once per second if I'm lucky. Even with Warlord's Mark for extra leech, I can't stay alive long enough. Just not enough damage. Maybe I should have just stuck with bow while leveling? Not sure. Advice welcome.

Following your skill tree, but still in the process of removing some of the damage skills at the start while I was bow. 2x lifesprig, random uniques and rares until I'm higher level.

EDIT: Looks like I'm in the guy's boat above me. I just can't kill anything without obnoxiously kiting for half the zone.

Of course you can't kill anything, your essence drain is level 2 and you're lvl 40 something lol. You were supposed to use it at level 12, but since you're 40 something you need to buy higher level gems. Also there's no point in using lifesprigs if you're not gonna socket ED into it, that's the whole point if you don't have tabula. I have no idea what a good leveling weapon is for ED if using a tabula though. Another thing, wither spell totem helps vs single target

Okay, thanks for the reply. The guide said to use bow until ~45, unless I read that incorrectly.

EDIT: Damage is a lot better with gems scaled to my level requirement. Makes sense, lol. I just need to find decent weapon(s) to use until the two scepters. Maybe Xirgil's like someone said above.
elninost0rm 님이 2017. 9. 9. 오전 8:56:26에 마지막으로 편집
elninost0rm 님이 작성:
I just need to find decent weapon(s) to use until the two scepters. Maybe Xirgil's like someone said above.

You may want to consider Brightbeak(for resists and crazy fast shield charge) and a shield with life/resists. Leveling, as it turns out, is mostly just running around. Do that faster, and you level faster.
musclecups 님이 2017. 9. 9. 오전 9:41:33에 마지막으로 편집
xenochaos1 님이 작성:
do we still go pathfinder even since 3.0 they onyl give 1/60 flask charge per crit ?! why do we go pathfinder?!

I'm not quite sure how to parse this question. I think this was all covered pretty well in the body of the guide.

Regardless, we will be filling our flasks not by critting, but by killing a bunch of monsters very quickly, thus achieving 100% uptime on extremely powerful flasks. We go Pathfinder because nothing has better clearspeed or quantity (which are our stated aims).
musclecups 님이 2017. 9. 9. 오후 1:05:26에 마지막으로 편집
Anyone ran the numbers in 3.0 on Magic find? Do the OP, do you think that Magic find gear out paces money making in say just a faster farmer w/o the gear?

TO be more specific, say my Frost Blades Raider can blast a map in 2 min, is doing that same map with this build in 3 min worth it from a making phat lewts perspectice?
what are your thoughts on running nemesis mod on maps in order to make use of the giant amount of rarity youre using?

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