[3.2] Zerphi EA Pathfinder - Instant Heal / Magic Find / HoGM / PvP

whats the reason for the lvl 1 blood magic gems?
everblight090909 님이 작성:
whats the reason for the lvl 1 blood magic gems?

Higher mana multiplier -> more healing due to Zerphi
This is the only unbeatable build in pvp for me, from all i encountered in harbinger league. Rly a hard counter to me, or i just dont see something, i could do. Granted, i'm not a pvper, just did it a bit for fun(leo is only lvl 5), but rly dunno, what to do against it. Sure, i may kill it 1 or 2 times in a match, but who cares about that, if the match is lost at the end. Ok, one thing i know, which could help, but no avian twins talis in HSC :(

Sadly, the top tier pvp in harbinger is full of it right now. I bet, they have fun facing each other :)

All other builds i could beat at the end, but this is pure cancer for me, no chance(noob players excluded ofc) :)

So, my props for the creator.
1337fun#2733 님이 2017. 9. 15. 오전 6:44:17에 마지막으로 편집
Hi :) , thank you for the build i'm leveling it for farming HoG

How many accuracy rating do we need? Because i can see some on your gear
oroklol 님이 작성:
Hi :) , thank you for the build i'm leveling it for farming HoG

How many accuracy rating do we need? Because i can see some on your gear

You don't need it.
99prosorc#1700 님이 2017. 9. 27. 오후 6:10:29에 마지막으로 편집
Thx for your answer^^

And what about one flame golem? is their a reason to not have it?
Hi, question regarding this build. I understand creating the budget options but since i'm trying to gear it as much as I can for PvP purposes mainly, can you list alternatives on gear that are on the high end of stats with pricing not being much of a problem?
Vatican87 님이 작성:
Hi, question regarding this build. I understand creating the budget options but since i'm trying to gear it as much as I can for PvP purposes mainly, can you list alternatives on gear that are on the high end of stats with pricing not being much of a problem?

just added some hints about pvp to the guide
99prosorc#1700 님이 2017. 9. 27. 오후 6:11:33에 마지막으로 편집
Hi this mechanic si so creative, haha, i wannt try to have some fun with HOGM

Just wanna ask, without any reflect reduce from the elementalist, will the char die to just random reflect rare mod?

I assume avoiding reflect map is a must, how abt the single rare monster.
Xafniko 님이 작성:
Hi this mechanic si so creative, haha, i wannt try to have some fun with HOGM

Just wanna ask, without any reflect reduce from the elementalist, will the char die to just random reflect rare mod?

I assume avoiding reflect map is a must, how abt the single rare monster.

I didn't test it. I did Mino and Phoenix once, also Hydra, but you can't get Hydra to the wall... takes a long time to kill... :)

If u want to play this build in maps, farm maps with melee bosses ;) and reroll ele reflect maps.
99prosorc#1700 님이 2017. 9. 16. 오전 5:21:07에 마지막으로 편집

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