[3.2] Zerphi EA Pathfinder - Instant Heal / Magic Find / HoGM / PvP

Thx for the gear update :)

What is the +1 curse on amulet for? The curse on glove (elemental weakness) is not the only curse of the build?

oroklol 님이 작성:
Thx for the gear update :)

What is the +1 curse on amulet for? The curse on glove (elemental weakness) is not the only curse of the build?

I also have a CWDT Flammability setup at the moment.
99prosorc 님이 2017. 9. 16. 오전 9:29:28에 마지막으로 편집
1337fun 님이 작성:
This is the only unbeatable build in pvp for me, from all i encountered in harbinger league. Rly a hard counter to me, or i just dont see something, i could do. Granted, i'm not a pvper, just did it a bit for fun(leo is only lvl 5), but rly dunno, what to do against it. Sure, i may kill it 1 or 2 times in a match, but who cares about that, if the match is lost at the end. Ok, one thing i know, which could help, but no avian twins talis in HSC :(

Sadly, the top tier pvp in harbinger is full of it right now. I bet, they have fun facing each other :)

All other builds i could beat at the end, but this is pure cancer for me, no chance(noob players excluded ofc) :)

So, my props for the creator.

Which build are you playing in PvP?
99prosorc 님이 작성:
1337fun 님이 작성:
This is the only unbeatable build in pvp for me, from all i encountered in harbinger league. Rly a hard counter to me, or i just dont see something, i could do. Granted, i'm not a pvper, just did it a bit for fun(leo is only lvl 5), but rly dunno, what to do against it. Sure, i may kill it 1 or 2 times in a match, but who cares about that, if the match is lost at the end. Ok, one thing i know, which could help, but no avian twins talis in HSC :(

Sadly, the top tier pvp in harbinger is full of it right now. I bet, they have fun facing each other :)

All other builds i could beat at the end, but this is pure cancer for me, no chance(noob players excluded ofc) :)

So, my props for the creator.

Which build are you playing in PvP?

What Pantheon nodes would you use for mapping?
carlos_spicyweiner 님이 작성:
What Pantheon nodes would you use for mapping?

Gruthkul and Solaris, but feel free to adjust it anytime
99prosorc 님이 2017. 9. 27. 오후 7:13:29에 마지막으로 편집
Hello and thx for your build , Do you thing i can do Hall with this stuff ?

or the +1 curse its absoluty needed ?

Seede56 님이 작성:
Hello and thx for your build , Do you thing i can do Hall with this stuff ?

or the +1 curse its absoluty needed ?

- The curse stuff is NOT needed / not even beneficial in some cases - don't bother with it
- Bisco's doesn't work in HoG - replace it with a Ngamahu Tiki amulet
- Buy lvl 19 gems with quality or 20/20 gems if u can afford it
- Don't forget jewels / flasks / ascendancy

Test a few T11-13 maps to get used to the build / playstyle before you start farming HoG!

If you struggle in HoG, just equip more defensive gear instead of quantity gear <- start with kaom's roots and life/res gloves.

Get used to shoot the blue barriers as I did in my video ;)

99prosorc 님이 2017. 9. 17. 오후 1:39:18에 마지막으로 편집
99prosorc 님이 작성:
Seede56 님이 작성:
Hello and thx for your build , Do you thing i can do Hall with this stuff ?

or the +1 curse its absoluty needed ?

- The curse stuff is NOT needed / not even beneficial in some cases - don't bother with it
- Bisco's doesn't work in HoG - replace it with a Ngamahu Tiki amulet
- Buy lvl 19 gems with quality or 20/20 gems if u can afford it
- Don't forget jewels / flasks / ascendancy

Test a few T11-13 maps to get used to the build / playstyle before you start farming HoG!

If you struggle in HoG, just equip more defensive gear instead of quantity gear <- start with kaom's roots and life/res gloves.

Get used to shoot the blue barriers as I did in my video ;)


Ohh rly bisco don't work :'( Thx for info :)

Btw why you use the ascetic if bisco don't work ?
Seede56 님이 2017. 9. 17. 오후 2:32:38에 마지막으로 편집
Seede56 님이 작성:
99prosorc 님이 작성:
Seede56 님이 작성:
Hello and thx for your build , Do you thing i can do Hall with this stuff ?

or the +1 curse its absoluty needed ?

- The curse stuff is NOT needed / not even beneficial in some cases - don't bother with it
- Bisco's doesn't work in HoG - replace it with a Ngamahu Tiki amulet
- Buy lvl 19 gems with quality or 20/20 gems if u can afford it
- Don't forget jewels / flasks / ascendancy

Test a few T11-13 maps to get used to the build / playstyle before you start farming HoG!

If you struggle in HoG, just equip more defensive gear instead of quantity gear <- start with kaom's roots and life/res gloves.

Get used to shoot the blue barriers as I did in my video ;)


Ohh rly bisco don't work :'( Thx for info :)

Btw why you use the ascetic if bisco don't work ?

Because The Ascetic works (I only use it because of the quantity - that's why I didn't equip a normal item, but a magic one)

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