▌3.0 ▌ In Case You're Wandering ♥ 3.8m to 9.5m Shaper ♥ Phys Wand ♥ Multiple Flavors

0rakel113 님이 작성:
Desreien 님이 작성:

You say that ele wanders are trash DPS, but that is only assuming you have a mirrored phys wand, along with mirrored or mirror worthy gear. Using your exact gear (except the wand) and almost the exact tree, but swapping in the current best ele wand in league, 5.417m DPS. Only 30k less than your build, with a wand that exists in league.

Fact is, Ele dps is inferior to pure phys whether in scaling or just pure output. You mentioned 30K difference. I'm not sure if you have your builds doing dps in the millions, but 30K is a significant difference, which just proves my point of phys is better than ele. Take a non mirrored phys wand that has an equivalent or even slightly less Pdps than an ele dps. Phys will win and so even the cost difference proves why phys wand are more expensive than ele wand.

No shit Phys is better. But to actually make phys better than ele, you need 1000s of ex in gear. 30k damage is literally 0.7% less damage, for a wand that is in league vs a full 6T1 Standard wand. And for the record, the wand in league is not even close to BiS mods for ele wander. With a real 6T1 BiS Ele Wand, ele wander would be 5.718m DPS, 5% more than the phys version.
And btw, all these numbers are with Taste of Hate, and gear that is not optimized for ele wand.
IGN: Desreien / Wand / Science
#1 Wander Guide: 1979794
Science 님이 2017. 9. 15. 오전 11:30:34에 마지막으로 편집
Liptus 님이 작성:
Ele based wander builds are generally speaking trash dps.

ok so i combined some gear me and my buddy had lying around


same config, you could snapshot one more powercharge with the offhand but whatever

the mirrored gear all has flat phys but whatever

7.6 mil

dang yo trash dps
Malaugrym 님이 2017. 9. 15. 오후 5:54:27에 마지막으로 편집
@Desreien I don't think you guys are arguing :P Looks like you're in agreement.

Malaugrym 님이 작성:

dang yo


I posted above clarifying that I was referring to current ele guides and not so much ele wands or wandering. The objective of this guide was to fix the current rut wander guides are in. It looks like it's aided in that regard. Bear in mind that the BIS part of this build was only what I had direct access to. There is much much better gear for phys wanders that takes damage significantly higher. However again, that wasn't the point of the post. Thanks for posting the pastebin, it may help some of the people who currently have ele focused gear and trees who feel like they're stuck.
Liptus 님이 2017. 9. 16. 오전 10:35:09에 마지막으로 편집
Liptus 님이 작성:
@Desreien I don't think you guys are arguing :P Looks like you're in agreement.

Malaugrym 님이 작성:

dang yo


I posted above clarifying that I was referring to current ele guides and not so much ele wands or wandering. The objective of this guide was to fix the current rut wander guides are in. It looks like it's aided in that regard. Bear in mind that the BIS part of this build was only what I had direct access to. There is much much better gear for phys wanders that takes damage significantly higher. However again, that wasn't the point of the post. Thanks for posting the pastebin, it may help some of the people who currently have ele focused gear and trees who feel like they're stuck.

The thing is the only reason phys wands used to achive higher dps than ele wanders was the insanity that poison use to to be and scaling you could to with ll/coe. Without the additinal scaling of poison damage or running tons of auras while scaling ele+phys with spelldamage, phys wand will do less dps on any budget compared than ele.

Ahfacks rings are insane and apart from a few % from the new #1 phys wand you have pretty much BIS on everything. I firmly believe with compareable gear elewanders will do the same or more dps.

I dont think the ele guides are in bad shape. If you only get 5k hp with bellys, only get 56% ms and go for lyco + damage on full life, most 2 mil dps guides will do 6 or more mil dps.

You dont really get stuck with a ele build. They are good when you reach the level to equip piscator and stay good forever. Switching to phys will just gimp the character until you have mirror-tier gear. At that point everything is viable anyway.
Malaugrym 님이 작성:
Liptus 님이 작성:
@Desreien I don't think you guys are arguing :P Looks like you're in agreement.

Malaugrym 님이 작성:

dang yo


I posted above clarifying that I was referring to current ele guides and not so much ele wands or wandering. The objective of this guide was to fix the current rut wander guides are in. It looks like it's aided in that regard. Bear in mind that the BIS part of this build was only what I had direct access to. There is much much better gear for phys wanders that takes damage significantly higher. However again, that wasn't the point of the post. Thanks for posting the pastebin, it may help some of the people who currently have ele focused gear and trees who feel like they're stuck.

The thing is the only reason phys wands used to achive higher dps than ele wanders was the insanity that poison use to to be and scaling you could to with ll/coe. Without the additinal scaling of poison damage or running tons of auras while scaling ele+phys with spelldamage, phys wand will do less dps on any budget compared than ele.

Ahfacks rings are insane and apart from a few % from the new #1 phys wand you have pretty much BIS on everything. I firmly believe with compareable gear elewanders will do the same or more dps.

I dont think the ele guides are in bad shape. If you only get 5k hp with bellys, only get 56% ms and go for lyco + damage on full life, most 2 mil dps guides will do 6 or more mil dps.

You dont really get stuck with a ele build. They are good when you reach the level to equip piscator and stay good forever. Switching to phys will just gimp the character until you have mirror-tier gear. At that point everything is viable anyway.

I agree with what your saying when looking at your build, but I disagree when looking at view-forum/24. I've added you in game and would love to discuss the tree you posted in more depth.
Updated trees. Based on what you want to prioritize, can you can now reach up to 9.5M against shaper.
Quick question, looking in POB there isn't any movement skill. Would this have fast clear speed or is it mostly a boss killer? Thanks.
Respec'd my wanderer to this tree and gained about 2m more dps with my current gear! Sick guide :)
nudt 님이 작성:
Quick question, looking in POB there isn't any movement skill. Would this have fast clear speed or is it mostly a boss killer? Thanks.

I run this flask (swap with whatever) while mapping. Gets me just under 200% movement speed. :)

You also have quite a few open gem slots with this build so you could use something such as shield charge but I really recommend just getting a good quicksilver of adrenaline.
^ S2

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