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Hey i really like the build, but i have a question.

How do you get your mana leach/regen ?
I took the Duelist mana leach for leveling to 90 right now
TonskiOne 님이 작성:
Hey i really like the build, but i have a question.

How do you get your mana leach/regen ?
I took the Duelist mana leach for leveling to 90 right now

There's one mana leech node by the sword wheel.
Icaros 님이 작성:
TonskiOne 님이 작성:
Hey i really like the build, but i have a question.

How do you get your mana leach/regen ?
I took the Duelist mana leach for leveling to 90 right now

There's one mana leech node by the sword wheel.

Damn i didnt not saw that ^^
Thank you very much,
the build is such a nice speedy map clearer and so much fun to play after my Cyclon Boss killer

greeat work with the guide
TonskiOne 님이 작성:

Damn i didnt not saw that ^^
Thank you very much,
the build is such a nice speedy map clearer and so much fun to play after my Cyclon Boss killer

greeat work with the guide

Hey thanks, glad you're enjoying it too.
Icaros 님이 2017. 9. 25. 오전 3:53:55에 마지막으로 편집
Hey man,thanks first,it think this build is such a ingenious design,and I will certianly try it,and hope you continue to optimize this build,if the shaper would be done,that would be perfect.
if you do have a second 6 link for clearing what would be the optimal links for spectral throw, would u still use inner care and ice bite or nah

frees up using a rare helm more life/resis and can get accuracy on it when u get culling on dream feather losing 475 act is gunna hurt, that way also allows u to use a golem for more acc, portal vaal skills etc
gm08872 님이 2017. 9. 25. 오전 8:34:54에 마지막으로 편집
gm08872 님이 작성:
if you do have a second 6 link for clearing what would be the optimal links for spectral throw, would u still use inner care and ice bite or nah

frees up using a rare helm more life/resis and can get accuracy on it when u get culling on dream feather losing 475 act is gunna hurt, that way also allows u to use a golem for more acc, portal vaal skills etc

Probably add Ice Bite + Added Lightning.

Hey man,thanks first,it think this build is such a ingenious design,and I will certianly try it,and hope you continue to optimize this build,if the shaper would be done,that would be perfect.

Hey, thanks. I'm going to have less time for gaming the next bit, but I'll get Shaper down soon.
I'm not very practiced at the fight, so getting some levels first for a little more damage and life.

Hey, thought i'd just check in and give my two cents on my slight variation of the build.
I'm only using the build to run Shaped spider forests and making it fairly fast. Mainly speccing into ST damage (Getting the St enchant instead of BF)


The main changes to the build were on tree, i dropped out of the scion life wheel and went through thick skin to get Graceful assault. I was previously using a Silver flask instead of diamond, but the free onslaught from the node makes me able to use both. End up with around 4.2k life with my gear, more than enough to do Spider forest and kill boss pretty comfortably.

Skilltree changes (At level 92)
Spectral Shield Throw Deadeye - /view-thread/2548646
Pimmalage 님이 작성:
Hey, thought i'd just check in and give my two cents on my slight variation of the build.
I'm only using the build to run Shaped spider forests and making it fairly fast. Mainly speccing into ST damage (Getting the St enchant instead of BF)


The main changes to the build were on tree, i dropped out of the scion life wheel and went through thick skin to get Graceful assault. I was previously using a Silver flask instead of diamond, but the free onslaught from the node makes me able to use both. End up with around 4.2k life with my gear, more than enough to do Spider forest and kill boss pretty comfortably.

Skilltree changes (At level 92)

Hey, looking good. Glad to see some variations.

If you're looking to focus more on mapping, you could also try frost blades. I've been running it and with multistrike, it's really nice for maps like spider forest because it can clear around trees/obstacles. I'm running it now without the threshold jewels, sticking with static electricity and it's great for clearing up to T15.

Nice thing about this setup is that 1H swords can be used for so many skills, it's really customizable to your playstyle.

Gear's looking pretty good. If you decide to go boss killing, the 6th link on your BF will help a LOT in T16+. I was able to do guardians on 5L, but it was kind of rough. I'd also recommend flipping your gems to 20 quality. The 10% here and there makes a huge difference once they all stack.
Icaros 님이 작성:
TonskiOne 님이 작성:
Hey i really like the build, but i have a question.

How do you get your mana leach/regen ?
I took the Duelist mana leach for leveling to 90 right now

There's one mana leech node by the sword wheel.

Hehe, didnt see that. was on a 4L until lvl 76. was no problem with herald of ice and hatred + frostblades. but with a 5L mana getting short. Build is blasting so far. evasion flasks really make a difference!

Current progress: (second day)
Char: AbuST
Clearing up to T9 maps without problems, like i said on a 4L
Trvnce 님이 2017. 10. 2. 오후 9:42:08에 마지막으로 편집

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