[3.2] Frost Blades, VARUNASTRA STILL AMAZING, 6.9k hp, 3mln dps

Daresso's Passion is really good for leveling too.
Quit the useless physical damage nodes next to shadow, and take primeval force man.
And master of the arena is a must, for the increase to your range
Svingel 님이 작성:
Quit the useless physical damage nodes next to shadow, and take primeval force man.
And master of the arena is a must, for the increase to your range

>primeval force
5skill points = 1857k dps
>physical damage nodes next to shadow
4skill point = 1849k dps

Sooo? Just use poebuilder, gl!

>And master of the arena is a must, for the increase to your range
Woow! ty! I didn't know it!(sarcasm)
Ofc you can take +2range if you have a 'spare' skillpoints. But.. But for shaper fight doyou rly need +2melee range? srsly? Or.. do you think "FrostBlades" has problems with the attack range? No!

If you have free passive point, I recommend taking "PointBlank"(more dps) or "Acrobatics"(more survival).
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I liked your build.

Will try on Turmoil HC.

Do you have any tips or advices for me?

ID: Bizaugska
In your SkillTree you place frostblades jewels and there is no 40 Dex in radious, why? Does it still work?
GibsgodWielandt 님이 2017. 11. 18. 오후 6:35:09에 마지막으로 편집
Why are you dual wielding when you take no dual wielding nodes? isn't it better to just go sword and shield?
cant view skilltree
Ferdy190 님이 2017. 11. 24. 오후 12:32:44에 마지막으로 편집
Ferdy190 님이 작성:
cant view skilltree

What's wrong with you?
For who I added links to pastebin? Use poebuilder.
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wooopaul11 님이 작성:
Why are you dual wielding when you take no dual wielding nodes? isn't it better to just go sword and shield?

...use poebuilder and don't touch my profile.
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GibsgodWielandt 님이 작성:
In your SkillTree you place frostblades jewels and there is no 40 Dex in radious, why? Does it still work?

They are in a radius, but they do not need to be taken..
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TauOrigin 님이 2017. 11. 24. 오후 12:59:28에 마지막으로 편집

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