[3.2] Frost Blades, VARUNASTRA STILL AMAZING, 6.9k hp, 3mln dps

Ready for 3.1 o//
10 ex budget? lul
6l belly will cost so on its own...i wont even count shield,flasks and weapons. =___=
Melanholic7 님이 작성:
10 ex budget? lul
6l belly will cost so on its own...i wont even count shield,flasks and weapons. =___=

Depends on when you buy everything in the league, also some items can come from cards.
Melanholic7 님이 작성:
10 ex budget? lul
6l belly will cost so on its own...i wont even count shield,flasks and weapons. =___=

Build is playable with 5 links.
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Currently playing 5links with a claw and gladius.
Looks neat so far ;)

Any tips for being more tanky for the first maps ?
tirrorex 님이 2017. 12. 9. 오후 10:04:59에 마지막으로 편집
tirrorex 님이 작성:
Currently playing 5links with a claw and gladius.
Looks neat so far ;)

Any tips for being more tanky for the first maps ?

Terminus god tier
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TauOrigin 님이 작성:
tirrorex 님이 작성:
Currently playing 5links with a claw and gladius.
Looks neat so far ;)

Any tips for being more tanky for the first maps ?

Terminus god tier

what do you mean ?

the damage are insane with touch of anguish :o
I do not understand the build I'm doing and I do not understand why I have to go to daggers claws and swords I think this is wrong
KILIK_ 님이 작성:
I do not understand the build I'm doing and I do not understand why I have to go to daggers claws and swords I think this is wrong

KILIK_ 님이 작성:
I do not understand the build I'm doing and I do not understand why I have to go to daggers claws and swords I think this is wrong

Because of the unique sword varunastra.
The sword has a mod making it count as EVERY one-hand melee weapon, so with this sword if you have a node let's say
- 12% phys claw
- 12% phys sword
- 12% phys dagger

Instead of having just one bonus you will get all three !
That's why this build is so op, but the sword is very expensive, i personnaly went full claw with touch of anguish and will respec once i get the currency.

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