[3.1][SC] Waifu's MF Righteous Fire

Click Bait

What it do:

Chill, classic build that burns everything in its path while you cruise around with Shield Charge. Utilizing Ventor's and Divination Distillate, we get more bang for our buck mapping. And, despite wearing some Quantity gear, we still manage 8k+ life.

The main interaction we abuse(which also answers my most FAQ, "Why Pathfinder?")is Pathfinder and Divination Distillate paired the Keystone Mind Over Matter. Our Righteous Fire and Blood Rage work at draining our mana so we always have Divination Distillate up for Item Quantity, Rarity, and increased Maximum Resistance. With Pathfinder, we also net 20% flask effect to make these bonuses even better!

-Very tanky(8k+ Life with good mitigation with extra max res from Distillate)
-Quite mobile with Shield Charge
-Increased Quantity so farming is easier/feels more rewarding
-Able to do bosses(including Elder in yellows. Haven't tested in red maps yet)
-Chill play-style
-Easy to keep up flasks
-Great for Abyss(both clearing out the cracks and doing depths/Liches)
-Pathfinder Waifu best Waifu

-Slightly expensive(Kaom's Heart/Roots + good Ventor's Gambles mainly. Budget options available)
-Doesn't down bosses "Fast"(Very steady, though. With Blood of Karui we can tank almost anything)
-Somewhat painful leveling(if you decide to level with RF starting at 24 like I did Kappa)
-Struggles with gem links for utility

Skill Tree/Bandits:

Bandits: Kill All
Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/XaGV244h

35 Points
77 Points
110 Points

While leveling, you can go Dual-Wield Sunder or something if you don't like the aspect of using two Ruby Flasks and updated Health Pots. I wanted to use RF ASAP so I started at 24 when I could use Purity of Fire and Vitality.

Skill Gem Setup:

Righteous Fire - Inc Burning Damage - Inc AoE(Conc swap for Bosses) - Elemental Focus

Shield Charge - Fortify - Blood Magic - Leap Slam (In Faster Attacks Elder Gloves)

Orb of Storms - Blood Magic - Blood Rage

Flammability - Purity of Fire - Blasphemy

Eventually I want a Pariah Ring for Purity of Fire, then to move Blood Rage to the Blasphemy link, and have a free spot for Increased Critical Strikes for Orb of Storms. This will create more opportunities for Elemental Overload.

Ascendancy and Pantheons:

Nature's Boon - Master Alchemist - Nature's Adrenaline - Master Surgeon

Lunaris(if we get the improved version to avoid projectiles, it's nice)
Gruthkul(build struggles with physical damage, so this helps)


Kaom's Roots/Heart are amazing for the build, but if you can't afford them there are other options to start with. For example, you can use a Carcass Jack (unlinked even)for life and some increased AoE and damage. It's not going to completely make up for the lack of life Kaom's Heart would give, but it'll work until you can afford one. Keep in mind, it'll be harder to get away with Ventor's without the life from Heart.

The Elder gloves are something I'm experimenting with. At the end of the day, it might be better to use a pair of Insanity gloves and drop faster attacks altogether. I like keeping Leap Slam in the mix up because I'm running a variety of maps this season; traversing ledges feels too good to pass up.

The Sceptre isn't bad. I can craft Leo's Damage Over Time on there, but I don't have access to him at the moment. Dorianyi's Catalyst isn't bad, but I don't like paying more than 10C for it. I'll wait until they go down, or I have access to a better Sceptre. Doon Cuebiyari isn't bad either if your strength is high enough.

Pariah/Biscos Collar are what I'm working toward next.


Blood of Kauri is MVP for bossing xD. It's so easy to keep up as Pathfinder as well, and we get that nice 30% increased Life Recovery from Master Surgeon, on top of the 20% Flask Effect from Pathfinder. Also, I think Basalt with Iron Skin will give me more Physical Reduction, I just haven't rolled one up yet.

Originally I used Witchfire brew for Despair (enemies take increased damage over time) for another more multiplier. Packs of porcupine quills almost one-shotting wasn't something I enjoyed, so I dropped Witchfire and Whispers of Doom to pick up more life. Trash clear still feels fine, and against bosses curses aren't as good anyways. Plus, hexproof maps feel more runnable without Witchfire.


I'm not sold on Conqueror's Potency. Right now it's gaining us 1% max Cold/Lightning/Fire resistance. I'd rather run another %max life jewel with some Burning Damage and maybe some res. Right now I can't afford jewels xD. But mainly look to cap res's through jewels and get life when you can. Good damage mods include Fire Damage, Burning Damage, Damage Over Time, Damage, Area Damage.


All I have is Click Bait for now. Updates soon!

Closing Notes:

Super chill and fun build thusfar. Mapping's been a breeze. If Shield Charging through maps and watching everything burn into currency turns you on, this is the build for you! I'll be using this to farm currency for a long time. Hopefully Bisco's Collar will drop or chanced into soon Kappa. If not, I'll keep up the grind and get it soon enough either way.

If you have any questions about the build, feel free to post it below. Alternatively, you can catch me on Twitch. I stream everyday and I'm always happy to answer questions! Happy farming Exiles ;3

WaifuGate 님이 2017. 12. 23. 오후 9:18:22에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2018. 5. 26. 오후 11:01:00
Going to give this a try tomorrow, the pathfinder idea sounds interesting, out of the bubble. Merry xmas!
DYA060608 님이 작성:
Going to give this a try tomorrow, the pathfinder idea sounds interesting, out of the bubble. Merry xmas!

Hope you enjoy it man ;3. Build's been a blast so far. Merry Christmas to you too buddy!
Oh man, I am loving this build. Been running righteous fire the whole way from 24 using uniques like Springleaf, I wanted to share some things I've found. One thing is if you can't afford good Ventor's, I've found a budget option if you want quant is thief's torment.
Basically it's way more affordable than two similarly rolled ventor's, just no life (which does really suck). Another option is the Bloodbond chest.
Ignoring the blood offering, it has 25% increased life and 1% of life regenerated per second. Plus it's usable from level 35. Pretty much a budget belly.

Sharing some items I got for this build now:
woo only level 69 but killing it. Can still craft Leo damage over time on the scepter too.
hewbiebrown 님이 작성:
Oh man, I am loving this build. Been running righteous fire the whole way from 24 using uniques like Springleaf, I wanted to share some things I've found. One thing is if you can't afford good Ventor's, I've found a budget option if you want quant is thief's torment.
Basically it's way more affordable than two similarly rolled ventor's, just no life (which does really suck). Another option is the Bloodbond chest.
Ignoring the blood offering, it has 25% increased life and 1% of life regenerated per second. Plus it's usable from level 35. Pretty much a budget belly.

Sharing some items I got for this build now:
woo only level 69 but killing it. Can still craft Leo damage over time on the scepter too.

This build felt so good to run on a budget. I mean, I had a Kaom's Heart, but when you compare that to a 6L Belly or some of the other things required for builds to function well it is relatively cheap. I swapped to a Pariah(white socket)eventually but I agree that Thief's is super nice on a budget; gives such good all res and quantity when you compare it to Ventor's. If you go to grab two Ventor's with good resistances and similar quantity (average 8% each), it'll run you at least 1-2EX.

Nice helmet btw ;3
Hey Hartley !

I love the idea to make a PF for Rightous fire, do you think the Balefire sceptre is a good option ?

Nice Idea you got there.
I want to try this out but I'm also a lazy person. Would dropping leap slam for cwdt in combination with orb and blood rage work fine enough?
Fhark 님이 2018. 1. 10. 오후 7:45:57에 마지막으로 편집
xSugarPunch 님이 작성:
Nice Idea you got there.
I want to try this out but I'm also a lazy person. Would dropping leap slam for cwdt in combination with orb and blood rage work fine enough?

The links are pretty flexible. I like self-casting blood rage to make sure I have it at map start, and I highly value leap slam for certain layouts. But yeah, if that's your preference go for it ;3
do you need the bloodrage to keep div distillate up? when i put the build into pob theres still a mana loss per second with both ruby and distillate up.

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