[3.1][SC] Waifu's MF Righteous Fire

Fhark 님이 작성:
do you need the bloodrage to keep div distillate up? when i put the build into pob theres still a mana loss per second with both ruby and distillate up.

Yeah, you need Bloodrage and RF going to constantly degen your mana. Too much max Fire Resistance can make it so you out regen it; I think I was okay at around 96% though. I support both Shield Charge and Leap Slam with Blood Magic so the movement skill never gets jammed up via mana cost.

If Bloodrage ever falls off, you'll slowly start to regen mana and you'll be able to recast it. Hope this helps man!
[Removed by Support] there is ZERO reason to not just go zerker, chieften, or guardian and literally have 10x more dmg with the same items. [Removed by Support] Not only does running this EXACT same build on a zerker, chieften, guardian, inquis, hell even trickster make 100 percent more sense, you will have 10x at least more dmg using the EXACT same items while it even being more flexible for items using the other ascdencys to sustain RF. And im sure the first thing people will say is..."well this is MF RF dude", well using bloodrage and Div on the other ascendancys will let you do the EXACT same thing also. [Removed by Support]
Adam Gross
Blank_GGG 님이 2018. 1. 16. 오전 10:04:41에 마지막으로 편집
(AHC) Really loving this build. Playing nugi's variant by picking up the Alchemist cluster to get 100% fire res. Going to pick a watchers eye that coverts 10% phys to fire, and may even change over RF from helmet to the gloves and use a Formless Inferno for an additional 8% phys to fire. Silky smooth mapper, for HC it feels a lot safer than the zerker I played before. Flasks are still OP.

Running Flam Blasphemy I think is just greedy, although once I don't need vitality anymore I will probably go either grace or another Purity, depending on the second mod on the watchers eye.
334433 님이 2018. 1. 22. 오전 9:57:23에 마지막으로 편집
ADHDrunsme 님이 작성:
[Removed by Support] there is ZERO reason to not just go zerker, chieften, or guardian and literally have 10x more dmg with the same items. [Removed by Support] Not only does running this EXACT same build on a zerker, chieften, guardian, inquis, hell even trickster make 100 percent more sense, you will have 10x at least more dmg using the EXACT same items while it even being more flexible for items using the other ascdencys to sustain RF. And im sure the first thing people will say is..."well this is MF RF dude", well using bloodrage and Div on the other ascendancys will let you do the EXACT same thing also. [Removed by Support]

You do lose some quantity and max fire resistance from lacking the flask effect from Pathfinder, nor would you have the sustain on the flasks to keep them up 100% of the time; yes, you can manage to have them up somewhat frequently but I wanted to make sure of the flask flexibility Pathfinder offers. You'd also have to sacrifice some rolls on your flasks since the classes you listed off don't gain status immunities. There's some argument for Alchemist vs Pathfinder nodes, but the sustain on Distillate is enough to sell me for a magic find build. I think there are merits to the other classes, but saying there's ZERO reason for Pathfinder is outrageous.
334433 님이 작성:
(AHC) Really loving this build. Playing nugi's variant by picking up the Alchemist cluster to get 100% fire res. Going to pick a watchers eye that coverts 10% phys to fire, and may even change over RF from helmet to the gloves and use a Formless Inferno for an additional 8% phys to fire. Silky smooth mapper, for HC it feels a lot safer than the zerker I played before. Flasks are still OP.

Running Flam Blasphemy I think is just greedy, although once I don't need vitality anymore I will probably go either grace or another Purity, depending on the second mod on the watchers eye.

RF doesn't gain any benefit from physical to fire; it actually ruins Elemental Equilibrium. If you were to use any Watcher's Eye, I'd use the one for Vitality for 30% Life Recovery or something.
DimZzi 님이 작성:
Hey Hartley !

I love the idea to make a PF for Rightous fire, do you think the Balefire sceptre is a good option ?

Balefire isn't bad, but I couldn't find the link space for it. I mulled over the options for an hour or three trying to work something out, but it's slightly weak mainly because of requiring Blood Magic to not ruin the Distillate engine.
How would you level this as a league starter?
huggee 님이 작성:
How would you level this as a league starter?

Hey, if he doesn't answer I am planning to level as sunder. You path through some good enough damage nodes along the way that it wont feel bad and you can easily respec them if you only take like 10-15 melee oriented nodes along the way. Good luck!
Yeah, sorry for the late response. I would level as either Sunder DW, or Molten Strike Ancestral Call for sure. I think MS might be the better option for Ranger's access to elemental damage on the tree.
what do you use to proc EE ?
ah nvm just saw it on amulet
mm14 님이 2018. 5. 26. 오후 1:48:17에 마지막으로 편집

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