[3.6] Ele Spectral Throw Slayer/Pathfinder (7.5k+ HP, 1.5M+ Shaper DPS, All Content down- VIDS)

Thoughts on paradoxica in this build?
gear update:

currently saving for a shroud of the lightless, i am wise oak capped too for all 3 penetration / defence :D

after i get the shroud il probably get a better weapon and then its just abyss jewels witch il probably craft my own, obviously gonna be wanting two socket boots/gloves also :P

Cchris07 님이 2018. 12. 13. 오전 6:51:08에 마지막으로 편집
Culling strike support is just for attack speed, right? Pretty sure it doesn't stack.
Lirhtim 님이 2018. 12. 15. 오전 4:10:23에 마지막으로 편집
TraceTheDawn 님이 작성:
Thoughts on paradoxica in this build?

Could be cool, haven't tested it as I'm playing cyclone
Mure83 님이 작성:
TraceTheDawn 님이 작성:
Thoughts on paradoxica in this build?

Could be cool, haven't tested it as I'm playing cyclone

Trying it out now atm. But need better rings and necks, and scale up my level. But seems pretty busted. Will update later.
Currently playing with paradoxica and i am owning!
Take into consideration that my jewellery is trash and my abyss jewels are only 3 stat...


overall a good outline for a build. im approaching the point where im almost done with the gear, still need a level for my last socket. gonna need a mirror tier weapon soon, or headhunter and 2s tombfist.

https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/TheDuriel/characters #TermsOfServiceAgreement

did some weapon math. ideal seems to be: lightning, fire, increased ele, crit, crit multi, attack speed. penetration falls about 5-10% dps short. and paradoxica seems an overall terrible choice.

fyi: estimated current dps is getting close to 2m with slower proj. though that does not factor in boss resists or the lack of charges and curses.
TheDuriel 님이 2018. 12. 17. 오후 7:21:30에 마지막으로 편집
TheDuriel 님이 작성:
overall a good outline for a build. im approaching the point where im almost done with the gear, still need a level for my last socket. gonna need a mirror tier weapon soon, or headhunter and 2s tombfist.

https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/TheDuriel/characters #TermsOfServiceAgreement

did some weapon math. ideal seems to be: lightning, fire, increased ele, crit, crit multi, attack speed. penetration falls about 5-10% dps short. and paradoxica seems an overall terrible choice.

fyi: estimated current dps is getting close to 2m with slower proj. though that does not factor in boss resists or the lack of charges and curses.

I am not sure why you would think Paradoxica is terrible since i am doing pretty well with it.
Did you just select a Paradoxica in PoB and look at the DPS, since that would explain your opinion :D
Btw try to get some better rings you re missing a lot of DPS there ;)

Finished my Claw for now, time to recraft an entire set of new abyssal jewels :)

I probably change 1 of the dmg crafts to 14-16% pen later when i got nice jewels.
Culling strike support is just for attack speed, right? Pretty sure it doesn't stack.

Yes, just there for attack speed

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