[3.6] Ele Spectral Throw Slayer/Pathfinder (7.5k+ HP, 1.5M+ Shaper DPS, All Content down- VIDS)

MakNait 님이 작성:
Amazing build. Increase dps an updated to Paradoxica.

Planned use

nice gear. im also thinking about getting one of those jewels. i sort of want to min max this build

so is this for this build? I honestly don't know, if someone can tell me how good/bad it is, and also point me a build to use it...ty
Dylan2341 님이 작성:
MakNait 님이 작성:
Amazing build. Increase dps an updated to Paradoxica.

Planned use

nice gear. im also thinking about getting one of those jewels. i sort of want to min max this build

Yea I've been looking at it in POB, pretty sure Unnatural instinct will def take the build further, need to play around with it in standard.
I was wondering instead of going pathfinder, going elementalist. Im trying it now and really liking it. Currently im cruising through T10-14 maps relatively smooth, im only level 78 so just need to get more levels to fill out my tree for more jewel slots.
IGN CommonPsycho

Usable? on lvl 100 free slot Jewel.
Hello on my main weapon

i`m curious what to be last crafting what you would suggest me ?
Also i`m curious if i craft 2nd weapon for more damage with crafting hits can't be evaded will this work global instead of using Lycosidae ?
Mr_Yigal 님이 2019. 1. 28. 오전 9:32:29에 마지막으로 편집
I really enjoy this build, but I'm having issues with being 1 shotted doing 15s at lvl 91 with 7350 HP and 42% evasion. I don't think it's an issue of me standing in the bad, but sometimes it's hard to tell.
dissa 님이 2019. 1. 30. 오전 11:46:58에 마지막으로 편집
Decided to make some what similar of a build from this one.

Crafted this sword for this build. I think crafting something like this and getting a damage shield like above could be better for the build.

This is my current PoB https://pastebin.com/RKch9H39.

At lvl 95, im getting ~7.3k life and 1mil shaper dps. What other stuff do you think needs work to push this dps further?

The sword is pretty much BiS (200k more dps than jewelled foil with all T1 rolls) so the combo with the shield is must keep I think which just leaves me with jewels and ring upgrades i suppose?
KiwiPumkin 님이 2019. 2. 1. 오후 1:23:38에 마지막으로 편집
MakNait 님이 작성:
Amazing build. Increase dps an updated to Paradoxica.

Planned use

http://poeurl.com/cguv Try this tree. 300k more dps but 200 less life comparing with my gear.
hey folks, if anyone is interested, pm me i have got a pair of nice foils, ton of jewels and such. /w me in game

also regarding the build I suggest going for crown of eyes helmet. that 1% leech is something I probably missed and thus died a lot because leech was not sufficient (tho i usually got one shotted even with 7,8hp)

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