[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

I maybe have a stupid question but I read through the build and the looked at the tree and saw that you Chose Avatar of Fire.
In your build you speak about Ice and Fire dmg but if I read Avatar of fire correctly this build would only do fire dmg which does not make a lot of sense for me.
I assume I am missing something but I cannot sort it out what.
Thanks in advance for clarification
Quarhodorn 님이 작성:
I maybe have a stupid question but I read through the build and the looked at the tree and saw that you Chose Avatar of Fire.
In your build you speak about Ice and Fire dmg but if I read Avatar of fire correctly this build would only do fire dmg which does not make a lot of sense for me.
I assume I am missing something but I cannot sort it out what.
Thanks in advance for clarification

you use cold to fire in the whispering ice, converting 100% to fire.
that means that any bonus to fire or cold is equivalent.
you only deal fire thanks to avatar.
Watser 님이 작성:

Make that 21% using Pure Talent.

Pure talent's penetration isn't exactly "free", and can be obtained on elementalist too, so not count that.
Just wanted to say that higher penetration on elementalist not equal to higher damage, cause scion have something to compensate that.
사용 불가

Sometimes lucky, I guess?
I really thought it would take me way longer after reading all the complaints.
이 글에는 현재 사용할 수 없는 아이템이 포함되어 있습니다.
Scarletsword 님이 작성:
사용 불가

Sometimes lucky, I guess?
I really thought it would take me way longer after reading all the complaints.

I still don't have that after 200+ hours played in this league and I lost count how many red Elders. Good luck with Uber Elder. Let us know how it goes.
Kelvynn#6607 님이 2018. 3. 21. 오후 11:50:43에 마지막으로 편집
이 글에는 현재 사용할 수 없는 아이템이 포함되어 있습니다.
https://pastebin.com/kfENQJLp put this into PoB, didn't see it anywhere else. Went to his profile and uploaded his current version of the build. Didn't add in the res on his gear because lazy.
New video: Uber Atziri

I hit lv 95 and decided to take a short break from the stupid Elder hunt, do something fun for a change. Facerolling the flame guy without worrying about him getting enraged/reflective feels good. Pre-stacking Icestorms on the statue and killing it before it can finish casting Flameblast/Stormcall feels even better.
I was going to re-roll into LL/RF, but after a long time of reading all the posts and replies, I decided to screw that and roll the good ol Kelvynn's Whispering Ice! Never regretted it before, yet to regret it even now! Can't believe we went back to Scion after all this patches.

P.S. Kind of curious, what is your INT at now?

Got luckyyyyy. I had to exalt the reflect damage. If that gave me the 40% extra inc ES this would have been perfect.

Edit: added quality
RespectfulToast#8986 님이 2018. 3. 22. 오후 2:47:59에 마지막으로 편집
So, I see people talking about having several tens of exalts. How do you guys get there? Just by mapping? Or do you have to sell to other players?
I'm a pretty new player, and I don't even have a single exalt (actually, the price of astramentis has been going up faster than I gain chaos orbs...). Will I just get more currency once I get to red maps?

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