[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

Scarletsword 님이 작성:
I just tried to craft a %int Vaal Regalia myself and I hit everything except for the stuff I wanted...again.

There isn't even a Shaper mod on it.

I could use your luck in my Elder hunt...
Kelvynn#6607 님이 2018. 3. 22. 오후 5:00:37에 마지막으로 편집
MattDamonn 님이 작성:
I guess I missed that because on PoB it doesn't show an effect on dmg, thanks for teaching me this. Do u recommend the 8% skill duration on cyclopean coil as well?

Yes, that's the corruption to use, unless you have a Clarity Watcher's Eye (in that case lv 4 Clarity would work the best).
Edit: it is just Standard and not the league

After endless red elders i was able to get my 15 fragments.

I have done one uber elder run on my elementalist now. It was not a good run, maybe i should have watched some videos before.

I played without the life leech gem. It was the first time i was really missing it. Even with my pretty good dmg i could not leech enough with the 0,5 ele leech as on normal shaper/elder fights. Maybe i have to do some more fights to be a bit safer and i totally forgot to use vigilant strike :-)

Video: https://youtu.be/QHoiAuMpISI
Loot: no jewel and a crap helmet

Naramie_VI#2516 님이 2018. 3. 22. 오후 5:39:40에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks for posting the video Naramie.

This seems very doable in Bestiary even tho you have a lot more damage. I expected the incoming damage to be a bit higher tbh.
Kelvynn 님이 작성:
New video: Uber Atziri

I hit lv 95 and decided to take a short break from the stupid Elder hunt, do something fun for a change. Facerolling the flame guy without worrying about him getting enraged/reflective feels good. Pre-stacking Icestorms on the statue and killing it before it can finish casting Flameblast/Stormcall feels even better.

Could you tell me how you altered your cursor to be more visible, please?
the curser is altered with

yolo mouse

its akzepted from ggg
yolo mouse is great for this build lol Icestorm tends to hide GGG's own cursor
Hi I'm following this build and I just got into maps, but I very fragile and keep dying a lot. I'm also not leeching enough ES I think. Can anyone take a look at my build?
Here's my PoB link in case you need it: https://pastebin.com/7yq3WGMk
Any help is appreciated thanks!!
jyvenyu 님이 작성:
Hi I'm following this build and I just got into maps, but I very fragile and keep dying a lot. I'm also not leeching enough ES I think. Can anyone take a look at my build?
Here's my PoB link in case you need it: https://pastebin.com/7yq3WGMk
Any help is appreciated thanks!!

You only have 2k ES. That's really low. Most of your items are missing int and ES completly. Try to avoid maps and level in other zones until you understand how to gear your character since your only level 65 anyway.
Hi. How can i calculate solo target dps? PoB show me 11k dmg. Is this damage from 1 cast or from 1 impact?
At first I thought it was the damage of one caste, but given the 26k damage to the author of the guide, it would be too low if you look at the speed with which he killed the Shaper. But, at the same time, if it is a DMG of one impact, then it would be too much. I'm at a loss.

Sorry for my eng.

p.s. we cast icestorm 3times per second, icestorm duration is around 5 sec. So, when 1st cast still doing damage, we can cast around 14casts and sooo we have 15casts icestorm in one time. So if it's 26k (author) dmg from 1cast, hes dps will be around 390k (but it can't be so low), if it's dps from 1impact, then (we have 15 casts at 1 time, so it's 15impacts in one time) hes dps will be 26k*15*10 (cos 1 impact every 0.1sec) = 3.9kk. it's more like the truth, but I would like to know for sure.
Seduction1996#5888 님이 2018. 3. 23. 오후 2:12:26에 마지막으로 편집

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