[3.4] Teleports Behind You - Poet's Pen Lightning Warp & Arc, MF / Facetank t16 / Shaper / U. Elder

ColonelAngra 님이 작성:

Hey, sorry I'm still a little bit of a noob but, how did you manage to get so rich so fast? I barely have enough for one poet's pen on this new league and have trouble with T1 maps for the first time x)

Sure, I'll try to break it down as best as I can remember.

I made it to Blood Aqueducts on Friday, then pushed hard all day Saturday, running incursions as well, with a focus on upgrading the jewelry and item rooms. I dropped lots of unid'd rings and amulets, which helped me churn the chaos recipe a bunch over the weekend (probably 120c worth). I also farmed a tabula, which made running arc easier and i could clear faster. I got 3 lucky drops, one exalted orb, a tombfist with 2 jewel sockets, and a lycosidae. These all sold for another 150-160c. Finally, I dropped everything else in a couple of 1c,2c, and 3c tabs. Not sure what they were actually worth, but they sell, and every little bit adds up. I kept poeapp notifications up for all the different items I needed and tried to snipe them all as cheaply as possible. I 5 linked to impulsas myself with the fusing I saved up. After that, I sold the tabula.

I hope this helps. I bought the items in the order the build guide recommended, and kept an eye out for gears to keep my resistance up (the more lightning res, the better, with choir of the storm)

I now have all res the same, so wise oak is providing tons more damage! MoM is great, so don't be afraid to search for gear with equal amounts life and mana, they can be found for much cheaper than high life items! I hope this helps!
vpburns007#3284 님이 2018. 6. 5. 오전 7:37:56에 마지막으로 편집
ColonelAngra 님이 작성:
Hey, sorry i'm still a little bit of a noob but, how did you manage to get so rich so fast? I barely have enough for one poet's pen on this new league and have trouble with T1 maps for the first time x)

well. Inpulsa was a lucky drop (almost fell out of my chair when it dropped) :)
My first Poet's cost me 18 Chaos, Obliteration was 1 alc... The rest is self found :)
Wertron 님이 작성:
ColonelAngra 님이 작성:
Hey, sorry i'm still a little bit of a noob but, how did you manage to get so rich so fast? I barely have enough for one poet's pen on this new league and have trouble with T1 maps for the first time x)

well. Inpulsa was a lucky drop (almost fell out of my chair when it dropped) :)
My first Poet's cost me 18 Chaos, Obliteration was 1 alc... The rest is self found :)
been trying to buy a poet's pen for around 20c but they all get snatched up and the only ones left are 25c or more. Don't get me started on trying to buy inpulsa, choir and helm...

I keep rolling that chaos recipe but I feel like prices are going up just as fast. Inpulsa's is up to 2ex!! It's 20c on standard (40c now probably because of new arc buff)

I'll stop whining now. Prices will either come down or I'll eventually get the money. Just not as fast as I'd like
vpburns007 님이 작성:

Now I just need jewels, a better ring, and belt. I also need to finish Uber Lab. I've been running Paragon of Calamity with Beacon of Ruin just so I don't have to roll over ele reflect maps. I'll most likely switch after the build is closer to being finished. (90+, Red Maps, etc.)

Thanks for writing up such a great build!!!

Which Ascendancy is better with new Arc ? Beacon of Ruin/Paragon of Calamity/Mastermind of Discord ?

With the new Fork Arc, Beacon of Ruin is really usefull ?

Maybe I missed something, but what is the main skill to use on this build? Is it Frenzy, or Barrage?

And keep the skill gem Barrage at lvl 1?
Has anyone else gone scion, I'm kinda running out of stuff to place already my points into, I noticed on the scion version it doesn't have MoM taken, so I'm kinda mixing the Scion/Ele trees now, just dropped HoI and gonna grab MoM although my mana still a bit lacking. Need some form of mana leech too, no Mind of the Council or anything yet, I've been slacking.


My gear is SUPER subpar and somehow I'm still capped res, ezpz, not sure how people are having issues. My jewels are crap too, been trying to hunt for deals.
intered 님이 작성:
Maybe I missed something, but what is the main skill to use on this build? Is it Frenzy, or Barrage?

And keep the skill gem Barrage at lvl 1?

Frenzy is pretty good in general, Barrage is great for single targets where you need more sustain because LGoH is amazing with GMP. If you can put both GMP AND LMP on it and the LGoH goes wild for your sustain, I did this last league with poets pen.

Keep Barrage/Frenzy lvl 1 to keep mana costs super low.
dariidar 님이 작성:
Hey everyone,

after trying out 3.3 buffed arc on standard and watching the market, I'm pretty confident that Inpulsa should now be second in priority to Poet's Pen.

Arc is really damn strong now, and I'll update the guide & probably kill Uber Elder later this week when I have some downtime.

Agreed. With the lowest price of an impulsa at 2 ex currently I decided to level with this corrupted tabula:
were you doing unid chaos recipe / still doing it?
Kurnis 님이 작성:
Wertron 님이 작성:
ColonelAngra 님이 작성:
Hey, sorry i'm still a little bit of a noob but, how did you manage to get so rich so fast? I barely have enough for one poet's pen on this new league and have trouble with T1 maps for the first time x)

well. Inpulsa was a lucky drop (almost fell out of my chair when it dropped) :)
My first Poet's cost me 18 Chaos, Obliteration was 1 alc... The rest is self found :)
been trying to buy a poet's pen for around 20c but they all get snatched up and the only ones left are 25c or more. Don't get me started on trying to buy inpulsa, choir and helm...

I keep rolling that chaos recipe but I feel like prices are going up just as fast. Inpulsa's is up to 2ex!! It's 20c on standard (40c now probably because of new arc buff)

I'll stop whining now. Prices will either come down or I'll eventually get the money. Just not as fast as I'd like

I've been trying to do the same thing with Poet's... finally caved in and bought one with 11% IAS for 30c.. :(

but yeah.. all unique items for this build in going up in price atm :(
lets hope they will start dropping soon ^_^
I'm still doing the unid recipe, simply because the incursion temple is dropping items with way better mods and rolls than what you normally find in maps (for me currently I'm talking about tier 4-8 since that's how far I've progressed in the atlas). Keeping a tab of unid'd jewelry is the key, once you have 12 sets, collect the rest of the items you need from maps and incursion bonuses, for me, that's usually 2 maps tops. Then boom, 24c. Done. Go back to mapping. If you're efficient, you should be able to do this about 3-4 times in an hour. I always use rarity gear early in the league, it feels like I'm dropping more rares, and the cheap uniques help provide me with plenty of alcs.

Item prices are going up technically speaking. In reality, the buying power of chaos is going down. Because of this, the unid recipe will become inefficient by the time i'm in red maps. From then on I'll still keep tabs for the id recipe but will take offers on the items in them.

Sell maps too guys, it's a great way to make easy alcs and chaos. Keep grinding and go fast!

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