[3.4] Teleports Behind You - Poet's Pen Lightning Warp & Arc, MF / Facetank t16 / Shaper / U. Elder

dariidar 님이 작성:
chancer 님이 작성:

I also have a question for the more knowledgeable here. What is the reasoning behind choir of the storm? Seems like a rare amulet with 35 crit multi, crit chance, 80 hp, maybe a mana roll and spell damage seems better defensively and offensively and they should be about the same price, maybe the rare amulet will even be cheaper. Please enlighten me :)

Im not at a computer right now so I can't double check in path of building ATM. But I did try doing something like that in path of building before - I believe that you lose about 10% damage by switching to a multi+critchance amulet. If you have 3 dmg mods then maybe you won't lose so much dps..... But I think 3 dmg mod amulets are way more expensive than choir? Especially if you expect them to have 80 life and Mana. Iirc choir usually gets down to like 40c in price midleague.

Choir also gives ANOTHER 5-10% more single target dps thanks to lightning strike.

Finally, 20% inc Mana gives a very competitive amount of effective hp compared to a life +Mana amulet. Remember that you want your Mana pool to be something like 43% of your life pool.

Basically choir is pretty dang cost effective for endgame shaper capable damage and ehp. If you wanted to surpass it you'd probably need a shaped amulet, actually.

Regarding PoB: How do you know what your DPS is using Poet's Pens in PoB?
Yoluun 님이 작성:

Regarding PoB: How do you know what your DPS is using Poet's Pens in PoB?

Select arc , look at the avg damage per hit, multiply by attack speed
Mirror Arrow Summoner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1422529
Teleports Behind You: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2123293
Magma Orb Deadeye: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2736039
How is inpulsa so expensive? By the rate it's being posted on poe.trade, there are a bajillion of them. I guess a bajillion + 5 need it, because the price is only going up, despite the massive supply.
How do I get the required attack speed for this to be efficient? I feel like watching the videos on this build is blowing mine away in terms of speed. What am I doing wrong?
Anyone trying this build as ascendant? Ele/Inquis still the go too?
SmackMahPony 님이 작성:
How do I get the required attack speed for this to be efficient? I feel like watching the videos on this build is blowing mine away in terms of speed. What am I doing wrong?

The elder gloves with Faster Attacks to socketed gems + attack speed makes a huge difference in clear speed. I´d try to get those fast, you will no doubt feel a big difference in the clear speed
SmackMahPony 님이 작성:
How do I get the required attack speed for this to be efficient? I feel like watching the videos on this build is blowing mine away in terms of speed. What am I doing wrong?

Same as any poet's pen build you've got a few ways to build attack speed.

You can get quite a bit from the tree but I find more often than not you honestly do not need to at all and it will overcap you.

You will want to do some math to not go over, that is the most important thing, it's better to be too slow than be too fast.

Easiest way is: Frenzy charges(from Frenzy skill), Faster Attacks (Quality, not as expensive as you'd think to get a 16+/16+ and get it to 20/20. Same with GMP/LMP.

I personally recommend (an easy way to cap out as well) Barrage, GMP, LMP, LGoH, Faster Attacks (+Whatever)
FA = +44% ,+10% (Q20)
GMP = +10% (Q20)
LMP = +10% (Q20)

Life Gain on Hit
Not only is this a very nice amount of attack speed, you also get a lot of projectiles for LGoH (1 +3(?)[Barrage] +2[LMP] +4[GMP]) = 10 (x44 LGoH = 440 LGoH). If you have addtl acc gem to make sure most of those actually hit, good stuff. Quality LGoH takes you further too of course.

Alternatively frenzy and if you feel so inclined, you can grab some from the tree.
Personally I found barrage funner since it's not hard to cap out, at all. You'll get a feel for it, but between the tree, decent poet's pens, a jewel or 2 and Faster Attacks (preferably quality, keep an eye out even if you can get a 10-14q for 1c that's +5-7%)

Wish I could tell you the math exactly on how close that will bring you, in my experience I want to be around .27~.30 (NOT .25), I can only recommend that you bring it up on PoB and aim for one of those.

It all gets way more complicated and frankly annoying when you start to factor in cooldown reduction belts/boots especially with the amount of uniques we take in this particular build.

allstopsbro 님이 작성:
Anyone trying this build as ascendant? Ele/Inquis still the go too?

I am, currently Ele/Inq, to be honest haven't even looked at what Inq gave me but figured it would certainly be better than other templar options.

E: Hiero/Assassin don't seem like terrible choices, but I'll refrain from choosing either, not really my speed. I did the Ele/Assassin and Ele/Slayer last league, wasn't a huge fan. Ele/Slayer gives INSANE sustain though, but I don't feel it's as necessary here as it is with VD or BF/GC that I did before, maybe I just haven't hit the right content yet.
Penetros#7438 님이 2018. 6. 6. 오전 12:59:25에 마지막으로 편집
Hey guys just got my inpulsa and nearly finished up, just need 1 more poets pen and the choir.
got a Couple tips and a question

Herald of ice before you get inpulsa can really boost your clear speed, really worth using considering how expensive inpulsa is.

Other thing is the amulets that ithras posted
Ithras 님이 작성:
Guys if you want to go cheap there is a mod for amulets that gives lightning damages leeched as life and they are cheap like 1-2c


http://poe.trade/search/hahononobuorer sample search with some life and resistances

lastly its a hassle but you can run this build now with only 3 poets pens and just manually swap the ball lightning with your warp pen

My question for dariidar, is it worth it to run herald of ice with inpulsa?
edit: after playing around with the inpulsa and the new arc its not needed really. what about wrath?
I actually played this build in flashback with choir and everything and this new char already feels stronger.
haaiii#4927 님이 2018. 6. 6. 오전 6:27:18에 마지막으로 편집
Has anyone managed to kill Shaper or Uber Elder with this build this league?
i don't know what to play between this one and the hierophant one; I like the clearspeed with arc but the templar looks more tankier than this one.

Any suggestion ? ;D

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