[3.11] Tesla Cyclone | Destroy the Game | All Content | Super Fast! | Spin 2 Win |

Content is good, but the amount of cringey wannabe-streamer crap detracts severely from the guide. Too obvious.
Jadame 님이 작성:
You coming from the point "I want more damage", and you completely right in that regard, but ultimately, if your league goal is delving as deep as possible, damage is not a problem. Survivability is. Hence everything.

Not really. I'm saying there are really weird choices made. I.e. Zerphi's Heart or Taste of Hate. Even IF you are looking for even more survivability those 2 choices are really weird/bad.

I never used the "I want more damage" version of this build, I never ran around with 4.something-k HP doing 2.5 million damage. Because I wanted to do end game without being dead at the drop of a dime.

Survivability and DPS aren't 2 seperate entities in this game. If you do a LOT of damage and have SOME survivability you probably have the same amount of chances to get to a certain point in this game as someone who has SOME damage but a LOT of survivability. This build isn't made to be like a 8/9k life RF build where you just stand in stuff and stuff dies around you. So I feel that if you overextend into the survivability part you are not using the build to its full potential.

Long story short: I think the sweet spot for this build is where you one shot most trash and kill bosses with a single round of burst maybe two (bosses with several stages not included ofcourse). I'm pretty sure I found that sweet spot last league with around 6-6.5k HP, 80% res all round and 1-1.5 million DPS.
Same1 님이 작성:
Jadame 님이 작성:
You coming from the point "I want more damage", and you completely right in that regard, but ultimately, if your league goal is delving as deep as possible, damage is not a problem. Survivability is. Hence everything.

Not really. I'm saying there are really weird choices made. I.e. Zerphi's Heart or Taste of Hate. Even IF you are looking for even more survivability those 2 choices are really weird/bad.

I never used the "I want more damage" version of this build, I never ran around with 4.something-k HP doing 2.5 million damage. Because I wanted to do end game without being dead at the drop of a dime.

Survivability and DPS aren't 2 seperate entities in this game. If you do a LOT of damage and have SOME survivability you probably have the same amount of chances to get to a certain point in this game as someone who has SOME damage but a LOT of survivability. This build isn't made to be like a 8/9k life RF build where you just stand in stuff and stuff dies around you. So I feel that if you overextend into the survivability part you are not using the build to its full potential.

Long story short: I think the sweet spot for this build is where you one shot most trash and kill bosses with a single round of burst maybe two (bosses with several stages not included ofcourse). I'm pretty sure I found that sweet spot last league with around 6-6.5k HP, 80% res all round and 1-1.5 million DPS.

You missed his entire point.

I guess you aren't 400+ depth in delve?

It's absolutely not about map farming which can be done with either build but all about delving. And no DPS in the world is going to help you if you're getting oneshot by whitemobs
Hi, just wanted to say thank you for the build.

I have very little time playing (full time job) but i managed somehow to gear up.

My gear:

I am still 1 ex short for Starforge, but getting there. Is there any point in getting Belly? 120+ life chests give almost the same amout of life, and also much more res. I don't even plan on getting Bronn's. Getting the right colours and 6l it, takes corrency i will never have.
Crysthal 님이 작성:
Same1 님이 작성:
Jadame 님이 작성:
You coming from the point "I want more damage", and you completely right in that regard, but ultimately, if your league goal is delving as deep as possible, damage is not a problem. Survivability is. Hence everything.

Not really. I'm saying there are really weird choices made. I.e. Zerphi's Heart or Taste of Hate. Even IF you are looking for even more survivability those 2 choices are really weird/bad.

I never used the "I want more damage" version of this build, I never ran around with 4.something-k HP doing 2.5 million damage. Because I wanted to do end game without being dead at the drop of a dime.

Survivability and DPS aren't 2 seperate entities in this game. If you do a LOT of damage and have SOME survivability you probably have the same amount of chances to get to a certain point in this game as someone who has SOME damage but a LOT of survivability. This build isn't made to be like a 8/9k life RF build where you just stand in stuff and stuff dies around you. So I feel that if you overextend into the survivability part you are not using the build to its full potential.

Long story short: I think the sweet spot for this build is where you one shot most trash and kill bosses with a single round of burst maybe two (bosses with several stages not included ofcourse). I'm pretty sure I found that sweet spot last league with around 6-6.5k HP, 80% res all round and 1-1.5 million DPS.

You missed his entire point.

I guess you aren't 400+ depth in delve?

It's absolutely not about map farming which can be done with either build but all about delving. And no DPS in the world is going to help you if you're getting oneshot by whitemobs

I am not. I am just shy of 300 I think.
I said that WITH the items HE has some of choices are correct. Like with the Watcher's Eye jewel he has you would almost be crazy not to run Grace.
It's just his recommendations for end game items that I feel are wrong for this build, i.e. Zerphi's Heart and Taste of Hate (even if it's just for mitigation).

The entire Delving stuff is weird anyway, if I have understood other people's experiences anyway. At some point one shots are going to happen regardless of how tanky/evasive/whatever you are. There is still always the fact that you should look for a sweet spot in a build where you have the right ratio of survivability/dps to make shit work. This has been the entire premise of this game from day 1 hasn't it?
I will give this as an example and then I will stop talking about this:
Let's say you have the gear specced to survive for 10s in a fight and you have the DPS to make the fight last less than 10s. That's a win! However, if you respec the gear to make it so you can survive for 3s and have the DPS to win that fight in less than 3s, it's even better (the whole gotta go fast thing is quite big in POE). Now if you want to go really far in Delves (untill you hit that spot where oneshots just happen) you should probably look for a build with gear that let's you survive for 10s but you can kill stuff in less than 3s.
I feel his build is leaning too much towards the survivability and seems to forget that you have to kill shit fast too. That's all I was saying about that. If he wants to play it that way, fine! Spend all the currency in the world to turn this build into a spinning 8/9k life build (like RF or whatever). I just don't think it's the way OP designed this build, it's also not the way I like playing the build.

Same1 님이 작성:
Not really.

Yes, really. Whats weird about taste of hate when its makes difference between dying in oneshot and not since its 15%+ phys reduction? Whats weird about zerphis heart when it possibly can allow to cheese delves hard?

Again, I am not talking about mapping or bossing or whatever. Only high level delves where white mobs hit harder than shapers beam. You talking about sweet spots and all of that without realising that there is NO sweetspot when choise is between stacking survivability and being dead.

Also, all staff i written in options isnt recomednations. Its just some insight on what I think could work in pushing delves beyond possible limits and what I would probably try.

Rest is just how things are. Vaal grace, watchers eye or not is a lifesaver. You just cant do deep delves without it. You will be dead.
Jadame 님이 2018. 9. 11. 오후 12:21:06에 마지막으로 편집
With the addition of Harold of Purity What aura combinations is everyone running? Ideally I'd like a +1 curse somewhere to run Vulnerability on gloves, enfeeble on blasphemy and grace but a +1 carnage heart is down the list of upgrades right now.

For delving deeper I was thinking of forgoing the Harold until a +1 because grace and enfeeble are so good defensively. I just wish Vaal auras were instant so they could be used as oh shit buttons.
What changes would you make for Ulab farming?

Izaro and Argus are easy, they die in like 2-3 sec. I only have some problems with traps, and must stop many times. With slayer i just ran over them because of huge leech.

Any suggestions how to make this smoother with this build?
Hi, this build seems complete for everything on game, my major worries are about delve, im at 314 on a trapper, and stuck there, can i run the Kaom's version with starforge 6L and still push 400+ with ease on delves ?
emanoel357 님이 작성:
Hi, this build seems complete for everything on game, my major worries are about delve, im at 314 on a trapper, and stuck there, can i run the Kaom's version with starforge 6L and still push 400+ with ease on delves ?

I think even with Kaom's you are going to have some scray moments with this build at 350+ I am using the high HP Veriant with Belly , sitting at like 6400 hp, 1.2 Million Damage and pushing 300+ currently , I haven't had to many issues but things are starting to hurt a lot.

As many have mentioned I believe getting more evasion,blind etc will be the way to go if you want to push this deeper. Similiar to Jade's setup.
kscott13 님이 2018. 9. 13. 오후 2:12:45에 마지막으로 편집

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