[3.11] Tesla Cyclone | Destroy the Game | All Content | Super Fast! | Spin 2 Win |

When I'm activating Blood Rage, I'm always missing 2 or 3 Hp, even with overleech. Doesnt Damage on Full Life go into nothing?

It still works and has for a long time.
The biggest problem in 3.5 is how hard it is now to get 5 OC Bronn's. Or any OC to be honest...
As far as I know no one has even found the 6 socket recipe yet and according to the chroma calculator it will take an average of 3880 chroma's before you will hit the needed 4R1G1B.

Good thing however is that Loreweave is cheap as balls and with bestiary going core Farrul's Fur in combination with Farrul's Bite is actually possible again.

However this league is quite weird so far. The sheer amount of one shots from Syndicate mobs is fucking insane.

wasnt too hard . did it on the 3rd day of league

happy spinning exiles
Same1 님이 작성:
The biggest problem in 3.5 is how hard it is now to get 5 OC Bronn's. Or any OC to be honest...
As far as I know no one has even found the 6 socket recipe yet and according to the chroma calculator it will take an average of 3880 chroma's before you will hit the needed 4R1G1B.

Good thing however is that Loreweave is cheap as balls and with bestiary going core Farrul's Fur in combination with Farrul's Bite is actually possible again.

However this league is quite weird so far. The sheer amount of one shots from Syndicate mobs is fucking insane.

It will be finally fixed in the next patch https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2275852
drbokorkati 님이 2018. 12. 17. 오후 5:54:26에 마지막으로 편집
How are you all holding up against nasty syndicate map mods and the mastermind fight?
I get 2 days ago the 4R 1B sockets on bron's but naked without the 6S recipe :'(
omg that feeling when you finally hit vul curse on gloves!! i FEEL ALIVEEE> <3 the build in Betrayal.

fixed my problem
rxl 님이 2018. 12. 18. 오후 8:58:58에 마지막으로 편집
I found the 6 socket recipe if someone needs it on EU.
Would a high DPS foil & 3 white socket prismatic eclipse (+6 weapon range) be viable for this build?

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