[3.11] Tesla Cyclone | Destroy the Game | All Content | Super Fast! | Spin 2 Win |

Can you update first post? There is no info about Dual strike or stuff like that. Also no info what changes were in 3.3.0. Also there is now Vaal Haste and Haste same gem, what I need to put there?
Elite_Avengers 님이 작성:
Vashseden 님이 작성:
vyolina 님이 작성:

I wasted 1000 chromes before using the artisan method, which gave 4R-1G-1B on Bronn's with few tries.


Average cost is 4k chromes using 3r vorici recipie. While on its own its not so bad (chromes are dirt cheap anyway), colouring corrupted bronn is insanely costly. 6 white sockets +something useful bronn is the dream.
Jadame 님이 2018. 6. 17. 오전 9:48:28에 마지막으로 편집
Guys, how are you? My conquest today:


Im very happy, im tottaly poor, saving HARD to buy starforge and still need to collor Bron's (its 4r now), and got this... Ty Universe.

I would like to ask, if i got a 5R at Bron's, worth keeping it? I mean, the blue gems Inc. AoE and Conc. Eff. give more damage than Chance to Bleed (with its great flat phys and the additional and multiplicative mods?)?

Brenovisky 님이 2018. 6. 17. 오전 11:03:34에 마지막으로 편집
So guys. Guide me here.

I have my

I have 1200 fusings. I can either

a. Buy the remaining 300 fusings

b. Try to 6 link it using 1200 fusings.

But I am so scared to use them all, and not see any 6 linked :( but I also feel like 1500 is a lot to spend if I can get it in less .. xD

WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Or.. have you done?
Ign: Icyboss
Nadiblob 님이 작성:
So guys. Guide me here.

I have my

I have 1200 fusings. I can either

a. Buy the remaining 300 fusings

b. Try to 6 link it using 1200 fusings.

But I am so scared to use them all, and not see any 6 linked :( but I also feel like 1500 is a lot to spend if I can get it in less .. xD

WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Or.. have you done?

I mean offer something to Kuduku and do it yourself)
Kaltxi 님이 작성:
I mean offer something to Kuduku and do it yourself)

Idols are lie, my 6l costed me 2k after visiting em.

But that was my unluckiest 6linking in whole poe playtime, so you should be fine on around 1k fusings, just remember to spam them as fast as humanly possible.
Hey sir, can you check out mine? I just followed your build, from items to the trees and everything. Although I couldnt really follow the jewel levels since most of them are expensive. Just check out mine if you have time.

This is my pastebin: https://pastebin.com/vWGHnGc6

Though i have some concerns if you can suggest what to do.

1. Level 90 right now 4.4k hp is it good or bad?

2. I compared both our damage if we deal shock (Since starforge's physical attacks can shock.)
Mine = 1.6m
Yours = 2.2m
We dont have entirely the same items, but the difference in damage is really quite high.

3. I changed some of your jewels similar to mine and still has the differnce in damage in about the same amount.

Those are just the concerns I need to be answered, so that I can adjust my character when I have the budget.

Thank you for considering, in reading this. (If you do/dont)
just hit 70 on this. pre-starforge should it be hiltless or kondo?

i also dont need any purity auras right now, what would be a good second aura to run? i'm doing haste now, leveling a grace in alternate weapons but without an enlighten I cant run both

DotsandDashes 님이 2018. 6. 17. 오후 5:15:30에 마지막으로 편집
DotsandDashes 님이 작성:
just hit 70 on this. pre-starforge should it be hiltless or kondo?

Kondo is the way to go with me.

After hard work. Finally hit it a few days ago. +1 boys Now just hit to hit brutality and Maim to L21

jason8992 님이 2018. 6. 17. 오후 5:25:22에 마지막으로 편집
jason8992 님이 작성:
DotsandDashes 님이 작성:
just hit 70 on this. pre-starforge should it be hiltless or kondo?

Kondo is the way to go with me.

After hard work. Finally hit it a few days ago. +1 boys Now just hit to hit brutality and Maim to L21

nice. part of me wants to use that chest but i also dont know if i can tolerate the massive life loss from dropping this/belly

thats what I'm using until my belly gets 6 links.
DotsandDashes 님이 2018. 6. 17. 오후 6:15:54에 마지막으로 편집

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