[3.10] For Scion - One Punch Girl (Crit. Infernal Blow / Cyclone w/ Facebreaker + Rigwald's Curse)

Cleared Elder Tier 1 for the first time with this build. Since i upgraded to a good Steel Ring, Abyssus + Light. Coil, things have been simply melting, i'm up to Tier 10 Maps with no difficulty whatsoever.

If you could ... could you tell me where i can optmize my gear ? i'm thinking first another Steel Ring, but i might start saving for a 6 link Light. Coil

Thanks for the guide.
marffy23 님이 작성:
Can you check my character? Is it normal that I only have around 8k dps at the tooltip at lvl 57?

You need more flat physical damage on your rings. A Tabula will give you way more damage than your 4L chest. I would recommend you to use that till you get better gears.

Use fated version of Deidbellow:


Alrikozord 님이 작성:

Thanks for the hint. thing i'll go for the rings then, Extra damage sounds scary

Update again Got me two ok-ish iron rings, now im melting faces with my fist. Didn't think about the 750% scaling. Nice hint

You are welcome. :)

Stack flat physical and your damage will go up the roof with Facebreaker scaling.


asghanrs 님이 작성:
Cleared Elder Tier 1 for the first time with this build. Since i upgraded to a good Steel Ring, Abyssus + Light. Coil, things have been simply melting, i'm up to Tier 10 Maps with no difficulty whatsoever.

If you could ... could you tell me where i can optmize my gear ? i'm thinking first another Steel Ring, but i might start saving for a 6 link Light. Coil

Thanks for the guide.

6L Lightning Coil will be your next big upgrade. Follow by flasks (check flask section).

Consider crafting Stygian belt with: Pristine + Jagged + Prismatic fossils.
What about Herald of Purity for the phys damage?
deklan006 님이 작성:
What about Herald of Purity for the phys damage?

Yes. You can definitely run Herald of Purity for more damage.
update 3.5 ?
update 3.5 ?
AlmighttyGoku 님이 2018. 12. 8. 오후 2:25:56에 마지막으로 편집
GutahT1 님이 작성:
update 3.5 ?

Build is updated for 3.5. You can use the new War Banner or Dread Banner for more damage buff.
I'm trying this out now. 795% facebreakers are dirt cheap (like 3c) and as soon as you equip them and infernal blow its game over, just blowing through the acts after that. I already had a lyco. and our my friends and I all shre a guild back to dump leveling uniques in so i grabbed whatever i could that would be usefull.

I am alittle confused why tooltip dps is lower with multistrike instead of faster attacks though
DotsandDashes 님이 2018. 12. 11. 오후 1:12:33에 마지막으로 편집
DotsandDashes 님이 작성:
I'm trying this out now. 795% facebreakers are dirt cheap (like 3c) and as soon as you equip them and infernal blow its game over, just blowing through the acts after that. I already had a lyco. and our my friends and I all shre a guild back to dump leveling uniques in so i grabbed whatever i could that would be usefull.

I am alittle confused why tooltip dps is lower with multistrike instead of faster attacks though

Tooltip DPS is never 100% accurate, can be that the displayed DPS is counting 1 hit, and not 1 'cast' of the skill. Since Faster attacks increases the frequency only, and Multistrike increases frequency AND lowers damage, can be it's calculating wrong. But trust me.. Multistrike is a hell of a lot better DPS increase than Faster attacks... you want those explosion stacks as fast as possible, with multistrike, you use I.Blow twice and boom .. its full stacks, and usually that deals with a whole pack.
asghanrs 님이 2018. 12. 11. 오후 2:20:35에 마지막으로 편집

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