[3.10] For Scion - One Punch Girl (Crit. Infernal Blow / Cyclone w/ Facebreaker + Rigwald's Curse)

Can we see this build in action? I want to create it, but I'm kinda lost
TrickyKOS 님이 작성:
Can we see this build in action? I want to create it, but I'm kinda lost

I'm not OP but i made this today and im currently almost done act 7. so far it melts everything. heres a couple gifs i made for you from random shit i shadowplayed



This is my gear at level 53

TrickyKOS 님이 작성:
Can we see this build in action? I want to create it, but I'm kinda lost

Thank you @DotsandDashes for posting your gif. :)

@TrickyKOS, you can take a look at this video that was made in patch 3.2 on how the build plays out:


Note: The video shows the build before Infernal Blow was buffed. It does way more damage now than patch 3.2.
Just to give an idea of the power of the build. I was not even close to min maxed on my Scion (You can check my profile, OpanGirl), and for clearing maps, most of the enemies die on the Shield Charge, even some rare enemies.
Quick question, as I'm using this for a league beginner (lvl 37 atm), Lycosidae is just NOT going to happen anytime soon nor will Rigwald's Curse. Is it feasible to grab "Resolute Technique" until I can acquire a Lycosidae? Or will the -Never deal Critical Strikes- really hurt the overall OOMPH of the damage? So I was wondering if this could be a good alternative in the meantime.
Thanks! And loving this build thus far.
Killrbeauty 님이 2018. 12. 16. 오전 4:48:06에 마지막으로 편집
Has anyone completed end-game with this build?
Killrbeauty 님이 작성:
Quick question, as I'm using this for a league beginner (lvl 37 atm), Lycosidae is just NOT going to happen anytime soon nor will Rigwald's Curse. Is it feasible to grab "Resolute Technique" until I can acquire a Lycosidae? Or will the -Never deal Critical Strikes- really hurt the overall OOMPH of the damage? So I was wondering if this could be a good alternative in the meantime.
Thanks! And loving this build thus far.

You can definitely brunch into Resolute Technique and switch to the actual build once you have the gear in place. Damage will be much lower but should still be able to carry you through act 1 to 10.


kazafz 님이 작성:
Has anyone completed end-game with this build?

I have used the build and did a deathless Shaper run. Personally, I feel Uber Elder will be more challenging for the build as you need to be very familiar with the fight.
Thanks for the build.
I've always been a fan of Infernal Blow , tried it multiple times but because it's not the best starter skill i always quit it , for now im almsot done with story and will be getting into maps soon

i saved up some Currency bought the shield , gloves and decent other gear

My question is do we use that Lightning Coil chest to mitigate the damage we take from abyssus ? or is there another reason ? as i don't see it as a great chest

and wouldn't Loreweave be much superior , at least just for mapping ?

And this build doesn't shine till i get the Claw nodes+Rigward amulet am i right?

Lastly, how hard is soloing Uber With this build ? assuming i got all the gear i need "im close to just missing the Amulet"

and is the build lackluster laster on in terms of Res ? or is it grand ?

Sorry for the long questions and thanks again !
LightningOdin 님이 2018. 12. 17. 오후 9:50:35에 마지막으로 편집
LightningOdin 님이 작성:
Thanks for the build.
I've always been a fan of Infernal Blow , tried it multiple times but because it's not the best starter skill i always quit it , for now im almsot done with story and will be getting into maps soon

i saved up some Currency bought the shield , gloves and decent other gear

My question is do we use that Lightning Coil chest to mitigate the damage we take from abyssus ? or is there another reason ? as i don't see it as a great chest

and wouldn't Loreweave be much superior , at least just for mapping ?

And this build doesn't shine till i get the Claw nodes+Rigward amulet am i right?

Lastly, how hard is soloing Uber With this build ? assuming i got all the gear i need "im close to just missing the Amulet"

and is the build lackluster laster on in terms of Res ? or is it grand ?

Sorry for the long questions and thanks again !

No doubt Loreweave will give more damage but Lightning Coil is mainly to mitigate the side effect of Abyssus.

You can consider running Starkonja + Loreweave.

Without the amulet, you should still be able to clear act 1 to 10. With the amulet + Lycosidae, your damage will go up significantly.

Uber lab? Get a Decoy totem and the lab will be very easy.
Currently leveling running a variant of this, I want to full one punch but I need the get the rest of the items.

(cant afford lyco or rigwald yet)

I feel like when I swap to FB (708%) and remove my sword my damage tanks hugely though.


Once I get rig/lyco and have points in claw skill will I have higher dps than currently? or do I also need to roll dmg rings.

ReveVersant 님이 2018. 12. 20. 오전 3:19:28에 마지막으로 편집

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