[3.7] CI Apep's Supremacy Flicker Strike Trickster (BUILD OF THE WEEK)

BiscuitCookie 님이 작성:

What should I be working towards next, besides leveling and leveling gems?

Edit: I also have been checking in pob how much difference it would make to go with maim and bleed chance, but the increase seems to be negligible. except maybe for bosses or tougher rares where if you have maim support you won't have to worry about your totem keeping maim up.

change your helm for 300+ es. if u need resists, get them elsewhere. not helm. es is priority on helm

corrupt your wasps nest, or buy a corrupted one.

also get a better corrupt on gloves.

I'd redo your boot enchant.

make sure u dont have stun issues.
Hollyphantom 님이 작성:

change your helm for 300+ es. if u need resists, get them elsewhere. not helm. es is priority on helm

corrupt your wasps nest, or buy a corrupted one.

also get a better corrupt on gloves.

I'd redo your boot enchant.

make sure u dont have stun issues.

Thanks, managed to get a 300 es helmet with some res and moved the res around to my amulet and steel ring.

yeah,I should probably get to work on the corrupts and enchants.

I am also debating on whether or not to go for full phys% and chance to bleed gem or go for bleed+phys% and maim gem.
It seems in pob that keeping chance to bleed and going full phys is better but maybe I'm missing something everyone else knows?

EDIT:Picked bleed because I forgot about the whole maim thing in config of pob
BiscuitCookie 님이 2019. 1. 19. 오전 11:06:16에 마지막으로 편집
Thuking 님이 작성:

Hi just wondering are these the best mods?


hits cant be evaded 3 ex
chance to bleed 8c


crit chance quality 1 ex
attack speed no quality 1 ex

Also what else can I do to improve my character?
Do I need discipline watcher's eye with recovery rate?

yes those r probably the best.

id get the watchers eye.
Can you help me decide what I should do/change?
I feel like I'm missing something.

I had a hard time finding a helmet to fit the description without crafting.
I will most likely craft a helmet myself.. so I do not have the correct helmet and enchant atm.

I also added unnatural instinct in the bottom scion tree.. thoughts on if that should be avoided all around?

FAPboyslim 님이 작성:
Can you help me decide what I should do/change?
I feel like I'm missing something.

I had a hard time finding a helmet to fit the description without crafting.
I will most likely craft a helmet myself.. so I do not have the correct helmet and enchant atm.

I also added unnatural instinct in the bottom scion tree.. thoughts on if that should be avoided all around?


From a quick lookover what I can see is that you should get rid of a source of cold resist and replace it with some other resist, most likely lightning since you want to replace the helmet.

Get the jewel socket south of the shadow starting point by going thropugh the small strength node. You can use that socket to get a jewel with poison on hit and some crit multi. That way you can take the two point out of the claw nodes towards poisonous fangs.

There is also a 8% energy shield node unpicked above arcane focus.
can you look at my gear
FAPboyslim 님이 작성:
Can you help me decide what I should do/change?
I feel like I'm missing something.

I had a hard time finding a helmet to fit the description without crafting.
I will most likely craft a helmet myself.. so I do not have the correct helmet and enchant atm.

I also added unnatural instinct in the bottom scion tree.. thoughts on if that should be avoided all around?


take the node about the poison node, not below it, so u get 10% more poison chance.

change your amulet. u dont need so much cold res. get crit multi, % ES and added ES and added phys if possible.

for helm, just get high es or flicker damage. cool down does nothing. Helm bases u can craft:


if u dont wanna craft, just get something like this with high es

strikercod 님이 작성:
can you look at my gear

very similar issues as the previous person

take the node about the poison node, not below it, so u get 10% more poison chance.

on ring, master craft added phys instead of recharge

for helm, abyssus is a bad choice. It has high damage, but it has no ES and makes u take a lot of extra phys damage. You will die easier. I'm impressed you reached lv 93...

just get high es or flicker damage. Helm bases u can craft:


if u dont wanna craft, just get something like this with high es


just fyi, im making a flicker build that actually uses abyssus, so hold on to it if u think you wanna try lol
Hollyphantom 님이 2019. 1. 21. 오전 8:53:48에 마지막으로 편집
Hey mate nice guide! Rly funny Idea and it works well but about watchers eye - which of all 4 effects are the best? or which two?

Is "energy shield gained for eacheEnemy Hit while affected by Discipline" not crazy strong for a flicker with our insane attackspeed?

and if i got on a watcher eye with two "affected by discipline" what shoud it be?

cheers ;)
streichsimon 님이 2019. 1. 22. 오전 11:09:50에 마지막으로 편집
streichsimon 님이 작성:
Hey mate nice guide! Rly funny Idea and it works well but about watchers eye - whitch of all 4 effects are the best? or whitch two?

Is "energy shield gained for eacheEnemy Hit while affected by Discipline" not crazy strong for a flicker with our insane attackspeed?

and if i got on a watcher eye with two "affected by discipline" what shoud it be?

cheers ;)

recovery rate is best. on hit is ok but its not that good vs bosses. the other 2 are not useful.

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