[3.7] CI Apep's Supremacy Flicker Strike Trickster (BUILD OF THE WEEK)

Small thing I kept forgetting to do for when you have the bleed on your weapon.

Switch out maim on your totem for bloodlust. Because else your totem will kill itself by the reflected bleeds.
BiscuitCookie 님이 2019. 1. 23. 오전 5:42:26에 마지막으로 편집
Looking for some tips to help increase damage maintaining flicker well


AFKiing 님이 작성:
Looking for some tips to help increase damage maintaining flicker well



First of get rid of the life flask with the staunching affix. Ad CI you don't need a life flask and staunching ruins frenzy upkeep.

With a lvl 4 enlighten you don't need to take a point in reduced mana reservation. Also take out all the points past the jewel slot and put them towards frenzy charges and additional slots.
like so: http://poeurl.com/cf8o

Get one jewel with poison on hit and the other get some crit multiplier.

You don't need the wise oak since you already have enough res. and get rid of the lightning res on the belt and replace it with strength or fire res
Get a lions roar and sin's rebirth and take out the white quicksilver.

also use melee splash gem instead of ruthless when mapping. For bosses ruthless is fine.
So, I'm back after quite a few weeks. Killed today a Red Elder with Guardians way easier than I thought it possible for a Flicker build. Now I'll try to go for the UberElder, even tho I don't think I'll manage it.

Here's my PoB: https://pastebin.com/6LFssZxZ

Any suggestion on the gear? I know, I need better belt, better helm and surely better claw.


3ntr0p14 님이 2019. 1. 23. 오후 4:57:14에 마지막으로 편집
BiscuitCookie 님이 작성:
AFKiing 님이 작성:
Looking for some tips to help increase damage maintaining flicker well



First of get rid of the life flask with the staunching affix. Ad CI you don't need a life flask and staunching ruins frenzy upkeep.

With a lvl 4 enlighten you don't need to take a point in reduced mana reservation. Also take out all the points past the jewel slot and put them towards frenzy charges and additional slots.
like so: http://poeurl.com/cf8o

Get one jewel with poison on hit and the other get some crit multiplier.

You don't need the wise oak since you already have enough res. and get rid of the lightning res on the belt and replace it with strength or fire res
Get a lions roar and sin's rebirth and take out the white quicksilver.

also use melee splash gem instead of ruthless when mapping. For bosses ruthless is fine.

yup. and also get rid of life gear.

focus on your flasks too. the unbleed flask will make this build not work. wise oak is almost useless. at least get a Lions roar
3ntr0p14 님이 작성:
So, I'm back after quite a few weeks. Killed today a Red Elder with Guardians way easier than I thought it possible for a Flicker build. Now I'll try to go for the UberElder, even tho I don't think I'll manage it.

Here's my PoB: https://pastebin.com/6LFssZxZ

Any suggestion on the gear? I know, I need better belt, better helm and surely better claw.


belt is the easiest upgrade. Get a useful boot enchant.

Ur a little low on accuracy. Actually, I realized you can drop enlighten and Hatred, and add Herald of purity and war banner. you actually get more shaper DPS this way plus you save a lot of currency from enlighten. You cant shatter enemies tho, unless you use a taste of hate flask.
Is there a alternative to the shield until I get enough for one there 15 ex right now
cannabiscuz 님이 작성:
Is there a alternative to the shield until I get enough for one there 15 ex right now

without the shield, the entire build fails. so youd need an alternative build, not just an alternative shield...
Any idea to improve my build at all? DPS/Defense wise. I know I need a better belt with ES and my splendour could have slightly better ES but it's corrupted so i'll do that last.


Thank you!
Thank you for this build. I've been wanting a Flicker Strike build that also included ci. Here's my gear for basic mapping btw.

I'm also using the flask you recommended for Uber Elder for basic mapping.

I know that I'm still needing a new stygian belt, but that's coming soon. I'm saving up some currency. This is my second build this league and my first was an RF build, so I basically saved up some currency playing with that build.

Although, I'm still struggling with trying to break down that door from the syndicate fortress. Other than that, this build feels really good.
Again, thank you for this build :D

I do have this claw:

I can take off Ghost Raver & apply it elsewhere. DPS does go down to 450 from 504 with the current claw that I've got equipped. What do you guys think?

Added POB:
AngeleJR 님이 2019. 1. 27. 오후 3:57:07에 마지막으로 편집

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