[3.5] Hopeshredder Scourge Arrow | Fast beefy Mapper | Deathless Uber Elder (5M+ Shaper DPS)

Erionn 님이 작성:
feelthepain 님이 작성:
I'm trying to get 36 challenges done and it seems like they require a pure single target skill without any kind of cleave. I thought barrage would work fine but I dont think i can kill Uber Atziri with it. Any suggestions?

You can do uber atziri just fine with scourge arrow

How do you deal with mirror phase tho?
feelthepain 님이 작성:
Erionn 님이 작성:
feelthepain 님이 작성:
I'm trying to get 36 challenges done and it seems like they require a pure single target skill without any kind of cleave. I thought barrage would work fine but I dont think i can kill Uber Atziri with it. Any suggestions?

You can do uber atziri just fine with scourge arrow

How do you deal with mirror phase tho?


SkillshotsOP 님이 작성:
Basically you have to swap out Mirage Archer/Ice Bite (depending on which version of the build you're playing) for Slower Projectiles, then position yourself close to whichever Atziri clone is on the opposite side of the mirror clone and fire away from the reflect. The thorn arrows will not reach far enough to hit the reflect clone if you do this properly.
so if we can manage to get a double hatred Watcher's eye ( say cold damage + crit chance?) is that more dps than a double wrath WA? and where do we socket the hatred gem?
@djeezo you sniped the ring i wanted to buy i was waiting for the guy to come online for hours and poetrade failed to notify me.. now no more rings on the market GREAT SHIT!
IGN: GreedSlam -or- RNGoddess
jok3r777 님이 작성:
@djeezo you sniped the ring i wanted to buy i was waiting for the guy to come online for hours and poetrade failed to notify me.. now no more rings on the market GREAT SHIT!

Lol get shit on
My Youtube channel! Path of Exile bits and pieces!

Jellybee85 님이 작성:
If you were to use Loreweave, what skill gems would you use for another 6L?

RoA, Elemental Damage with Attacks, Damage on Full Life, Mirage Archer, Increased Critical Strikes, Hypothermia.

If you run this setup swap Mirage Archer for Ice bite in your Scourge Arrow setup.
Alkerayn 님이 작성:
So what would you say is the next upgrade I should aim for?

Have about 6 ex in currency atm.


Definitely the 6l Hopeshredder.
jok3r777 님이 작성:
I fail to see how you reach the int requirements to run wrath with no int on gear in the 1 Version of the build, you say its the biggest Dps gain but its not even in the sockets of the gear you show there.

I have Wrath as a ring corruption, which allows you to bypass Intelligence requirements. If you don't have this you can run a lower level Wrath in a gem.
cjbender 님이 작성:
How are you reaching 5mil shaper dps, when your PoB only has you at 1.3mil dps. I'm confused.

You're looking at "Release at 5 stages" DPS. Add that together with the "Thorn Arrows" option under Scourge Arrow in PoB. If you want more advanced DPS calculations, double check the original post as I have a lengthy explanation there.
so if we can manage to get a double hatred Watcher's eye ( say cold damage + crit chance?) is that more dps than a double wrath WA? and where do we socket the hatred gem?

Yes if you can get your hands on a double Hatred mod Watcher's it can definitely outdamage Wrath. If you need a gem slot you can sacrifice Ice Golem.

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