[3.10] 🐉 Dragon's Breath Elementalist - Incinerate

My POB don't loading links from pastebin in ur build. Can u update it for passive skill three looking on site?
RoboticFish658 님이 작성:

This part seems to be outdated? I'm confused its a different wheel in game but on PoB its still this. Am I just blind? I saw a twitter post talking about how its different now but im confused...Thanks you for the build i'm having a blast so far!

The wheel is different it'll cost an extra 4 points to grab everyone node we currently do on

This part seems to be outdated? I'm confused its a different wheel in game but on PoB its still this. Am I just blind? I saw a twitter post talking about how its different now but im confused...Thanks you for the build i'm having a blast so far!

So we spend those 4 points because its still the best way to get acrobatics right?
Why we take that crit node in that section over the elemental damage one? is it for to proc EO easier?
RoboticFish658 님이 작성:

This part seems to be outdated? I'm confused its a different wheel in game but on PoB its still this. Am I just blind? I saw a twitter post talking about how its different now but im confused...Thanks you for the build i'm having a blast so far!

So we spend those 4 points because its still the best way to get acrobatics right?

For now I'd say yes until POB is updated at which point OP will more than likely update the tree
I would just skip the crit and grab the dex nodes under coordination and go to the 3 life nodes and than to the dodge wheel.

The crit is useless anyway if you got controlled destruction.
hey, newish player here. Is there anyway of knowing the order of the passive tree? In the levelling section says something about the bottom left corner in path of building but I dont find nothing there.
TostaMística 님이 작성:
hey, newish player here. Is there anyway of knowing the order of the passive tree? In the levelling section says something about the bottom left corner in path of building but I dont find nothing there.

When you load the build into POB using the paste bin link in the bottom left corner of the skill tree page there is a tiny box that has level brackets in it click that.
PoB just updated. Gogogogo! :D
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
GoldenGonzo 님이 작성:
Your POB tree is still from 3.5 - so you either need to fix that, or edit your title and remove the 3.6.

Its 3.6 alright. Only thing thats not updated yet are the gems beacuse im waiting for the PoB app update.

Hello, i love your build, and your guide, thanks for it.

For the part of the build with accrobatics, on your pastebin, we dont see the root anymore avec the update of path of building.

I think the update remove some of you node.
Naxshe#3433 님이 2019. 3. 9. 오전 8:10:02에 마지막으로 편집

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