[3.10] 🐉 Dragon's Breath Elementalist - Incinerate

You can see in the images there isn't a path to the acrobatics keynodes. I'm using the latest POB and I have selected level 90 in the bottom left corner.

njmata#7749 님이 2019. 3. 9. 오전 8:09:55에 마지막으로 편집
AFKiing 님이 작성:
TostaMística 님이 작성:
hey, newish player here. Is there anyway of knowing the order of the passive tree? In the levelling section says something about the bottom left corner in path of building but I dont find nothing there.

When you load the build into POB using the paste bin link in the bottom left corner of the skill tree page there is a tiny box that has level brackets in it click that.

thanks dont know why it wasn't appearing.
m0000o 님이 작성:
PoB just updated. Gogogogo! :D

1h till home so i can finally fully update the builds :) stay tuned
Hypothermia vs Infused channelling? both seems good idk which one to choose
njmata 님이 작성:
You can see in the images there isn't a path to the acrobatics keynodes. I'm using the latest POB and I have selected level 90 in the bottom left corner.

This is because there are new shadow nodes and POB just updated. I'm sure OP will have a better idea than I do and will update soon, but I ended up just grabbing the three nodes on top under Coldherated calcuation and pathing down to the life nodes on the right. Obviously we don't care about projectile speed so these nodes feel kinda bad but hey, its free AoE and damage :)
Semantic#5243 님이 2019. 3. 9. 오전 9:40:09에 마지막으로 편집
How important is cast speed in endgame?
Started hc league with this build. As one of the changes I want to replace faster casting gem with new infused channeling support.
I've swapped out CD for ICS as the pre infusion buff damage % gain is on par or just a few % under the gain from CD (at higher gem levels) without having to sacrifice the base crit to trigger EO from Incinerate. Post infusion buff it will exceed the bonus % damage but you need to be channeling long enough each pack to get it. the defensive bonuses from ICS play a bigger role while leveling as you will be channeling longer to take down packs. Later on to end game content you will have much higher damage output so you will not be channeling for nearly as long anymore and might not be procing the infusion buff unless you force it to. With faster casting speed you get through the stages quicker and build up damage multipliers much faster (pure damage without the drawback) so I would keep it in and dump CD for it.

Naxshe 님이 작성:
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
GoldenGonzo 님이 작성:
Your POB tree is still from 3.5 - so you either need to fix that, or edit your title and remove the 3.6.

Its 3.6 alright. Only thing thats not updated yet are the gems beacuse im waiting for the PoB app update.

Hello, i love your build, and your guide, thanks for it.

For the part of the build with accrobatics, on your pastebin, we dont see the root anymore avec the update of path of building.

I think the update remove some of you node.

Quinge 님이 작성:
Hypothermia vs Infused channelling? both seems good idk which one to choose

Drop Hypothermia add Infused Channeling. I explained on the main page why.

Parrrr 님이 작성:
How important is cast speed in endgame?
Started hc league with this build. As one of the changes I want to replace faster casting gem with new infused channeling support.

For me Faster Casting is damn great, build feels much better. I dropped Hypothermia for Infused Channeling.

Viperkun 님이 작성:
I've swapped out CD for ICS as the pre infusion buff damage % gain is on par or just a few % under the gain from CD (at higher gem levels) without having to sacrifice the base crit to trigger EO from Incinerate. Post infusion buff it will exceed the bonus % damage but you need to be channeling long enough each pack to get it. the defensive bonuses from ICS play a bigger role while leveling as you will be channeling longer to take down packs. Later on to end game content you will have much higher damage output so you will not be channeling for nearly as long anymore and might not be procing the infusion buff unless you force it to. With faster casting speed you get through the stages quicker and build up damage multipliers much faster (pure damage without the drawback) so I would keep it in and dump CD for it.

Not sure what you mean. You gain Infusion buff after 0.6 sec channeling. That's prob every time.

TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2019. 3. 9. 오전 11:22:43에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks for clearing that up and for sharing this build with all of us! I have a question on your latest full build PoB. You have the pathing going through Assassination to get to acrobatics in the 31-50 and 51-70 drop downs but then in the 71-49 and Full Build drop downs you have the pathing going through Elemental Focus instead. Are you having the build respec out of the crit path after level 71 or did you mean to have it go through one path the entire way?
Viperkun 님이 작성:
Thanks for clearing that up and for sharing this build with all of us! I have a question on your latest full build PoB. You have the pathing going through Assassination to get to acrobatics in the 31-50 and 51-70 drop downs but then in the 71-49 and Full Build drop downs you have the pathing going through Elemental Focus instead. Are you having the build respec out of the crit path after level 71 or did you mean to have it go through one path the entire way?

Thanks for noticing that, I corrected it now. I was rushing to release the update. :)

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