[3.8] DoomHerald | All Content | Millions+ DPS MirageArcher | 7k+ Life | 600+ Delves | 5-Link only

Hello! I am thinking of changing to this build in league with the 2 or so exalts i have gained from my current character (I'm not a fan of him) Would this build be able to do well with that much?

And also, I cant seem to find any specific level skill tree's (lvl 60, 80, 90 ect) just the level 100, and i am left a little lost on most of what is important. apologies if it is obvious, i started playing this league and i am still a little confused when it comes to stuff like this.

(I double checked and saw the leveling with RoA, but i'd still like to know what level i can switch to this build's skills and such)
Whattodo1 님이 2019. 6. 15. 오후 4:26:32에 마지막으로 편집
Whattodo1 님이 작성:
Hello! I am thinking of changing to this build in league with the 2 or so exalts i have gained from my current character (I'm not a fan of him) Would this build be able to do well with that much?

And also, I cant seem to find any specific level skill tree's (lvl 60, 80, 90 ect) just the level 100, and i am left a little lost on most of what is important. apologies if it is obvious, i started playing this league and i am still a little confused when it comes to stuff like this.

(I double checked and saw the leveling with RoA, but i'd still like to know what level i can switch to this build's skills and such)

Hey I just switched to this build with 2ex as well. This build works quite well with that kind of budget, but you will have to keep investing a lot more to get it up to end game maps and bosses. I'm currently doing Tier 12s or so comfortably but I am still feeling squishy likely because I need to switch to some more abyss jewels for life as I only have 5k at the moment. I've been generating a good amount of currency at this tier to keep investing in my character.

You will be really squishy without spending insane amounts of money on good abyss jewels, but it started feeling pretty good for me around level 80. Leveling was an absolute breeze with cheap uniques from the leveling guide. I think I sprinted through the story in about 6hours one shotting just about everything.

For moving through the tree I would recommend rushing to every single life node on the tree... you will need it. Pick up damage nodes along the way when you feel like you need more damage. Early on I grabbed the life wheel then pathed down to Vaal Pact/Vitality Void to give leech which leveling. Channeling nodes right there is a good amount of damage and then I rushed life nodes higher in the tree. Also make sure to set up your Might of the Meek jewels early for extra life and res.

I would like to know what the recommended 90-100 passives are so I can refund them and switch to more jewel slots when I have the currency to buy jewels. Hopefully someone smarter than me can help me out.

Feel free to check my profile for a reference on what you'll be able to run with your budget. My current upgrade goals are UI jewel and then double abyss socket uniques. Might try to mess around with resistances to try to balance a Wise Oak.

I hope this helps.

Edit: spent another ex on enlighten lvl 3 after posting. My build was still running well without it.
iSh3k 님이 2019. 6. 16. 오전 2:36:13에 마지막으로 편집
Hey I just switched to this build with 2ex as well. This build works quite well with that kind of budget, but you will have to keep investing a lot more to get it up to end game maps and bosses. I'm currently doing Tier 12s or so comfortably but I am still feeling squishy likely because I need to switch to some more abyss jewels for life as I only have 5k at the moment. I've been generating a good amount of currency at this tier to keep investing in my character.

You will be really squishy without spending insane amounts of money on good abyss jewels, but it started feeling pretty good for me around level 80. Leveling was an absolute breeze with cheap uniques from the leveling guide. I think I sprinted through the story in about 6hours one shotting just about everything.

For moving through the tree I would recommend rushing to every single life node on the tree... you will need it. Pick up damage nodes along the way when you feel like you need more damage. Early on I grabbed the life wheel then pathed down to Vaal Pact/Vitality Void to give leech which leveling. Channeling nodes right there is a good amount of damage and then I rushed life nodes higher in the tree. Also make sure to set up your Might of the Meek jewels early for extra life and res.

I would like to know what the recommended 90-100 passives are so I can refund them and switch to more jewel slots when I have the currency to buy jewels. Hopefully someone smarter than me can help me out.

Feel free to check my profile for a reference on what you'll be able to run with your budget. My current upgrade goals are UI jewel and then double abyss socket uniques. Might try to mess around with resistances to try to balance a Wise Oak.

I hope this helps.

Edit: spent another ex on enlighten lvl 3 after posting. My build was still running well without it.

Thank you! This helps a lot, i'll maybe save a little more but it's nice to know the build works well at that point.
double post, not sure how to delete o_o
Phantasterei 님이 2019. 6. 16. 오후 1:11:04에 마지막으로 편집
tracker2013 님이 작성:
hey, can u juste explain me something :

do we have to channel the 5 stages to be efficient ?
Do the mirage archer channel the skill or not ?

how this all thing works, that's the question :)

ty for the reply

I find for the most part I only channel about 2-4 stages while just generally mapping. It's only really for tough elites/bosses/legion monoliths that I end up doing the full 5 stacks. As far as mirage archer, yes it channels the skill (and can do so while you're moving). I'm not 100% sure, however, if it always channels to 5 stacks or if it fires at the same amount of stacks that you triggered it with. Hope this is helpful!
How is this build good for killing aul krystal king on 600 delve? 7.7k hp its pretty much one shot in 300+ depths boss fights or teleport elder/shaper attack in uber elder
alexandro_108 님이 2019. 6. 16. 오후 3:44:50에 마지막으로 편집
alexandro_108 님이 작성:
How is this build good for killing aul krystal king on 600 delve? 7.7k hp its pretty much one shot in 300+ depths boss fights or teleport elder/shaper attack in uber elder

Voodoo and Black Magic. The Videos in the first Post are all fake, obviously. ;)

Seriously, what kind of question is this? You can literally watch the build running through delve 600 or watch the UberElder fight - There are Videos for basically everything in the first post.

Cyrix1337 님이 작성:
alexandro_108 님이 작성:
How is this build good for killing aul krystal king on 600 delve? 7.7k hp its pretty much one shot in 300+ depths boss fights or teleport elder/shaper attack in uber elder

Voodoo and Black Magic. The Videos in the first Post are all fake, obviously. ;)

Seriously, what kind of question is this? You can literally watch the build running through delve 600 or watch the UberElder fight - There are Videos for basically everything in the first post.

Question was about capability of tanking big hits from endgame bosses, i know plenty dodge builds that can go pretty deep in delve and do uder elder but can't take some one shot punches, and i find those not comfort to play, thats why i ask.
Sorry if this was posted before but what are the recommended 90-100 passives? I would like to switch to more jewel sockets for life when I get some currency. Fun build by the way I'm having a blast this league!
alexandro_108 님이 작성:
Cyrix1337 님이 작성:
alexandro_108 님이 작성:
How is this build good for killing aul krystal king on 600 delve? 7.7k hp its pretty much one shot in 300+ depths boss fights or teleport elder/shaper attack in uber elder

Voodoo and Black Magic. The Videos in the first Post are all fake, obviously. ;)

Seriously, what kind of question is this? You can literally watch the build running through delve 600 or watch the UberElder fight - There are Videos for basically everything in the first post.

Question was about capability of tanking big hits from endgame bosses, i know plenty dodge builds that can go pretty deep in delve and do uder elder but can't take some one shot punches, and i find those not comfort to play, thats why i ask.

No, this is not a 'tank' everything build.

Those type of tank builds should not exist in the game anyhow - if they do, they get nerfed heavily real quick. Like the Agony Crawler build.

It is a stated designgoal of GGG that bossmechanics and knowing them should matter. One Shot mechanics are designed as such and part of the encounter design.

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