[3.8] DoomHerald | All Content | Millions+ DPS MirageArcher | 7k+ Life | 600+ Delves | 5-Link only

Araceli26 님이 작성:
Let's say I want to be a hipster and use a different bow skill.. say Blast Rain? Or Lightning Arrow?

How do these conversion skills work with Doomfletch?

I mean since I'm already focusing on stacking physical damage and getting elemental buffs.

Also would Avatar of Fire (with say Blast Rain) work into further converting to Fire or am I just better at that point of not using Doomfletch?

As long as the bowskill in question deals phyiscal damage before it converts it does not matter which inherent conversion it has. Doomfletch will always work with it.

Blast Rain will work just fine with this build.
How do you level with this build? looking at the skill tree I would not know where to start
chaosquall 님이 작성:
How do you level with this build? looking at the skill tree I would not know where to start

There is a leveling section in the guide. With Videos and stuff even.
Cyrix1337 님이 2019. 9. 4. 오후 1:58:14에 마지막으로 편집
is this Build still good in 3.8?
akatosh22 님이 작성:
is this Build still good in 3.8?

Yeah, no changes for it in 3.8.
Cyrix1337 님이 2019. 9. 6. 오전 10:15:01에 마지막으로 편집
Cyrix1337 님이 작성:
akatosh22 님이 작성:
is this Build still good in 3.8?

Yeah, no changes for it in 3.8.

Not sure how to level this at the start, This is my current plan.

I will spec out of the travel nodes on the left once I reach path of the duelist, This is the part I am unsure off. leveling from 1-50

Also the best node to throw oil at I have been trying to work out.

Discipline and training +30 max life+ 10% max life.

Divine Judgement 5% ele pen %18 ele dmg

What other nodes do you think will work for this build?

Also any tips on pantheon
Sign_Up 님이 2019. 9. 11. 오후 3:53:10에 마지막으로 편집
How did u manage to allocate these nodes without linking them
VulKe1 님이 작성:
How did u manage to allocate these nodes without linking them

Read the Scion Ascendandy.
chaosquall 님이 작성:
Cyrix1337 님이 작성:
akatosh22 님이 작성:
is this Build still good in 3.8?

Yeah, no changes for it in 3.8.

Not sure how to level this at the start, This is my current plan.

I will spec out of the travel nodes on the left once I reach path of the duelist, This is the part I am unsure off. leveling from 1-50

Also the best node to throw oil at I have been trying to work out.

Discipline and training +30 max life+ 10% max life.

Divine Judgement 5% ele pen %18 ele dmg

What other nodes do you think will work for this build?

Also any tips on pantheon

Pantheon is whatever you want for the situation you are in.

About oil - its either some of the templar nodes like divine judgement or one of the new unconnected nodes on the tree. I think it depends a bit on where you are in terms of gear - if you need damage or suvivability.

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