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Buckets0 님이 작성:
What you guys think about 2x circle of guilt with Herald of Purity has (70-100)% increased Buff Effect and (40-60)% increased Physical Damage while affected by Herald of Purity ?

It's not worth it. 2 rare rings can do more damage than 2 of those. I do have one and used it and put it in PoB to calculate the damage difference. between the 2 rings below, 2 of the rare one will do more damage than 2 of the unique.

Which bandit choices do I choose?
fph ~ Orbs work in real life. I exchanged my ex for a lot of regrets.
Majad 님이 작성:
Which bandit choices do I choose?

Its in the OP, second to last tab, just before the PoB link.
s4muraiii 님이 2019. 9. 22. 오후 5:46:27에 마지막으로 편집
Hello Noob here ,

So im looking at the pastebin of the skill tree and i notice that all the nodes arent connected, do you have use nodes to get over there, and then return them later ?
Eninmeti 님이 2019. 9. 21. 오후 2:15:56에 마지막으로 편집
Eninmeti 님이 작성:
Hello Noob here ,

So im looking at the pastebin of the skill tree and i notice that all the nodes arent connected, do you have use nodes to get over there, and then return them later ?
Once you get the ascendancy node "path of the <class>" then you can respec your tree to have two starting points (scion & <class> picked), that don't have to be connected to each other.

Before you get that node you have to path manually to whatever you want to pick.
In the video examples, you have the golems up and also the extra minions, what skill is that? I don't see anything else except golems.

obonut 님이 작성:
In the video examples, you have the golems up and also the extra minions, what skill is that? I don't see anything else except golems.


Those are the Sentinels of Purity. Check Herald of Purity's description for more info.
YT_HB 님이 작성:
Buckets0 님이 작성:
What you guys think about 2x circle of guilt with Herald of Purity has (70-100)% increased Buff Effect and (40-60)% increased Physical Damage while affected by Herald of Purity ?

It's not worth it. 2 rare rings can do more damage than 2 of those. I do have one and used it and put it in PoB to calculate the damage difference. between the 2 rings below, 2 of the rare one will do more damage than 2 of the unique.

however you are not using buff effect and inc phys dmg. Santiel dmg obviously is not going to increase our dmg.
Buckets0 님이 작성:
YT_HB 님이 작성:
Buckets0 님이 작성:
What you guys think about 2x circle of guilt with Herald of Purity has (70-100)% increased Buff Effect and (40-60)% increased Physical Damage while affected by Herald of Purity ?

It's not worth it. 2 rare rings can do more damage than 2 of those. I do have one and used it and put it in PoB to calculate the damage difference. between the 2 rings below, 2 of the rare one will do more damage than 2 of the unique.

however you are not using buff effect and inc phys dmg. Santiel dmg obviously is not going to increase our dmg.

You're absolutely correct. I was testing the wrong ring. The one with both the herald buff and the inc phys damage is indeed a good option.

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