[3.8] DoomHerald | All Content | Millions+ DPS MirageArcher | 7k+ Life | 600+ Delves | 5-Link only

Mash_1992 님이 작성:
obonut 님이 작성:
In the video examples, you have the golems up and also the extra minions, what skill is that? I don't see anything else except golems.


Those are the Sentinels of Purity. Check Herald of Purity's description for more info.

Ah thanks for this!

Also a follow up question for running 4 simultaneous heralds.

Does it require Enlighten Support level 4 for this to work?
Hey dude, i really like your build its a lot of fun.
Maybe you can watch my char " SeVoCraP " and say me what can do now for more dps and more life ?
Dps is fine so far, but yeah ... everyone wants more x) The main problem is my life pool with 5.2k i think. Tooltip is 74k in h/o, also only cold ress is on 60% i have no idea how can i fix that ( sure with 100ex but i dont really want that invest )

i also switched add cold dmg for mirage archer for boss fights.
Will be cool if you can say somethink to my little scourge archer :P

Anyway Thanks for sharing.
RaoulDukey 님이 2019. 9. 23. 오전 12:50:07에 마지막으로 편집
RaoulDukey 님이 작성:
Hey dude, i really like your build its a lot of fun.
Maybe you can watch my char " SeVoCraP " and say me what can do now for more dps and more life ?
Dps is fine so far, but yeah ... everyone wants more x) The main problem is my life pool with 5.2k i think. Tooltip is 74k in h/o, also only cold ress is on 60% i have no idea how can i fix that ( sure with 100ex but i dont really want that invest )

i also switched add cold dmg for mirage archer for boss fights.
Will be cool if you can say somethink to my little scourge archer :P

Anyway Thanks for sharing.

When I imported your character it was missing a ring so I left that as is. All your gear is also the same and only the tree has changed in the PoB below (except that I did double-use 2 of your existing jewels to fill in newly added jewel slots.

Here's your current PoB: https://pastebin.com/YhvvdWCh

Here's a new PoB taking a slightly different path on the skill tree to give you more DPS and also more life: https://pastebin.com/XeQuBxNF

Other things to consider:
- Obviously getting another ring would give you more life and DPS.
- Min/maxing jewels to get life on every one would also be something to look for but those can get pricey.
- 2 Abyss socket gloves will also give you more life and DPS for the jewel and also the intimidate you can get from it.
- Life on your quiver could be a huge boost in your life pool.

Good luck!

Edit: Also, I would recommend putting Mirage Archer back instead of using Added Cold Damage as it let you get about 30% more damage while you're able to run around. Neither PoB nor the tooltip will show the added damage calculation though. Also, if you're using Elemental Focus, trade out Inc. Crit and replace it with Infused Channeling. That will give you a DPS boost as well for Scourge Arrow.
YT_HB 님이 2019. 9. 23. 오후 2:47:49에 마지막으로 편집

This one ? i bought this beauty for 3ex and slamed 2 times ... Dex ... and Max Es ... Feelsbadman

Thank you very much for the awnser dude !!

Yea im was not that sure what should use Cold dmg or mirage archer for Boss fights i think i will use only mirage archer cuz im to lazy to switch every time.

I only use the gloves with 1 Abyssal jewel because of ele weak on hit, i will use a pair when i hit ele weak or temp chain on a 2 jewel socked pair.
Yea i will min/maxing my jewels ofc, also try to get a other good shaped ring.

Got 2 more questions x)

1. You feel any problems/dps issuses on uber elder if you swapped to Dream Fragments instat of Mark of the Elder. ?

2. Annoint Amu, first how do you find my ammulet ?

and what is better choise, a bow/dps note on it, or a life/reduced mana reserve on it ?
Atm i use this dmg note because i dont running Herald of Ash yet because i dont have a enlighten on 4, in your Video i see you got like 70 mana, i think maybe its a little bit smother with a reduced note later.

Thank you very much for sharing this build i have a lot of fun with it, also for your anwser.
Also good luck for you, and many Mirror drobs in this league :P
And sorry for my bad english x)
RaoulDukey 님이 2019. 9. 24. 오전 11:33:45에 마지막으로 편집
RaoulDukey 님이 작성:
Got 2 more questions x)

1. You feel any problems/dps issuses on uber elder if you swapped to Dream Fragments instat of Mark of the Elder. ?

2. Annoint Amu, first how do you find my ammulet ?

and what is better choise, a bow/dps note on it, or a life/reduced mana reserve on it ?
Atm i use this dmg note because i dont running Herald of Ash yet because i dont have a enlighten on 4, in your Video i see you got like 70 mana, i think maybe its a little bit smother with a reduced note later.

Thank you very much for sharing this build i have a lot of fun with it, also for your anwser.
Also good luck for you, and many Mirror drobs in this league :P
And sorry for my bad english x)

There's no problem with swapping Dream Fragments with Mark of the Elder. In fact, that's exactly what I did in the video posted in the guide.

The amulet looks good. A better one might be one with a % non-chaos damage as extra chaos damage but that could be pricey.

As far as the anointing goes, it just depends on what you're lacking. Maybe you'll want more life, or more crit chance, more ele resists, etc. It just depends. If you're good with all your defensive stuff then DPS would be good. Or the mana reservation could be good as well if you're in need of that. In my current iteration of this build in Blight league I currently have 128 unreserved mana.

Edit: And your english is fine btw ;)
YT_HB 님이 2019. 9. 24. 오후 12:00:43에 마지막으로 편집
Can someone have a look at my build and comment on what else I should tweak?

I'm finding leeching seems a bit weak.

I've got my mark of the elder ring, just wait to get to level 80 before i can swap it out and also get the accompanying steel ring.

I still need to do uber labs and possibly more hp on the abyss jewels as my current max life is at just under 4k.

Also its been a pain trying to get 2xRGB on my bow. Spammed lots of 2B/2R and haven't been able to get the right combo.

Thanks in advance!

Hi!, I've recognized now DoomFletch is saying "Gain 100% of weapon physical damage as extra damage of a random element" it is not giving us bonus to all element anymore. Is it still better to use doomfletch or maybe it's time to change the main bow?
Mateusz5315 님이 작성:
Hi!, I've recognized now DoomFletch is saying "Gain 100% of weapon physical damage as extra damage of a random element" it is not giving us bonus to all element anymore. Is it still better to use doomfletch or maybe it's time to change the main bow?

The standard doomfletch gives random element, the upgraded doomfletch prism gives to all elements.
Okey cool, i think i made a poetrade day now XD

I forgot somethink about my idea with the life/mana reduced note on the ammulet.
My idea was because there is one slot open in the Herald 6L-Setup to try put also an Empower in to it, think will be a huge dps boost, thats why im thinkig about to set this mana reduced note on the amu.
Have no idea how many mana will left there to go, i also want a to smooth map clearing, i will checked out how it is when i get a lvl 4 enlighten + the 6% reduced note.

Thanks again, much love.
RaoulDukey 님이 작성:
Okey cool, i think i made a poetrade day now XD

I forgot somethink about my idea with the life/mana reduced note on the ammulet.
My idea was because there is one slot open in the Herald 6L-Setup to try put also an Empower in to it, think will be a huge dps boost, thats why im thinkig about to set this mana reduced note on the amu.
Have no idea how many mana will left there to go, i also want a to smooth map clearing, i will checked out how it is when i get a lvl 4 enlighten + the 6% reduced note.

Thanks again, much love.

Just test it out in pob? :o

No need to gamble away currency like that.


Here is a new upgraded PoB - its also already in the guide:


Thanks to YT_HB again who decided to play this build again this league and upgraded some stuff. :)
Cyrix1337 님이 2019. 9. 25. 오후 3:25:29에 마지막으로 편집

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