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YT_HB 님이 작성:
napraen 님이 작성:
Cyrix1337 님이 작성:


The new Shaper Chest sounds good-ish. Its just hard to compete with the shroud if you are also flat-stacking. Which we kinda need to do due to the low basedamage of DoomFletch. Which means Abyss jewels. In the end thats a bit of a numbers game I feel like.

I am not sure where the new chest will end up at - but I reckon it isnt significantly better.

Thanks for the reply and the insight.
I guess i undervalue how much the jewel socket matters in shroud.

There's a new synthesised base for ring that gives 11-12% global physical damage do you think it's any good or mark of the elder+shaper ring is gonna blow it out the water?

It's not so much the jewel socket (although that does make a difference in the long run), but the elemental penetration of all 3 elements. Shroud gives 37% penetration for all three elements which is huge with the Doomfletch Prism. That's the main reason that they're such a good pair.

Sometimes I wonder why I even write a guide. xD
Hey first of all thanks for the well written guide.
Did anyone test the build with like only one abyss socket in all the gear pieces ?
How strong is it that budget way ?
Isaac1337 님이 작성:
Hey first of all thanks for the well written guide.
Did anyone test the build with like only one abyss socket in all the gear pieces ?
How strong is it that budget way ?

Yes it does. That's what makes it kinda cheap to build. It's when you start min-maxing when it really can get pricey. On my first uber elder kill with it I wasn't even using an abyss helm, I had a Starkonja or rare at the time and the build worked well.
YT_HB 님이 작성:
Isaac1337 님이 작성:
Hey first of all thanks for the well written guide.
Did anyone test the build with like only one abyss socket in all the gear pieces ?
How strong is it that budget way ?

Yes it does. That's what makes it kinda cheap to build. It's when you start min-maxing when it really can get pricey. On my first uber elder kill with it I wasn't even using an abyss helm, I had a Starkonja or rare at the time and the build worked well.

Thanks for the fast answer. I guess I'll give this build a shot soon. :)
Doesn't Hatred do more overall than HoA+HoT despite the Elementalist ascendancy?
Nice guide! Trying it out this league. Question though: What pantheon setup do you use?
Cyrix1337 님이 작성:


Sometimes I wonder why I even write a guide. xD

I love your guides, this is the second build of yours I am building in a league, please keep them coming, don`t mind the people that don't read your guide properly. The ones who do won't be asking questions often since they understood it.
Overleech is stopped cold with VP.
bvanharjr 님이 작성:
Overleech is stopped cold with VP.

Do you mean we need to not use VP ?
bvanharjr 님이 작성:
Overleech is stopped cold with VP.

First time I heared of this. Can you elaborate?

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