[3.8] DoomHerald | All Content | Millions+ DPS MirageArcher | 7k+ Life | 600+ Delves | 5-Link only
" Pretty sure leech is still in game including overleech inherent to the slayer ascendancy Overleech did get a bit of a duration nerf in 3.6..but it still works with vaal pact, as VP only removes regen.... Your guide is really nicely written just getting a bit of currency atm then I will try it out. |
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Any advice on what to focus on post-70~ talent tree wise? Most likely not going to hit 100 on this char, so I'm guessing prioritizing jewel sockets is most likely more beneficial than picking up stuff like Depth Perception, considering the emphasis on abyss jewels in this build?
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" That's what I thought as well. I hate it when some random jumpes into a thread and spoutes non-sense. ^^' " Depends a bit on what kind of Abyssal Jewels you have available as well. If you are short on dosh - then do specc into Depth Perception etc and save up - if you have the money to spare for good jewels, use those! :) But in general you got the gist of it! :) If you want to know the exact answer for your character you kinda have to fire up PoB and check for yourself. :/ Cyrix1337#4098 님이 2019. 3. 17. 오후 7:14:46에 마지막으로 편집
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Thanks for the build Mate :D ! Playing it in Synthesis. I've always thought that archers aren't my thing and oh boy how wrong i was.
I've decided to use it after Purifying Flame started to get really meh for me. Just hit 80. I still run with Thief's Torment and Sacrificial Heart (will try to hit rings today). Trash clear (tier 7 atm) is godlike (for someone who always played melee at least). Boss clear speed is okayish. Also killed Synthesis boss for the first time (no-rips). Sustaining Blood Rage is bit tricky in this patch but manageable. No level 20-21 gems, shitty jewels (30 hp + single damage node), no uber lab, no stygian vise, one-socket bubonic trails, 3 link D-Prism so there is shitton space for upgrades for me still, so hyped about it. I know this is irrelevant but how much DPS do You have in-game tooltip? How important is Unnatural Instinct? Can Might of the Meek be used without them (running only one atm in the resist jewel node)? |
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" It looks like you're progressing nicely. It is amazing how well this does with cheap-ish gear. My SA tooltip DPS is 74k (with ele focus in the setup). Granted, I've min-maxed my char which is now in standard. You really want to import your char into PoB and take a look at the thorn arrow damage with all the right boxes clicked. You have the Might of the Meek in the right spot if you only have one of those jewels. You definitely want to use it even without Unnatural Instinct. To see exactly what you'll lose without the Unnatural Instanct, just import the PoB in the original post and uncheck that jewels node in the tree. I think it's mainly attack speed, movement speed and crit multi. I don't think it's 100% required to have but it does make a difference. I'd prioritize getting a second Might of the Meek instead of the Unnatural Instinct to help with Life and Res. I'm not sure if you're tried Rain of Arrows with this setup yet, but it should work really well with your theif's torment ring. Bossing may be a bit harder but the sustain of life/mana is very good. Good Luck! YT_HB#0097 님이 2019. 3. 18. 오후 3:44:11에 마지막으로 편집
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So i've been trying to push myself into the full end game with this build. I can feel its strength but still feel like i'm lacking some ST dps as well as survivability. For the survivability part i just feel like its the "over" leeching not feeling as strong as it once was. The dps part I suppose is my jewels. Would anyone mind lookin at my PoB and leading me in right direction for future upgrades. What not to get and what I should be prioritizing. I'm willing to spend the money if it will make things lil smoother. Thanks to anyone that read/helps
https://pastebin.com/hFQdDr05 |
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" What jumps out right away is that you're not using a Doomfletch Prism bow. Just changing that in your PoB doubled the DPS of the SA thorns. |
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Dear lord... how have i not noticed that i've been using the wrong bow since the start.... i slightly hate myself atm. I honestly never would have caught it, and i'm not sure why. Thanks i'm on my way to fixin that asap. Thanks.
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" Happens to the best of us :) |
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Hey, I've been wanting to play a bow build for a while and I'm still thorned between Scion and Ranger. This build looks solid and I have leveling gear to make it smooth and about 2ex to start, but I still need to be convinced lol. I LOVE delving and clear stuff fast, but I was also looking at something that do boss quite well. I've read the guide and it does seem to do it, but on a budget gear, am I gonna survive well? I struggled last league with 5.8HP on a witch and I failed Uber Elder and I wish to succeed this time.
Thanks! |
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