[3.9] Elemental Hit Crit | 7-9k Life | 3-7m DPS | Overleech + CC Immune | All Content


WHat fossil do you use ? Prismatic, Metallic, Corroded ?

kelandi 님이 작성:

1)the 2 combat focus jewels ~2c
2)Tombfist 1c
3) you want a frostferno for singletarget dps push ~10c
4)Mark of the elder ring and a Shaper base ring with some life and resi maybe eledmg ~10c
5)craft or buy a bow with Double damage, +1 to Socketed Gems, +1/2 to socketed bow gems, Crit chance, attack speed you didn't need all mods aim for Double damage/ias and Crit chance at the start a 5l is fine for clearspeed. no links under 5c 5link (The Jeweller's Touch 20c)
6)Wise oak and other flask ~10c
7)Maloney's Mechanism, Ornate Quiver(Perma Frenzy and Power charges without 8loodrage degen) ~20c
---------------Farm a bit---------------

1)Cinderswallow ~20c
2)2x Might of the meek ~40c each

---------------Now you can cry---------------

1)Kaoms Heart ~170c
2)Xophs Blood ~4ex
3)Buy a new bow with more mods and/or 6l your old one ~5-10ex
3)Unnatural Instinct ~12ex

Maybe i forgot something hope not.

How are the gloves compared to the slayer leech node?

you need more talentpoints with ranger startarea and you lose culling strike, but you gain Pathfinder and that is a huge qol push for me. but remender the gloves cost more ~50c

Thanks for a great post. Seems that you can get this build started pretty well with a resonable amount of gear.

Currently have about 6-7 ex to spend which should be viable as I think this'll be great for clear/boss combo of memories.

The Pathfinder flask benefits do sound very nice and I'm tempted to go this path. did you pick this from start or respecc to it?
i used over 400 regret orbs this league to try different combos jugg/slayer, jugg/path slayer/path.

if you wanna start with jugg/path you need the gloves at start, and you wont get the crit/int nodes near shadow until you got xophs blood.
with the jugg / PF route, do we still help alira or do we need the points?
kiwiki 님이 2019. 3. 29. 오후 6:45:04에 마지막으로 편집
kiwiki 님이 작성:
with the jugg / PF route, do we still help alira or do we need the points?

Always go for alira if you are crit, crit multi is simply too good.
kelandi 님이 작성:

1)the 2 combat focus jewels ~2c
2)Tombfist 1c
3) you want a frostferno for singletarget dps push ~10c
4)Mark of the elder ring and a Shaper base ring with some life and resi maybe eledmg ~10c
5)craft or buy a bow with Double damage, +1 to Socketed Gems, +1/2 to socketed bow gems, Crit chance, attack speed you didn't need all mods aim for Double damage/ias and Crit chance at the start a 5l is fine for clearspeed. no links under 5c 5link (The Jeweller's Touch 20c)
6)Wise oak and other flask ~10c
7)Maloney's Mechanism, Ornate Quiver(Perma Frenzy and Power charges without 8loodrage degen) ~20c
---------------Farm a bit---------------

1)Cinderswallow ~20c
2)2x Might of the meek ~40c each

---------------Now you can cry---------------

1)Kaoms Heart ~170c
2)Xophs Blood ~4ex
3)Buy a new bow with more mods and/or 6l your old one ~5-10ex
3)Unnatural Instinct ~12ex

Maybe i forgot something hope not.

How are the gloves compared to the slayer leech node?

you need more talentpoints with ranger startarea and you lose culling strike, but you gain Pathfinder and that is a huge qol push for me. but remender the gloves cost more ~50c

Love this, going to add maybe some items and add a budget section when i have some free time, ty for putting the effort in. Wil make sure to credit you.
Hi, I got an 8+ frostferno for couple week ago and have finally made a tanky scion elehit build as yours.


Im trying to figure out whats best bow for high single dps while using my frostferno, could any of you suggest what bow I should aim for? My clear speed is okayish but im looking for single dps right now.

Wondering if any of these bows below apply as good single dps bow or is there any other bow mods I should be looking for?

These are those things im using right now


Is there any items I should change to get better dps?
ToykoyoX 님이 작성:
Hi, I got an 8+ frostferno for couple week ago and have finally made a tanky scion elehit build as yours.


Im trying to figure out whats best bow for high single dps while using my frostferno, could any of you suggest what bow I should aim for? My clear speed is okayish but im looking for single dps right now.

Wondering if any of these bows below apply as good single dps bow or is there any other bow mods I should be looking for?

These are those things im using right now


Is there any items I should change to get better dps?

I can't really tell as I can't manually add delve modifiers in pob, once u import them pob should tell you which of the bows is better (more on this later - will add seperate comment adressing everyone - check FAQ section for this).

Gearwise, I'd focus on the rings. Get a Mark of the Elder + Assains Mark Shaper ring (adds a lot more crit/base crit than it used to).

Other than that, get a bow with crit chance, its very important to make it feel good. Take my bow for example with my complete config. Losing the crit on my weapon is a 11% dps loss, thats 740k dps not to mention the consitency I'd be losing with the reduced crit chance. In feeling, it's comparable to hitting the boss and not dealing double dmg vs dealing double dmg, you can feel it heavily.

mseabird 님이 2019. 3. 31. 오전 8:04:43에 마지막으로 편집
Everyone check out the FAQ section, it has been updated and I will keep updating it from now on.
Crafted this few days ago, not divined yet

Now I just need the allres implicit for mark of the elder to overcap my resists again :D
santzu 님이 2019. 4. 1. 오전 10:16:36에 마지막으로 편집

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