[3.9] Elemental Hit Crit | 7-9k Life | 3-7m DPS | Overleech + CC Immune | All Content


I've been trying to match the dps but have went more defensive by taking more life. Currently at lvl 79 but my dps on POB is around 1.7m on shaper. Can anyone tell me why I'm so far away from the 7m dps he's getting on his pob? IMO my dps is very far from achieving such dps even if I dropped the 2 ventors gambles and got the rings
There is no point in using Blink Arrow anymore use Flame Dash with Faster Casting instead!
nikidino8 님이 작성:
There is no point in using Blink Arrow anymore use Flame Dash with Faster Casting instead!

Can use both if u have room for it, sicne they dont share cd and BA can jump larger gaps.
jayden2221 님이 작성:

I've been trying to match the dps but have went more defensive by taking more life. Currently at lvl 79 but my dps on POB is around 1.7m on shaper. Can anyone tell me why I'm so far away from the 7m dps he's getting on his pob? IMO my dps is very far from achieving such dps even if I dropped the 2 ventors gambles and got the rings

U lacking some huge dmg modifiers on helm/belt/quiver.

Getting some WED on belt and quiver (quiver also needs crit chance/multi) & +2 corruption on helmet should boost you for a couple mil. I mean import my items into your pob, equip them one by one and see which item gives most boost compared to yours. Then just identify the difference and you know what you need to look for.

Rings are aslo a pretty big boost.

With all that said, the higher your damage becomes the harder it starts to scale. So upgrading one item now will make the second upgrade even stronger etc.
mseabird 님이 2019. 7. 15. 오전 6:16:36에 마지막으로 편집
Hey sup,

New to the game. My doubt is, why do you need a lot of accuracy if you've invested in Resolute Technique (your attacks can't be evaded...)

Nice build!
kitodann 님이 작성:
Hey sup,

New to the game. My doubt is, why do you need a lot of accuracy if you've invested in Resolute Technique (your attacks can't be evaded...)

Nice build!

Maybe you should read the whole guide.
mseabird 님이 2019. 8. 22. 오후 7:10:15에 마지막으로 편집
Ohh this looks good <3 Will be using this build for Blight league!
"For we are not now that strength, which in old days moved Earth and Heaven. That which we are, we are; one equal strength of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." - Ulysses, Tennyson
Cowrex 님이 작성:
Ohh this looks good <3 Will be using this build for Blight league!

Check out the slayer guide, its vastly more dmg. Scion can be way tankier tho.
Best of luck in 3.8
Hi. Slayer has been nerfed in 3.8, will scion be better now?
Ramamon 님이 작성:
Hi. Slayer has been nerfed in 3.8, will scion be better now?

.5% base crit loss is nothing my dude, slayer still op af.

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