[3.9] Elemental Hit Crit | 7-9k Life | 3-7m DPS | Overleech + CC Immune | All Content

mseabird 님이 작성:
Martingale7 님이 작성:
Would pathfinder also be a suitable replacement for jugg?

Also, I know this build isnt really supported anymore, but can anyone who has experience with this build take a look at my tree/gear and make a few recommendations? I know my gear is really bad at the moment but with a poverty ~5 ex budget I'm not really sure where to start making improvements.


Buy a tabula and start leveling a slayer hahaha. I will take a look before I go to bed and check whats missing, make sure your profile is public please.

Thanks buddy. The character is called mksixsevenseven.

I know slayer is vastly better on paper, but I wanted to experiment with the scion hybrid class combos for a change.
Martingale7 님이 작성:
mseabird 님이 작성:
Martingale7 님이 작성:
Would pathfinder also be a suitable replacement for jugg?

Also, I know this build isnt really supported anymore, but can anyone who has experience with this build take a look at my tree/gear and make a few recommendations? I know my gear is really bad at the moment but with a poverty ~5 ex budget I'm not really sure where to start making improvements.


Buy a tabula and start leveling a slayer hahaha. I will take a look before I go to bed and check whats missing, make sure your profile is public please.

Thanks buddy. The character is called mksixsevenseven.

I know slayer is vastly better on paper, but I wanted to experiment with the scion hybrid class combos for a change.

Try to get a bow and quiver like dispayed in respective sections, dump pyre (u already have 100% conversion, it gives you 0 damage).

Very next thing should be getting a decent chest with some stats and a xophs blood.

Also try to work on your crit chance and multi (a lot of this can come from getting xophs blood to free up passive point).
mseabird 님이 2019. 6. 27. 오후 9:32:14에 마지막으로 편집
Will do, thanks for your help.

As for the bow though, I tried to get one with the recommended affixes in the aforementioned section. Is mine really that bad for now? Obviously it's pretty crappy in the long run but working with a limited budget, I thought it was passable in the mean time. What specifically is it missing?

Also, would pathfinder be a decent replacement for the jugg ascendency or is inquis the only way to go?
Martingale7 님이 2019. 6. 27. 오후 11:45:38에 마지막으로 편집
Martingale7 님이 작성:
Will do, thanks for your help.

As for the bow though, I tried to get one with the recommended affixes in the aforementioned section. Is mine really that bad for now? Obviously it's pretty crappy in the long run but working with a limited budget, I thought it was passable in the mean time. What specifically is it missing?

Also, would pathfinder be a decent replacement for the jugg ascendency or is inquis the only way to go?

The bow will work for now obviously, the fire damage + penetration craft however to make a log of difference.
I’ve never done elemental hit.

How does it fare on monoliths or 3-4 way fights?

Does it clear as fast as Ed/contagion?
Godfeast_1 님이 작성:
I’ve never done elemental hit.

How does it fare on monoliths or 3-4 way fights?

Does it clear as fast as Ed/contagion?

Nothing clears as fast as ED contagion. For 3-4 ways the build is fine but try to get a bit more tankyness. Or a headhunter ;)
Anyone know why my life is so low? I know I'm only lvl 87, but I've already filled out all the life nodes on the tree and have pretty decent +life on all my rates.

Sitting around 6.5k right now
Martingale7 님이 작성:
Anyone know why my life is so low? I know I'm only lvl 87, but I've already filled out all the life nodes on the tree and have pretty decent +life on all my rates.

Sitting around 6.5k right now

You will get more life as you level up. If you want more (cant see geared chars on ur profile), you will have to sacrifice some damage somewhere.
mseabird 님이 2019. 7. 5. 오후 8:15:56에 마지막으로 편집
I want to play ele hit but for MFing Burial Chambers. This build uses Xophs...Is it worth it for me to try to find an AoF build that allows me to use a quantity amulet? I can't really find any updated for 3.7
Alcsaar 님이 작성:
I want to play ele hit but for MFing Burial Chambers. This build uses Xophs...Is it worth it for me to try to find an AoF build that allows me to use a quantity amulet? I can't really find any updated for 3.7

Replied in other thread.

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