[3.9] Elemental Hit Crit | 7-9k Life | 3-7m DPS | Overleech + CC Immune | All Content

With 3.7 approaching Slayer got a HUUUUGE buff and I strongly recommend opting for slayer>scion now. Way more dps for way less investment.


Writing guide for slayer part of the forums, will post link here and on main page once its done. It will be very similar to this one.

Guide for 3.7 Slayer Version
mseabird 님이 2019. 6. 5. 오전 11:47:26에 마지막으로 편집
mseabird 님이 작성:
With 3.7 approaching Slayer got a HUUUUGE buff and I strongly recommend opting for slayer>scion now. Way more dps for way less investment.


Writing guide for slayer part of the forums, will post link here and on main page once its done. It will be very similar to this one.

Awesome! I’ll be definitively playing your slayer variation this league! Thanks for keeping it updated for 3.7
Nice bow build. Thank you.
frostferno with +3lvl fire gems?? it is not on trade
popecgorit 님이 작성:
frostferno with +3lvl fire gems?? it is not on trade

Because it doesnt exist in temp league. It's legacy.
mseabird 님이 2019. 6. 19. 오후 3:23:33에 마지막으로 편집
How do you guys survive without a life flask? Even with vaal pact I feel like my leech is negligible.
If you are going scion is there even a point in taking jugg now? you can get accuracy capped easily with a low level precision aura, inquisitor is like a 1 mil damage increase
MonDifter 님이 작성:
If you are going scion is there even a point in taking jugg now? you can get accuracy capped easily with a low level precision aura, inquisitor is like a 1 mil damage increase

Ill update this guide at some point. The problem is that with slayer in its current state, there is literally 0 reason to go scion unless you absolutely want to play scion. But yes you are correct, no need to go jugg if u can deal with cc and accuracy.
Would pathfinder also be a suitable replacement for jugg?

Also, I know this build isnt really supported anymore, but can anyone who has experience with this build take a look at my tree/gear and make a few recommendations? I know my gear is really bad at the moment but with a poverty ~5 ex budget I'm not really sure where to start making improvements.

Martingale7 님이 작성:
Would pathfinder also be a suitable replacement for jugg?

Also, I know this build isnt really supported anymore, but can anyone who has experience with this build take a look at my tree/gear and make a few recommendations? I know my gear is really bad at the moment but with a poverty ~5 ex budget I'm not really sure where to start making improvements.


Buy a tabula and start leveling a slayer hahaha. I will take a look before I go to bed and check whats missing, make sure your profile is public please.

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