[3.7] ICE SPEAR TOTEM | 15.75 million shaper DPS! | 8k eHP (HP\ES - 38% MOM) | Easy all content

ILYILY 님이 작성:
Did u test with Atziris Reflection instead of +1 totem shield?

sure, kikazaru gives 200 es regen and it more cheaped then atziris reflection.
lllNonStop 님이 작성:
ILYILY 님이 작성:
Did u test with Atziris Reflection instead of +1 totem shield?

sure, kikazaru gives 200 es regen and it more cheaped then atziris reflection.

But with reflection u can use other rings rare, and chamge belt and make us low life with +30dmg spell.

But its
1. Expensive,
2. Idk if it works,
3. I dont have currency to check,
4. Your buils is insane lol xd

I just started scion. I have 40 ex for build, i hope it works as on your vids. I need endgame build :p

How is it working on delve?
ILYILY 님이 작성:
lllNonStop 님이 작성:
ILYILY 님이 작성:
Did u test with Atziris Reflection instead of +1 totem shield?

sure, kikazaru gives 200 es regen and it more cheaped then atziris reflection.

But with reflection u can use other rings rare, and chamge belt and make us low life with +30dmg spell.

But its
1. Expensive,
2. Idk if it works,
3. I dont have currency to check,
4. Your buils is insane lol xd

I just started scion. I have 40 ex for build, i hope it works as on your vids. I need endgame build :p

How is it working on delve?

Possible to use atzity reflecton with coward legacy and rare rings. But i have not so much time right now for test it. (with pain attunement sure)

If y will swap in my gean kikazary and shield with belt possible up dmg to 23+ million shaper dps (if use 1 tier cold damage to spells and attacks Shaper prefix) but yr ES regen will be only 400+.

About delve i dont know cos not delving much. (but i have not feel much problems in delv)
lllNonStop 님이 2019. 5. 10. 오후 6:19:32에 마지막으로 편집
Any more tips for leveling . I just started the race event with this character . At level 22 now just got to the ancestral bond node but as I switched over my totems feel kinda weak at the moment
Any more tips for leveling . I just started the race event with this character . At level 22 now just got to the ancestral bond node but as I switched over my totems feel kinda weak at the moment

I think its viable after u have gmp gem and 5link with 3 totems
Thanks for the build!

This was my first totems build, and it's quite fun. Incredible good for boss killing.

Some personal changes i made and some things i noticed:
Frostbolt + Frozen Trail Cobalt Jewel works better for mapping;
Ice Spear + Rain of Splinters Crimson Jewel is better for boss killing;
I replaced Stone Golem for an Enlighten lvl 4, (just my playstyle, i don't like having to summon him all the time)

I'm also interested in trying Atziri's Reflection, but it's sooooo expensive, maybe some day.

About delving, i would advise against using this build for delving, because the totems take some time to start shooting, so monsters can kill you before they get killed by the totems. That's for depth 150.

Now, i don't know what gem i should replace for Clarity to use this Watcher's, any ideas?
M4gnific 님이 작성:

Now, i don't know what gem i should replace for Clarity to use this Watcher's, any ideas?

I can not exactly answer you cos dont see yr full gear.

If y use gems and gear like in my build with corrupted amulet (with add curse) possible change faster casting in flame dush.
Hi NonStop,

First, thank you very much for sharing this incredible build.

I start the game more or less 2 months ago. I build a witch on my own to try the game and after 80 lvls I decide to start fresh and select a proper build, with high dps and decent suitability.

I select your build and I am LOVING PLAYING it!

I just have a question. I have your exact help, which provides my gems to have -20% mana reserved. However, for some reason I cannot explain and I am asking your help, I cannot a have all 3 auras at the same time.

Any idea what I could possibly doing wrong?

Once again, awesome build!
FabioP 님이 작성:
Hi NonStop,

First, thank you very much for sharing this incredible build.

I start the game more or less 2 months ago. I build a witch on my own to try the game and after 80 lvls I decide to start fresh and select a proper build, with high dps and decent suitability.

I select your build and I am LOVING PLAYING it!

I just have a question. I have your exact help, which provides my gems to have -20% mana reserved. However, for some reason I cannot explain and I am asking your help, I cannot a have all 3 auras at the same time.

Any idea what I could possibly doing wrong?

Once again, awesome build!

may be y not take dis nodes?
FabioP 님이 작성:
Hi NonStop,

First, thank you very much for sharing this incredible build.

I start the game more or less 2 months ago. I build a witch on my own to try the game and after 80 lvls I decide to start fresh and select a proper build, with high dps and decent suitability.

I select your build and I am LOVING PLAYING it!

I just have a question. I have your exact help, which provides my gems to have -20% mana reserved. However, for some reason I cannot explain and I am asking your help, I cannot a have all 3 auras at the same time.

Any idea what I could possibly doing wrong?

Once again, awesome build!

may be y not take dis nodes?
lllNonStop 님이 2019. 5. 20. 오후 5:14:37에 마지막으로 편집

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