[3.7] ICE SPEAR TOTEM | 15.75 million shaper DPS! | 8k eHP (HP\ES - 38% MOM) | Easy all content

That is it! You nailed! That is the problem. 2 more lvl's and the problem is sorted.

Thank you very much for your help and time. Really appreciated.
Bottled faith as far as I know doesn’t even exist on flashback Xbox yet , is there any other dps boosting flask besides dying sun , as a replacement for bottled faith
Bottled faith as far as I know doesn’t even exist on flashback Xbox yet , is there any other dps boosting flask besides dying sun , as a replacement for bottled faith

just use onslaugh flask

btw wheres your hat?
lllNonStop 님이 2019. 5. 22. 오후 7:23:51에 마지막으로 편집
lllNonStop 님이 작성:
Bottled faith as far as I know doesn’t even exist on flashback Xbox yet , is there any other dps boosting flask besides dying sun , as a replacement for bottled faith

just use onslaugh flask

btw wheres your hat?

If your talking about the diadem , there are currently 2 on the Xbox trade market right now , one is listed at 7exaltd and the other 6exalts .. :(

I’m saving up but I’m about 3 ex short
lllNonStop 님이 작성:
Bottled faith as far as I know doesn’t even exist on flashback Xbox yet , is there any other dps boosting flask besides dying sun , as a replacement for bottled faith

just use onslaugh flask

btw wheres your hat?

If your talking about the diadem , there are currently 2 on the Xbox trade market right now , one is listed at 7exaltd and the other 6exalts .. :(

I’m saving up but I’m about 3 ex short

Sad. Possible take MOM and eldritch battery on skill three then (after uber lab sure)

and why y still have not uber lab?)

This is why I didn’t have Uber lab lmao . Bad luck and small Xbox community .
But , I found the last trial today and completed uberlab .

Also, I picked up the diadem helm for 5ex. Changed my tree around . Massive difference in gameplay .
Gotta get me other gear improved now to push even more dps / survivability
Why do the scion has so much EHP than hiero?

What would u do to have this build HC oriented?
Why do the scion has so much EHP than hiero?

What would u do to have this build HC oriented?

Cos scion have big nodes with HP and have nodes with resistances. With 2 might of meek it give hight HP and resistance so y can use cheaper rares for up ur resistance and HP\ES (with hiero ive used corrupted amu for cups resistance).

For HC rly dunno cos never played it)

Possible find shaped shield with +1 max all\cold\fire\lightning resistance (with +1 max totems) and change amu for rare with much HP and ES.
May be changed little three for pick Shaper(1% max regen) node and pick near HP\ES nodes...
lllNonStop 님이 2019. 5. 28. 오후 6:32:04에 마지막으로 편집
this is gonna be my legion build if it survives patch notes. :)
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." -PoE Design Team Member.
"Get your magic finder characters ready!" -Chris Wilson
thx for the answers =)

How do you get so much ES with almost any passive investment?

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