[3.9] Vaal groundslam | SSF Viable |

My actual setup if anyone is interested.
I still get one shoted from time to time, especially from legion rares.
Spent around 90 chaos so far.

Have to improve gem level and quality as well as my flask setup.
I was lucky enough to find Vaal Haste, and have been having it on my bar. The attack speed goes nuts. I use it mostly on bosses or when popping the monolith :)
pslind69 님이 작성:
I was lucky enough to find Vaal Haste, and have been having it on my bar. The attack speed goes nuts. I use it mostly on bosses or when popping the monolith :)

Imho you should drop rage support and use ruthless or damage on full life ... will increase your dps for about 20-30k depending on level.
Mydgard6 님이 2019. 6. 28. 오전 7:19:34에 마지막으로 편집
Mydgard6 님이 작성:
pslind69 님이 작성:
I was lucky enough to find Vaal Haste, and have been having it on my bar. The attack speed goes nuts. I use it mostly on bosses or when popping the monolith :)

Imho you should drop rage support and use ruthless or damage on full life ... will increase your dps for about 20-30k depending on level.

Interesting, thanks!
can do crit?
This is really a very good build, I have very much fun with this, as it is really cheap and effective, thank you very much.

I‘m a player, who plays not very much, about 1 or 2 hours a day at max, because I have a fulltime job as a truck driver and of course my family.

Some questions:
CWDT (Level 11, as described) is it useful to Level immortal call to max level of self proc or leave it at level 11?

When I reserve all mana with HOP/HOA/Hatred I cant use HOT/COH/WM anymore, is it better to reserve all mana with HOA/Hatred/HOT Setup?
splashi 님이 작성:

Some questions:
CWDT (Level 11, as described) is it useful to Level immortal call to max level of self proc or leave it at level 11?

For 11 level immortal call CWDT can be level 9 AFAIK.

Personally i have 2 separate CWDT setups - one for immo call, and the other for golem and blood rage (I just dont want to proc it by hand :P)

I also added some extras to fill empty space.

splashi 님이 작성:

When I reserve all mana with HOP/HOA/Hatred I cant use HOT/COH/WM anymore, is it better to reserve all mana with HOA/Hatred/HOT Setup?


If anyone is interested in my gear:

Im using different gloves - still have rampage, and they offer more life and dmg than Wyrmsign. Im also using Stygian Vise for more life and to cap res.
Any advices appreciated. OFC i will change enchants on gloves and boots, because i had no time for that earlier. Gems still with no quality, im also thinking about 6l BoB (It is worth it?).
ate1990 님이 2019. 6. 30. 오전 6:14:50에 마지막으로 편집

I'm enjoying this build so much. However, I've reached the limit of this build since i cannot kill the 16 tier bosses or uber bosses quickly even i used quite many exal. This is my current equipment. Is there any other ways to make this build stronger? If so, which gears or gems should i replace or upgrades?
GanjaKill 님이 2019. 7. 1. 오전 3:07:56에 마지막으로 편집
What is your tooltip DPS on the maps if i may ask?
I have about 220k with all buffs up in rage. You have better gear than i do and im wondering if this is worth upgrading my stuff.
Your 3.7 tree on pob is level 100? Right? I can do max level 95 what passive shoudnt take? Im worried about damage on rare and unique monsters.. How he build looks with this? And also is leveling trees are the same as new 3.7 end game with level 100? Causie i dont think so it shows 120 points not 128...
qlasboy 님이 2019. 7. 1. 오후 5:14:22에 마지막으로 편집

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