[3.8] CI Aura Bot (19Auras / Aspect / Smite / Party Fortify / Tanky)

Downswing 님이 작성:
Any leveling item recommendations? I am planning to lvl up just playing in parties, but no idea what items I can grab to get more auras running or something like that. All I know is those standard goldrim caps and tabula (which im going to use) etc. for solo leveling, but was wondering if theres something more suitable for aurabotting and leveling before 70?

You could rush EE, and run 2-3 auras + The Gull and add auras slowly as you take more Aura Nodes

Just make sure to take Life and ES
I've received some PM in game about my jewel, here it is.

You can get 43% inc aura effect for only 9 points, the extra 12 still give +1% max all res through purities which is insane.

Here are my defensive stats with auras up, no flasks :

I need to get lvl 100 for a few extra ES nodes but overall builds feels pretty much min-maxxed (Still need double corrupt on victario, shield etc. but it's not cheap). We went to delve 1000+ with two other guys, overall it was a breeze.

Thanks again for this awesome build mate !
TheBeardmage 님이 2019. 7. 10. 오전 8:45:02에 마지막으로 편집
I've received some PM in game about my jewel, here it is.

You can get 43% inc aura effect for only 9 points, the extra 12 still give +1% max all res through purities which is insane.

Here are my defensive stats with auras up, no flasks :

I need to get lvl 100 for a few extra ES nodes but overall builds feels pretty much min-maxxed (Still need double corrupt on victario, shield etc. but it's not cheap). We went to delve 1000+ with two other guys, overall it was a breeze.

Thanks again for this awesome build mate !

Damn that's one pretty good jewel! glad people are finding these. Ill be posting my livesearch link for the seeds I have found/think are good later today when i get home. Glad your enjoying the build and guide :)

Ive gotten a jewel that gives 57% aura effect paired with Devotion the auras in my chest now have 201% inc Effect meaning they give 3% phys mitigation each I think I'm also done min maxing apart from level 4 empower/enlighten and corruptions
How did you manage to get that much inc effect ? I only get like 65-ish % from the tree and ascendancies, and the 53% I get from my jewel.

Also I noticed that taking the 9% ES nodes (Affected by Might of the meek) gives actually more ES than Deep Wisdom in my case. Not quite sure about Arcane will though but it seemed to give pretty much the same amount of ES as Deep Wisdom too. Since in PoB it doesn't seem to take Might of the Meek into account, you should test it directly IG :)

Also, maybe the pob I downloaded from the build is outdated but you took spell damage nodes in the scion starting area, but attack speed is way more valuable overall. More attack speed means more chances to hit enemies with smite / Vigilant strike before the carry obliterates them.

Concerning the weapon, I'm pretty happy with this :

Slotted Smite / Vigilant Strike / Ancestral call for even more attack speed.

If you want to lower the mana cost of skills also, corrupting the cheap gear (vivinsect, belt etc.) lowers the cost of all attack skills by 2, which allows us to have free spells if you slot in a lower level flame dash, which is absolutely great since it allows to level up precision a bit more.

Concerning deep delves, I swapped phase run for vaal Molten shell, which gives an insane amount of extra survivability (26k more life in my case). I also noticed that basalt flasks are a bit overkill, and swapped mine for a sweet Soul Catcher that lowers the cooldown and cost of our vaal skills, which is great ! If you are capped at 90%, i'd advise taking this instead, it helps a lot !
TheBeardmage 님이 2019. 7. 11. 오전 10:17:58에 마지막으로 편집
How did you manage to get that much inc effect ? I only get like 65-ish % from the tree and ascendancies, and the 53% I get from my jewel.

Sorry I forgot to say that that includes the 15% Aura Effect from Victario's See bellow full list

Also I noticed that taking the 9% ES nodes (Affected by Might of the meek) gives actually more ES than Deep Wisdom in my case. Not quite sure about Arcane will though but it seemed to give pretty much the same amount of ES as Deep Wisdom too. Since in PoB it doesn't seem to take Might of the Meek into account, you should test it directly IG :)

I think that might depending on your gear and how much flat vs % es you have but in general yes 2x 9% ES nodes is better than the 6%+Deep Wisdom (i normally dont take it but have to now because of my new Jewel had to path quite a bit differently to use as little points as possible

Also, maybe the pob I downloaded from the build is outdated but you took spell damage nodes in the scion starting area, but attack speed is way more valuable overall. More attack speed means more chances to hit enemies with smite / Vigilant strike before the carry obliterates them.

Yea that was out of date it was left over from my leveling as Brand that i had completely forgot about until after i posted that PoB, I will def be posting some updates to fix stuff like that thank you for the reminder! ^^

Concerning the weapon, I'm pretty happy with this :
If you want to lower the mana cost of skills also, corrupting the cheap gear (vivinsect, belt etc.) lowers the cost of all attack skills by 2, which allows us to have free spells if you slot in a lower level flame dash, which is absolutely great since it allows to level up precision a bit more.

Great Weapon gratz! Yea which is why most my cheap stuff is corrupted or (safe corrupted 30% quality beast craft on weapon) to get as much -2 mana cost as possible!

Concerning deep delves, I swapped phase run for vaal Molten shell, which gives an insane amount of extra survivability (26k more life in my case). I also noticed that basalt flasks are a bit overkill, and swapped mine for a sweet Soul Catcher that lowers the cooldown and cost of our vaal skills, which is great ! If you are capped at 90%, i'd advise taking this instead, it helps a lot !

Ive integrated Molten Shell to run permanently for my set up (by getting an extra unset ring) it does indeed work wonders! The flasks I'm using are

Jade is quite a bit better than Granite, but both Granite and Basalt can be replaced with whatever (like a wise oak if your resists are balanced

Soul Catcher is indeed great too especially when you have all your skills cost 0 mana :)
_Nuk 님이 2019. 7. 11. 오후 12:55:27에 마지막으로 편집
You should NEVER Use an Enlighten in your Chest.

Why is that?
Kshatry 님이 작성:
You should NEVER Use an Enlighten in your Chest.

Why is that?

With only 1 Jewel Corrupted, Alphas Howl, Might of the meek, Skyforth and Conqueror's efficiency, 50% Auras in chest cost 4% mana (as opposed to 19% out side of chest) It is Much more advantageous to socketed an extra Aura in than use an enlighten.

On top of that to reduced the mana cost from 4%->3% with enlighten it would require a level 8 enlighten which inst possible in victario;s
Yea that was out of date it was left over from my leveling as Brand that i had completely forgot about until after i posted that PoB, I will def be posting some updates to fix stuff like that thank you for the reminder! ^^

Ignore what I wrote yesterday, I swapped from Arc totems to storm brand and it's worked out nicely. In about 4 hours yesterday I was able to go from act 3 to mid act 8...had to grease a few act bosses with my blood and deaths but not as many as expected. Also I've only spent about 12 points I'll need to respec (plus 3 from the totems).

jeremy_u_s3 님이 2019. 7. 13. 오전 8:30:02에 마지막으로 편집
I screwed up. mirrorable vaaled items, when? /sarcasm

I am emotionally & mentally drained through the sharking waters.
bvanharjr 님이 2019. 7. 12. 오후 4:58:50에 마지막으로 편집
Hey, I'm pretty new to PoE and i've started playing this build with a friend, but I really don't know how to level up effectively other than just following my friend and being a dead weight. Could anyone help me out? What gems should I take early game and when should I transition to being a full support? Thanks for help in advance :)

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