[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
" This makes a lot of sense. I just found OnTop's guide I'm gonna go try a Raider build next with the currency I have saved up. Just don't get hit 4Head. |
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Hi, im playing the divine flesh version I have a few general questions.
I have just spawned my first awakener (awaken level 5) and am going to go into the fight as soon as I finish levelling to the next level. I am using a chance to avoid stun cinderswallow flask. What pantheons would be the most ideal for the awakener fight / do you have any pointers? Second question was about warding flasks.How do they work. Do they make you immune to the curse during the duration of the flask. I originally wanted to have it on a life flask but i feel like the duration would end as soon as i hit full life. Last question. I am using maloney's mechanism with frenzy greater volley withering touch as the links. Would it be better to replace withering touch with culling strike or power charge on crit? rthreee#3309 님이 2020. 1. 6. 오전 4:42:29에 마지막으로 편집
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I would like to have more in depth what you are using for budget starter etc., cause your profile is empty.
I feel kinda lost, my stone golem is like always dead and i dont know if thats supposed to be this way and my survival is utter garbage. Right now im trying to run t4-5 maps but i cant fight every metamorph and need to load another map cause i get 1 shot 5 times and lose my whole level.. |
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" Its certainly a good criticism for this build that there is no model gear to be sought right after the core set up but if u look at PoB, the crafting section and others' gears u wud find what u need to get fairly easily. Technically you should have no trouble cruising through maps until t15, at least thats how it was for me and i did incremental upgrades every few levels. First prio would be to get a decent bow with at least 3 of the mods (60% more poison mod is a must). With the amount of HP nodes we take you should have no trouble keeping yourself alive in white / yellow maps. Use quartz flask for infinite phasing, resist cap and never go into melee to fight anything in the game, we are rangers after all. And finally, graduate out of tabula as soon as possible, even if u cant craft a -15 mana cost chest, just slam screaming / shrieking essence of greed on a 6L Green chest and you ll be fine. Your character is not visible so I have trouble telling you what may be missing but the build works really well even with 1-2 ex budget. |
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" Great questions! I've been trying to raise a discussion about Maloney's Mechanism myself the last few pages, but we are yet to get it going :) I'm also playing around with a very large radius Thread of Hope jewel, but as you mention a large ring radius might be better. It's a bit tricky to evaluate, though, as PoB does not (afaik) support the "rings" (only radiuses, but not a "very large radius"). Let me know if you find some interesting variations; I will probably buy a cheap crap one (high res penalty) for each radius just to be able to thoroughly play around with it in my tree. For a really-hard-to-evaluate but interesting combo, one could try to overlap a Thread of Hope ring over the Glorious Vanity radius, as there as quite a lot of good passive nodes from the Vaal Timeless jewels. " Another alternative is to self-cast despair as an aura (using blasphemy) by using the Impresence amulet for 0% despair allocated mana. This would free up a curse slot for you, ideally with a curse on hit. Your existing +1 frenzy on the gloves is quite big though, so it would be a choice of damage vs defense. Anyway, my experience (extra curse aside) is that this approach, along with aspect of the spider and Fenumus' Weave, is huge for damage, but could become a bit expensive to make all things work out. Have a look at my items or those of Rejz0's character (he posted a brief message about his approach on page 190 which I used as a baseline for my own item re-factoring). artradis#5458 님이 2020. 1. 6. 오전 8:30:49에 마지막으로 편집
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" That's pretty cool, I didn't think about this interaction. To test the radiuses on PoB you can allocate the passives you want to allocate directly on the jewel. But the radiuses from the thread of hope jewel are strange, I mean it's a big circle and it looks like that in game for me : ![]() " Yeah, i'm already using an impresence with an awakened blasphemy and i'm considering liking it to an empower if I successfully vaal one to level 4. But i'm starving for intelligence and my resists are pretty short. I feel like i could fit a Mechanism rather easily but Mechanism and fenumus should be pretty hard to say the least, since i'm going to need to get 30 chaos res. I have an idea on how to do that but it's going to require some prismatic catalyst lol |
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" Nice, I've seen the large circle used as you do for some of the top leveled SA builds at poe.ninja. I'm currently trying out the very large radius though, and possibly with some success; listing some numbers below (but haven't compared to the large radius approach). The very large approach mainly frees up some passive points for me (e.g. removes need of a passive point road to Heart of Oak, Hunter's Gambit, Revenge of the Hunted and Swift Venoms) which I in turn use for resists, life and some damage. Particularly interesting if you use Divine Flesh at the Pain Attunement keystone rather than Point Blank, as there are move "semi-large" passives there that can get interesting vaal variations for different Glorious Vanity rolls. Ah that's clever with tweaking the passives into the jewel itself in PoB. According to PoB I'm now at ~5 mil Shaper DPS (just the thorn arrows with 3 frenzy charges; which I am yet to fix - next investment), with 5.9k life and resistances capped at ~+20% (a bit on the low end). To achieve capped chaos resistance I've swapped one of my nice pure damage nostalgias (sad face :( ) for a chaos res nostalgia (cheap one) and lost another 0.5 mil dps (5.5 mil with the damage nostalgia). Hopefully I can find a chaos res nostalgia with some really nice implicits though. I'm also yet to get a +pod enchantment or a quiver better than drillneck, so lot's of room for improvement :) " Indeed, my own intelligence and mana is really starved atm with just a lvl 3 enlighten, but it just barely works. As I mentioned above I had to drop one of my really nice pure damage nostalgias for a chaos resistance one. From:
artradis#5458 님이 2020. 1. 6. 오후 12:22:38에 마지막으로 편집
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The mod "poisons inflict 10% faster" is very strong correct? Is it worth getting on boots?
edit: when I put the boots into PoB I only gain 2.3k poison dps which makes no sense to me since I'm doing over 1mil. Is the mod complete junk or am I missing something? Darkith1546#6161 님이 2020. 1. 6. 오후 1:24:44에 마지막으로 편집
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" Its very good mod, it do not changes your "total" dps at all, but reduces the rampup time what is very valuable (e.g your poison duration in calcs tab in pob is your rampup time, you need to attack stuff for that long until you reach your max ps faster poison sources reduce this time what is very strong) My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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" Ah ok that makes sense. I was kinda worried because I invested heavily into two items and when I put them into PoB it barely changed lol. |
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