[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

artradis 님이 작성:

Nice, I've seen the large circle used as you do for some of the top leveled SA builds at poe.ninja. I'm currently trying out the very large radius though, and possibly with some success; listing some numbers below (but haven't compared to the large radius approach). The very large approach mainly frees up some passive points for me (e.g. removes need of a passive point road to Heart of Oak, Hunter's Gambit, Revenge of the Hunted and Swift Venoms) which I in turn use for resists, life and some damage. Particularly interesting if you use Divine Flesh at the Pain Attunement keystone rather than Point Blank, as there are move "semi-large" passives there that can get interesting vaal variations for different Glorious Vanity rolls.

Yeah, i've looked at your tree and I see that you saved up about 7-8 passives points with the very large ring. I've also swapped my Glorious Vanity to the top of the tree like you to get a tiny bit more int, but I need to try other glorious vanities for the nodes and notables, see if i can find some that are worth getting.

artradis 님이 작성:

Ah that's clever with tweaking the passives into the jewel itself in PoB. According to PoB I'm now at ~5 mil Shaper DPS (just the thorn arrows with 3 frenzy charges; which I am yet to fix - next investment), with 5.9k life and resistances capped at ~+20% (a bit on the low end). To achieve capped chaos resistance I've swapped one of my nice pure damage nostalgias (sad face :( ) for a chaos res nostalgia (cheap one) and lost another 0.5 mil dps (5.5 mil with the damage nostalgia). Hopefully I can find a chaos res nostalgia with some really nice implicits though. I'm also yet to get a +pod enchantment or a quiver better than drillneck, so lot's of room for improvement :)

Indeed, my own intelligence and mana is really starved atm with just a lvl 3 enlighten, but it just barely works. As I mentioned above I had to drop one of my really nice pure damage nostalgias for a chaos resistance one.



Yeah, my resists are barely capped (like 1-2% over on all of them) and i'm running on 6.3k life so it was kind of hard to fit both damage nostalgias but i managed. I also considered going with one nostalgia with chaos res but the damage you get from both pure damage was just too tempting.
Cymbor 님이 작성:

Yeah, i've looked at your tree and I see that you saved up about 7-8 passives points with the very large ring. I've also swapped my Glorious Vanity to the top of the tree like you to get a tiny bit more int, but I need to try other glorious vanities for the nodes and notables, see if i can find some that are worth getting.

I'm hoping those extra nodes can help out with the resistance problems we face with this build approach. Some some Glorious Vanity variations can really shine with those extra passive points (and I'm also allocating survivalist). But it may be at the cost of a lot of damage. May I ask what your shaper DPS is (just the thorn arrows)?

Cymbor 님이 작성:

Yeah, my resists are barely capped (like 1-2% over on all of them) and i'm running on 6.3k life so it was kind of hard to fit both damage nostalgias but i managed. I also considered going with one nostalgia with chaos res but the damage you get from both pure damage was just too tempting.

I would really also like to go back to my pure damage nostalgias, but I'll need to see whether I can get some chaos resistances on my future helm/chest upgrade. I got some help for resistances from Glorious Vanity conquered passives, but one can probably aim for even better variations:


Finally, I see you have an awesome defensive roll on your chest (phys to chaos). Is the way to hope for that kind of roll to fossil craft the chest (e.g. as this guide describe) and then hunter exalt slam (given an open prefix)? Or craft a hunters base chest to begin with?
artradis#5458 님이 2020. 1. 6. 오후 2:43:59에 마지막으로 편집
artradis 님이 작성:

I'm hoping those extra nodes can help out with the resistance problems we face with this build approach. Some some Glorious Vanity variations can really shine with those extra passive points (and I'm also allocating survivalist). But it may be at the cost of a lot of damage. May I ask what your shaper DPS is (just the thorn arrows)?

I switched to fenumus and Mechanism, and after setup and checking frenzy and power charges (i'm linking frenzy, power charge on crit and increased crit in mechanism) i'm sitting at 7.1 million only the torn arrow atm.

artradis 님이 작성:

I would really also like to go back to my pure damage nostalgias, but I'll need to see whether I can get some chaos resistances on my future helm/chest upgrade. I got some help for resistances from Glorious Vanity conquered passives, but one can probably aim for even better variations:


Wow, your nodes look really nice, a bunch of life and resist and even some damage! I really want to get another variation now lol. I got lucky, i bought my helmet fully crafted for 6ex with even chaos res so i'm okayish chaos res wise.

artradis 님이 작성:

Finally, I see you have an awesome defensive roll on your chest (phys to chaos). Is the way to hope for that kind of roll to fossil craft the chest (e.g. as this guide describe) and then hunter exalt slam (given an open prefix)? Or craft a hunters base chest to begin with?

Well, to craft my chest I used a resonator with serrated/pristine/aberrant on a regular base (no influence). I was hoping for more chaos res but well.
I then had 2 open prefixes so I blocked the %life with the %life craft and I slammed hunter orb, which applied influence and I rolled the mod I wanted but tier 2 (As you can see here : https://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Hunter#Body%20Armours you can only roll additional curse, life regen or the phys to chaos mod if you hunter slam with an open prefix). I feel like the chance to get it from a lucky slam is higher than crafting it on a base already hunter influenced (and I don't think chests ilvl 86+ hunter influenced are cheap rn).
Where is the 750% coming from for me to enable it to track my poison dps correctly?

Mine looks like this

My Total DPS inc. Poison is 392,561 and that just doesn't feel right. Yours on the other hand in PoB says 2,772,134 which looks much better and something im not getting in PoB.

DeadExcuses#3431 님이 2020. 1. 6. 오후 6:56:13에 마지막으로 편집
DeadExcuses 님이 작성:
Where is the 750% coming from for me to enable it to track my poison dps correctly?

Mine looks like this

My Total DPS inc. Poison is 392,561 and that just doesn't feel right. Yours on the other hand in PoB says 2,772,134 which looks much better and something im not getting in PoB.

You do not set it specifically, usually Thorn Arrows are used to monitor SA damage. It is not accurate (there is main arrow, then several hits from multiple spore pods, exact amount depends on location relative to mob), but gives a general idea.

Set Wither stacks to 15, number of poisons on enemy to 9 (Vile Toxins max), shock effect to 15% (Skitterbots) etc.
Hello! I've had so much fun playing this build and have (somehow) been able to purchase a lot of the high end items. That being said I feel I am too low on health and am dying a bit more than I feel I should. Any advice on getting tankier?

Hello I am new and looking for advice on this bow. Should I re craft this bow or keep it?


Thank you very much for your time.
ffxivgamer 님이 작성:
Hello I am new and looking for advice on this bow. Should I re craft this bow or keep it?


Thank you very much for your time.

THat is... pretty :d def. keep and craft chaos multi prefix. The dot multi suffix you got is super sweet.
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HI guys, any suggestion what upgrade I should grab next to increase my damage? Feel like I could do a bit more damage, I just dying quite a lot also even after I change to Darkscorn. Stuck at level 92 for quite some time because of constant dying.
Anyhow, this build is amazing, I just need to learn and get better items.

How does the Despair setup gem-linking, since I have Impresense anyway?

I have about 4 ex now, which gear should I change first? A devoto / rare helemt with enchamenet for maximum spore, or a embalmer gloves with despair on hit?

Anyhow, will try to look for a 6 link chest. Currently have some mana issue with long boss fight.
mual12345#0640 님이 2020. 1. 7. 오전 6:56:49에 마지막으로 편집
Need some help- the build looks good, but i can't get enough damage. It looks like i make something wrong.
Can someone suggest improvements (character WhipetThemall in my profile).

Thank you.

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