[3.10] Liggles' Immune Stormwall - crit/block staff cyclone | All content | HC

Can someone explain this setup? How this works and why? Won't it better to use something else?

Nvm, didn't know how riposte works.
kovarniypidor 님이 2020. 5. 3. 오후 4:43:33에 마지막으로 편집
interesting build, has this worked out well for you in 3.10?

I'm looking at trying it next league as my starter. Reminds me of the Staffbarbs of diablo 2 days.

hi all!
I've started this build as a second character (ever, first time I play PoE) more to see how viable a scion is for a newbie, but I can say it's a very fun build also for new players!
But I've noticed yesterday I've downloaded the old PoB link, so I downloaded the new today and was checking the items and skill section...
With Kaom's heart, glorious plate I think I can't equip the riposte-vengeance gems...or am I wrong?
For a newbie, in the engame would it better have kaom's heart, or take the other item in the build (a dragon scale doublet) with the skills riposte-vengeance?

Thank you for reading this!
I have a question about damage - it shows 660k in PoB, is that correct? Is that enough for endgame bosses?
If you have thoughts about a 3.11 upgrade -- such as the changes to heralds -- I'm interested.

I dabbled with this build in 3.10 up to level 75-ish, it was fun !
kovarniypidor 님이 2020. 9. 15. 오후 3:47:15에 마지막으로 편집
Please disregard, I found the information I was looking for.

So I am a complete noob here but I wanted to try this build. However, after reading it, I am very confused. Is there a link someone could provide to explain some of the acronyms and such?

Thank you
sethin 님이 2021. 1. 20. 오후 10:23:50에 마지막으로 편집

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