[3.10] Liggles' Immune Stormwall - crit/block staff cyclone | All content | HC

nikidino8 님이 작성:
You know I need to try it and I feel confident, that will get to lvl 90 with this build in HC!

Oh and one very important thing for 1.0

You can convert the links directly to a clickable link with the URL thing in the header


is working like this [#url="link"]name[/url] (remove #)

You can also add multiple trees in POB for leveling (best I think to put is in the budget version) and clear up your items so we can imagine how much res we need and what could be the average life like this for the example

Let me know how it goes! I might do the same in HC next league! :)

And thanks - I'll get onto that. Been at work during the day! :)
[3.7] Liggles' Immune Stormwall - crit/block staff cyclone | All content | Budget options
I'm considering giving this one a try to toy with melee some this league and I always want to play Scion, even if it rarely gets to be meta.

I noticed something odd in PoB...I loaded up the lv 90 budget version to play with the options and see what I could reasonably expect, because I'll rarely ever have anything resembling perfect gear. I knocked off Infused Channeling to make a 5L and the damage didn't go down at all! I think it might just be an issue with PoB. I haven't looked into that gem interaction. If it is a PoB issue, it seems like you might be missing out on a little DPS boasting power there. Any ideas on that?

Also, cyclone's Area of Effect is not so great. How does this build handle large packs? I guess I'd have to play it to really get a feel for it. I know a lot of people are going crazy trying to stick lots of AoE bonus in for Cyclone wherever they can find it.
olsev_baiden 님이 작성:
A few thoughts, questions, notes:

1. Ice Golem instead of Flame Golem should suit the build better. If you want more offense, remove Chaos Golem instead.
2. I'm curious what triggers more often, Riposte or Vengeance (guess the hit based one). I'd remove one of them and replace it with your already suggested Wave of Conviction.
3. Rage looks quite good instead of Added Fire for Cyclone, especially when combined with a 1L Berserk. It's ramp-up damage though.
4. Maybe Chain Hook fits better than Leap Slam when you use Berserk, I'm personally a Leap Slam fan and didn't try out Chain Hook yet as mobility skill.
5. Activating flasks in PoB is...meh. Also the shock flag is...meh, bc it gives the maximum possible shock, i.e. 50% instead of the 10% elementalist one and falsifies dps.
6. A Lethal Pride jewel is very good for staff users (can be socketed next to RT). I use that spot for my Pillar Champ and get nice offense and defense (crit multi, stronger Fortify effect, reduced incoming crit damage etc.). Also it gives strength = life for the smaller nodes. Depending on the jewel one can take more notables in that area (life + reduced mana, Endurance charge, reduced incoming crit damage).
7. There's still room for a banner (War banner for accuracy or Dread banner for defense) in case you feel comfortable with your mana.
8. What about a Precision Watcher's Eye? The flask one seems nice or the crit multi one.
9. How good/bad is the knockback from Blunt Trauma? I hear Knockback is generally annoying for Cyclone, e.g. with Lion's Roar. Does Empire's Grasp make sense? You'd lose Intimidate that way though.
10. Blood Rage is a solid option. Shouldn't be noticable with your high regen (and leech increases).

Thanks for the repsonse - I really enjoy tweaking builds so it's nice to hear input from others!

1. You're right - PoB confirms ice golem is the best option. I'm gonna run ice/chaos as I like the phys defense chaos provides.

2. I think vengeance does, yea. I'm gonna put wave of conviction in it, or just run it as a 5link setup with a holy flame totem (curse immunity!)

3. Yeah, I like rage, but as you say it's ramp up time. The added fire is a permanent 44% more damage multiplier though!

4. I don't think you can use chain hook with 2hand weapons unfortunately :(

5. I actually agree. I posted a similar content on a thread the path of exile builds subreddit where I defended with:

"In my defense, doesn't every build seem to have their damage flasks up when calculating DPS(?) - I only had two up (3 if you include the sulphur flask (a measly 40% increased) - but against bosses I'd probably drop that for a lion's roar as you'll be in consecrated ground permanently anyway - and lion's roar compensates for the shock). I also didn't have powercharges ticked, despite having a way to generate them automatically (it's not consistent though, so I didn't tick it)

Onto the shock itself - there's a (30-40%) chance for 20% (22% with the 10% increased effect) shock if we block (shocks from things like that block effect are always 20%)

Furthermore, some of my gem levels I forgot to update, and I've switched out to using a 20/20 ele weakness curse manually now, which is a big dps increase.

Using no shock (despite the fact we'll always have a 10 to 20% shock) and having 3 flasks up (atziris - cheap, diamond flask - cheap, lion's roar) gives me 1.1 million (flask) dps with a level 20 ele weakness."

6. I've not yet got one of the new gems! I'm really eager to try them out though!

7. I could try a dread banner for defense. Though I'd maybe just run flesh and stone (I have enough spare mana for that, too).

8. I'll probably add a precision watchers eye in soon as I've amassed some more currency. Just took a video of a corrupted t15 map (with a divine vessel on boss) and had an exalt drop on video :D

9. It's not too bad. I don't notice it that much.

10. I would put blood rage in if I had the socket space. It's a good dps increase for a ~2.5 to 3% net loss (which shouldn't impact us as you said) though we don't benefit from the leech as we don't do any phys damage

Thanks again for the reply - really appreciate stuff like this - I've already tweaked my build now (I'll update the guide soon!)
[3.7] Liggles' Immune Stormwall - crit/block staff cyclone | All content | Budget options
Lemabelle 님이 작성:
I'm considering giving this one a try to toy with melee some this league and I always want to play Scion, even if it rarely gets to be meta.

I noticed something odd in PoB...I loaded up the lv 90 budget version to play with the options and see what I could reasonably expect, because I'll rarely ever have anything resembling perfect gear. I knocked off Infused Channeling to make a 5L and the damage didn't go down at all! I think it might just be an issue with PoB. I haven't looked into that gem interaction. If it is a PoB issue, it seems like you might be missing out on a little DPS boasting power there. Any ideas on that?

Also, cyclone's Area of Effect is not so great. How does this build handle large packs? I guess I'd have to play it to really get a feel for it. I know a lot of people are going crazy trying to stick lots of AoE bonus in for Cyclone wherever they can find it.

I imagine that's an issue with PoB (perhaps it's not updated for cyclone being a channeling skill now?). I've uploaded a video now to section 7.0 which should show the clear in a t15 map. You're right though, cyclone isn't great for huge AoE clear - but I can clear most packs fine (they also tend to shatter from being frozen which is the most satisfying sound ever heh - incidentally shattering mobs also prevents a lot of "on death" things (like corpse explosions), which is another defensive bonus!)
[3.7] Liggles' Immune Stormwall - crit/block staff cyclone | All content | Budget options
Interesting! Might try this out as I've taken Cyclone Champ and Slayer to 90+ (tried Zerker, but didn't care much for it).

BTW section 5 has formatting issues :)
All that and a bag of chips!
Mooginator 님이 작성:
Interesting! Might try this out as I've taken Cyclone Champ and Slayer to 90+ (tried Zerker, but didn't care much for it).

BTW section 5 has formatting issues :)

Ooh let me know what you think - and thanks! I had missed a closing tag :(
[3.7] Liggles' Immune Stormwall - crit/block staff cyclone | All content | Budget options
This build looks great and currently leveling it now. Will there by chance be a mobile-friendly skill tree to view soon?
Da3lan 님이 작성:
This build looks great and currently leveling it now. Will there by chance be a mobile-friendly skill tree to view soon?

Thanks! - And I've been looking for a mobile friendly skilltree for ages myself :(. If and when a site comes up that's mobile friendly I'll move it over. I need to update the leveling trees too properly to be honest, it's just finding the time with work!
[3.7] Liggles' Immune Stormwall - crit/block staff cyclone | All content | Budget options
1. Thank you for this build. Was using your profile as guide and noticed you had IC instead of molten shell in pin. So which would you recommend?

2. There’s spare mana, perhaps another aura/banner?
bielldeviluke 님이 2019. 6. 25. 오후 4:21:17에 마지막으로 편집

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