caladblog 님이 작성:
Any Fossil combination to craft the belt or is the old fashion way of alt spam and regal when %attributes is in?

1000 chaos to get t1/t2 str and t1 attributes
ActiveSlay#7791 님이 2019. 9. 30. 오후 11:55:51에 마지막으로 편집
noice one, following this build as a starter.
thx for all the update
KretenSVK 님이 작성:
what helmet i should use for animate guardian?
It’s buried in the guide, but either use Crown of the Tyrant or a -9 chaos res delv crafted helm for budget.

SodaPop9 님이 작성:
Read the Wiki on consecrated ground. The "Hits against enemies on consecrated ground have 100% increased critical strike chance" is an independent effect of consecrated ground and not from the flask. Therefore, it should affect the minions.
Ah yes, you are correct. I forgot 3.6 added that in as a default to Consecrated Ground. If your goal is simply to generate Consecrated Ground, my recommendation would be to fit Purifying Flame into the build for cast on demand at target location. Consecrated Path would work as well, scaling with attack speed but require you to be in melee range. I’m not sure if the Consecrated Ground would trigger on an evaded attack.

I debated linking PF and a few other spells to Cyclone + CWC, but chose not to due to how long it would take to trigger multiple spells.
HI can anyone explain how do u get third golem?My limit is only 2 with golemancer node.
lateninja#0456 님이 2019. 10. 1. 오전 12:52:24에 마지막으로 편집
lateninja 님이 작성:
HI can anyone explain how do u get third golem?My limit is only 2 with golemancer node.
Use The Anima Stone. Carrion Golem really isn’t that useful though once your mace s crafted though, not really worth going for 3 golems. Your much better off with a jewel with minions have #% to blind/taunt.
caladblog 님이 작성:
Any Fossil combination to craft the belt or is the old fashion way of alt spam and regal when %attributes is in?

Chaos spam only
how can i upgrade my char, feel stuck.
Yavëtîl 님이 작성:
how can i upgrade my char, feel stuck.

where ? aside from high delve and 5way legion you should be good
can anyone post a screen of character defense tab? idealy from HO. I am not sure about my stats, not so tanky as it is supposed to be. Just to be sure i have everything similar to "standard"
KretenSVK 님이 작성:
can anyone post a screen of character defense tab? idealy from HO. I am not sure about my stats, not so tanky as it is supposed to be. Just to be sure i have everything similar to "standard"

Lets see.
Shit weapon ? check
Use femurs 5L, work on macerino
Bad flasks? check
Grab basalt, granite
No zombie 21 ? Buy it and use iin femurs for lvl 25 zombie
3 golems ? lazy, use vaal skele version
Get witcher eye with inc ES recovery (30c)
Check vaal pact version. Its better imo

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