Can someone analyzed my char and build?
let me know where to go next pls
Ok tho I go with annointment and watchers eye chaos res first, why is the brawn jewel bad cause of the 14 reduced int?
DocRoberts 님이 작성:
Impale works only on physical part of the hit. So dread banner doesn't increase dps from spirit offering at all.

upd: I've just checked your character and saw that you're using flesh offering, but still extra as from enchantment will be worse than 8% impale chance and effect.

kay - thanks - so I keep my gems and enchantments.

and ya, I'm on the pure physical train

- increased synergy with impale
- highest dps pob-wise (even if I add manually the unholy might with SO to minions and have no multiplier for new a.brutality gem effect)
- faster mapping (FO minion speed)

I just swap to awakened melee physical instead a.brutality when I play with others who offer ele-dmg-auras.

for bossing: a.meele phys. instead feeding frenzy
this is my gear so far, but my minions are dying constantly ont t10+ maps, i didnt have this problem on king of all summoners build... is there anything im missing?

Fanvacancer 님이 작성:
this is my gear so far, but my minions are dying constantly ont t10+ maps, i didnt have this problem on king of all summoners build... is there anything im missing?

U don't have grave intensions, minions are missing on defences - you're not following the guide, get updated 3.9 version poedb. Also meat shield in helmet can taunt enemies to spectres, who are not supposed to be targeted.
Also string of servitude seems strange while u run purity - though it's not about defences of minions.
Annoint intomitable army temporarily if it's not enough.
Also avoid double-triple damage mods on maps until u get better gear.
I had no problem with similar gear till 16 tier metamorphs.
Also use convovation more if ure not (i'm almost cd spamming it).
If you are missing on resists - drop shaper's touch for now, get high str gloves with res and a nice belt with no % str, just stats, there's lots for 1-5 c.
XpiH#1883 님이 2020. 1. 10. 오전 7:28:47에 마지막으로 편집
I have not yet started collecting builds, saving up currency, could you answer a couple of questions. Do I have a stone, awakened physical damage, it is better to use it or impale? And another question about the soul tether belt, does it make sense to consider it instead of a usual strap? Thanks in advance.
DocRoberts 님이 작성:
I personally don't like impale with this build, because it have ramp-up time and some randomness, despite it's probably still the best dps option for bosses.
Not much randomness. Impale triggers over the next 5 hits from any source against the target after the impale was placed. With all our zombies, Cyclone, and other minions you should be in the ballpark of ~50 hits per second. It only provides a bit of randomness on trash where it doesn’t matter.

samoruk1405 님이 작성:
I have not yet started collecting builds, saving up currency, could you answer a couple of questions. Do I have a stone, awakened physical damage, it is better to use it or impale? And another question about the soul tether belt, does it make sense to consider it instead of a usual strap? Thanks in advance.
“Stone” could refer to several things, please clarify. Awakened Phys is VERY expensive, even for the elite of the elite. Frankly if I could I would go both, but based on your questions I wouldn’t make that kind of investment yet. Soul Tether is viable and will create considerable leech. However, the Cyclone + SO should give you more than enough ES regen, and you loose a lot of strength not crafting a belt.
Aldonés#1294 님이 2020. 1. 10. 오전 7:41:14에 마지막으로 편집
samoruk1405 님이 작성:
I have not yet started collecting builds, saving up currency, could you answer a couple of questions. Do I have a stone, awakened physical damage, it is better to use it or impale? And another question about the soul tether belt, does it make sense to consider it instead of a usual strap? Thanks in advance.

Both impale and melee phys is used in buildm, both needed. If you're short on currency just sell awakened and craft youself a mace +1/fortify mace (took me about 10 ex, may vary on luck).
Soul tether seems overkill, build is tanky enough, though if you prefer - u can lose damage for leech shield. Don't see a point to go this way, belt gives pretty much no stats, stacking str can be a problem.
XpiH#1883 님이 2020. 1. 10. 오전 7:42:50에 마지막으로 편집
Hey i have a question why do you use noch curse?
Stone” could refer to several things, please clarify. Awakened Phys is VERY expensive, even for the elite of the elite. Frankly if I could I would go both, but based on your questions I wouldn’t make that kind of investment yet. Soul Tether is viable and will create considerable leech. However, the Cyclone + SO should give you more than enough ES regen, and you loose a lot of strength not crafting a belt.

awakened Melee Physical Damage Support I already have.I do not know which stone will be better to use
DeathsNine#5517 님이 2020. 1. 10. 오전 8:49:01에 마지막으로 편집

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