samoruk1405 님이 작성:
Stone” could refer to several things, please clarify. Awakened Phys is VERY expensive, even for the elite of the elite. Frankly if I could I would go both, but based on your questions I wouldn’t make that kind of investment yet. Soul Tether is viable and will create considerable leech. However, the Cyclone + SO should give you more than enough ES regen, and you loose a lot of strength not crafting a belt.

awakened Melee Physical Damage Support I already have.I do not know which stone will be better to use

Awakened Melee Physical dmg support is best in slot due to intimidate.
TheRiot90 님이 작성:
Is there a purpose for the silver flask thats in the pob?

Its a good flask for movement, due to the 20% MS and attack speed from onslaught ^^
Zedforce666 님이 작성:
Would u guys keep dread banner enchant in helmet (with dread banner linked to awakened generosity) or change to offering enchant? Just curious is the extra chance from db enchant outperform the raw dps from offering enchant

I'd keep the dreadbanner enchant and make sure that you have generosity on it.
Ferodancer 님이 작성:

Thanks for the guide, I'm a new player myself and enjoying the game A LOT with this build howeever right now I'm confused about jewel placement image and poeplanner url not showing the same passive skill tree, where can I find the skill tree for someone level 92?

That image is only to show the jewel placements ^^
philaiwnl 님이 작성:
Hey i have a question why do you use noch curse?

We use 2 curses, enfeeble on diablolist for AoE Enfeeble and Vulnerability on animate guardian for single target dps boosts
I got a suggestion for the debuff spectre, why not get reanimator from lunaris temple? Has the same enfeeble diabloist does, but also raises zombies, and it also moves MUCH faster than the diabloist does. They also shoot wand attacks as well at things. Someone suggested them to me in game and they are great. I found the diabloist Meh because of how slow they move due to the type of enemy it is. The Reanimator is a humanoid type so they move pretty quick compared.

Really wish I had more gem slots thou, I love SRS+Infernal legion+minion speed. Even in maps it can clear packs with 1 cast of it. I'll never give up my vaal summon skeletons either XD
Siveria#6324 님이 2020. 1. 10. 오전 10:16:01에 마지막으로 편집
WulfKnightz13 님이 작성:
now that i remember i may have killed myself because of that lol. i do not lose anything right leaving at 1 anyways? so i will just put a new level one in and sell off my 20 lol

The only thing you lose from level 20 desecrate is the occasional detonate dead rip :P
Thinking of doing this build instead of my current one since it is pretty similar and gives me way more dps.. but what should i focus to get first?

My current gear is

Currently i have only 1 ex and around 280c~
What can I do about this one? Unable to craft +2 due to prefix already taken. Any way to remove it without starting from scratch again?

auc_martin 님이 작성:
Thinking of doing this build instead of my current one since it is pretty similar and gives me way more dps.. but what should i focus to get first?

My current gear is

Currently i have only 1 ex and around 280c~

Pretty sure if u take into account impale calculations and loosing 7 link fortify u won't get bigger dps numbers (which is vastly overkill already), but maybe shield option will let u easier gearing.
I wouldn't like to loose 6 link cyclone with infused channeling and perma fortify for this.
Also u will probably suffer in clearspeed department and blighted maps, due to low zombie count, not worth it imo.

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